Rest In Peace

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Title Information

– Published: July 2021
– Format: QP / 4.25 x 6.5/ 48 pp
– Electronic Formats: eBook/ PDF/ HTML
– Language: English
– Retail Price (Print) USD $5.95
– Retail Price (Electronic): USD $1.97
(HTML version translatable in over 100 languages/dialects.)
THIS TRANSMITTED TEXT FROM JOHN IS FOR YOU … if, knowing that you will die one day, you are motivated to understand death and to no longer fear it. Then, for you, death will no longer be a mystery but welcomed as a constant in the perpetual "cycle of birthing and dying" in your spiritual evolution. There is no peaceful rest after dying, as John explains; however, if you wish for a calm transition to the Afterlife as opposed to the confusion, panic, fear, of a soul is in disarray, learn what should be the most important request component to your "living will", with respect to the observance of dying process.

More about the book

In the the first in the series of Teachings, the Master Teacher John debunks this sedating notion pronounced to departing souls as but wishful thinking that is inconsistent with the Immutable, Just, Perfect, Incorruptible Laws of God, namely the Law of Reciprocity (Karma).…A must read if you wish to learn what should be the most important request component to your "living will", with respect to the observance of dying process.

Other books in the Series of Master John's Teachings

Table of Contents

  • A person who is detached from the body does not rest….
  • Human beings are afraid of death, even though they all know that they will die one day….
  • It is therefore in the interest of human beings to seek the teachings of the Holy Word in order to gain knowledge about the phenomenon of death….
  • A human being who dies does not live in peace, as many of those sad people who are affected by the pain of separation with this being who has just left his or her body lying inanimate or already in the coffin….
  • God is incommensurable love which is at the same time perfect and incorruptible justice. A Justice that is for all, without exception, that gives you in return what you have sown and that you deserve, without possibility of error, whether it be good or bad.
  • Lessons and studies are conducted to understand this birth process from the beginning of pregnancy, the development of the foetus until the baby is born. But how can it be understood that the teachings given on the process of death….
  • Every human being who has just died must detach oneself from his or her body in order to continue his or her journey in the Afterlife.
  • The process of the path of incarnation of a soul that began in the Beyond is materialized on Earth by the entry of the spirit into the body in formation in the womb of the mother who will receive this spirit.
  • There are people who die in a sudden and terrible way and find themselves in a place that is unknown to them, they are lost in a big forest, they need the prayers of intercession that can help them to get out of these horrible places.
  • In the light of the teachings in The Grail Message, which is the truth, the spiritual knowledge transmitted to us about what a human being can expect to experience after death, teaches us of the need to practice true love of neighbour in intercessory prayers to the Light to help the deceased in his or her journey to the Afterlife.
  • People who commit suicide, suicide being against the Law of God, do not detach themselves directly and easily from their bodies. Suicide is a brutal and abrupt act which makes the spirit, which was not prepared to detach itself from this body, find itself in a completely different state.
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