“... But I am obliged to proceed thus, as it would take more than a life-time to write all I have to say in detail; I should only be able to get one fourth of my task done. But though I cannot expend more time, others will come who will write one or more books on each of my lectures”. – Abdruschin, The Grail Message, Lecture 66. “Physical Matter, Ethereal Matter, Emanations …”
The Lord had said that He had many things to tell you, but that HE could not tell you everything. He had promised to send you the Helpers, the Guides who will come to give you other teachings that will open you to other things that HE had not given.
Spiritual Helpers have had the Grace of the Light to be chosen and appointed to help human beings on earth in their lives for their spiritual evolution. There are Spiritual Helpers are in the Beyond, while other Helpers are sent to Earth to act in a physical body..
Like us human beings on earth, the Spiritual Helpers in the Beyond were once on earth, and after their return to the afterlife they were chosen, prepared, and trained to do this mission entrusted to them by the Light to help human beings on earth, in all areas of life for their spiritual evolution.
Numerous are these Helpers in the Beyond in a place called the Headquarters of the Helpers of the Light. Each Helper awaits the Grace of the Light to be assigned to help a human being who is on earth. This work that the Light gives them to help people on earth, is also their mission that the Light entrusts to them with us.. They go wherever the Light sends them to help someone for a given reason.
It was of these Helpers that the Lord spoke when HE said in the Holy Word that He would send help to us human beings. This help is available to all whether or not one has come across and reads the Grail Message. For the Lord is for every human being who opens up to HIM, every human being who leads a life in accordance with the Laws of God. Such a person attracts the FORCE of Light, which helps him or her in all areas of his or her life and for any problem.
In the same way as the Lord is for every human spirit, as well as His Holy Word, so also are all of the Spiritual Helpers who are in the Beyond, who are in contact with human beings, whom they help on earth in their lives and in accomplishing their mission well. They are sent by the Light to help everyone, whether they know of their existence or not.
Human beings on Earth, who have the grace to know Spiritual Helpers, to know of their existence, to communicate with them, they receive these teachings that come from the Eternal One and other great Beings from the Beyond, these teachings that are to help other human beings to know the Laws to lead a life in accordance with the Laws for their well-being and their spiritual evolution.
The Spiritual Helpers are not to be confused with mediums, clairvoyants, healers, fetishes, marabouts etc... all these are at a very low level very close to the earth, Due to this closeness to the earth, they are very limited in what they can feel and see and are they easily influenced by various factors, and they easily make mistakes.
The Helpers in the Beyond, on the other hand, are trained and prepared to help human beings in different ways, either discreetly by intervening in their lives, or by communicating with them through the Channel, who is a person living on Earth whom the Light has found worthy of this mission to allow them to communicate with us.
When a person is in contact with the Helpers, he or she is also in contact with the Light. The person may believe that he or she is communicating only with the Helper without being aware of the presence of other Helpers who are also in contact with him or her, always to help in some way. Helpers always work as a team, even if only one is in communication with the person being helped.
With that said, the Helpers do not often go through the Channel to act. They have their own organization which does not go through the Channel. Their communication with the Channel is through the thought process; they read the thoughts of the Channel. They act so discreetly that not even the Channel can know everything about the action of the Light.
The same work that they do with people who know of them, the Light can send them at any moment to do with another person who does not know of their existence, but who is open to the Light. The help can be more or less quick, for such can depend on many factors that only the Light knows.
So the Spirituals Helpers assist anyone who is open to the Light. They are there for everyone, without exception. What is important and decisive for each person is the opening to the Light. The Light can also act by a miracle act according to its appreciation of the case.
Master John is not a Spiritual Helper. He is one of Twenty-four (24) Principals working to help human beings, but they are not human beings. Though also referred to as Elders, they are not the Elders who are the Judges in the Afterlife. The Principals' intervention is higher, of a deeper level. Learn more…Note: The Spiritual Helpers are not Light Helpers.