August 23,, 2024

A 10-Part Series of Teachings

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From The Grail Message

The Fifth Commandment:

You must not kill!

Beat your breast, O man, and praise aloud that you are not a murderer! For to kill is to murder, and according to your conviction you have never transgressed the Commandment of the Lord. You can stand proudly before Him and, without fear or anxiety, look forward with hope to the opening of this very page of your book of life.

But have you ever considered that within you there is also the act of killing, and that killing is synonymous with murder?

There is no difference in this. You make the distinction only in your way of expression, your language; for the Commandment does not say one-sidedly: Thou shalt not kill any life on Gross Material life earth! But in a broad and comprehensive way: You must not kill!

For example, a father had a son. The father was driven by a short-sighted earthly ambition that his son should study at all costs. But in this son rested gifts that urged him to do other things, whereby studying would be of no use to him at all. So it was quite natural that the son felt no desire for studying, which had been forced upon him, nor was he able to summon up the strength necessary to do so joyfully. The son was obedient. He laboured to fulfil his father’s will at the expense of his health. For since it was against the son’s nature, against the gifts he carried within him, it was quite natural that the physical body would also suffer. I do not want to follow the case any further here, which is repeated so many times in life on earth that it would go into the hundreds of thousands and even more. But it is irrefutable that the father, through his ambition or stubbornness, tried to kill something in this son that was given to him on earth to develop! In many cases it really succeeds in killing it, since development later in life is hardly possible in that the healthy vital force for it was disrupted in the best years, carelessly wasted on things alien to the boy’s nature.

The father thus severely violated the Commandment: You must not kill! Quite apart from the fact that with his actions he deprived human beings of something that could perhaps be of great benefit to them through the boy! However, he must consider that the boy is or may be spiritually akin to him or to the mother, but nevertheless remains before the Creator a separate individual, who is obliged to develop the gifts he received on earth for his own good. Perhaps, by God’s Grace, he was even granted the opportunity to redeem a heavy karma by inventing something that would be of great benefit to humanity in a certain sense! This guilt of prevention weighs especially heavy on the father or mother who placed their narrow earthly views above the great threads of destiny, and thus abused their power of parenthood.

It is no different when parents are able to let the petty earthly calculations of their intellect prevail in the marriages of their children. How often is a most noble feeling of their child stifled ruthlessly, whereby not only is the child given the worldlessness*, but at the same time unhappiness of the soul, which remains more incisive for the child’s being than all the money and earthly goods.

Of course, parents should not give in to every dream or wish of a child. That would not be fulfilling their parental duty. But the serious examination is required, which must never be one-sidedly earthly! However, it is precisely this selfless examination that is seldom or not at all applied by parents. There are cases of a thousand kinds. It is not necessary for me to speak more about this. Think about it for yourselves, lest you violate this so grave Word of God in the Commandment! Undreamt-of paths will open up for you!

But then there is also the child who can also stifle the parents’ hopes, which is only reasonable! If it does not develop the gifts within itself as is necessary to achieve great things, as soon as the parents have accommodatingly allowed it to choose the path it has asked for. Then, too, it comes to the killing of noble feelings in its parents, and it will have transgressed the commandment in a crude way!

Then too, if a person somehow deceives true friendship, or trust that someone gives him. He kills and thereby injures something in the other that really holds life! It is a violation of God’s Word: You must not kill! Brings him evil fate, which he must resolve.

You see that all Commandments are only the best friends for people, to protect them faithfully from evil and suffering! Therefore love them and respect them as a treasure that brings you only joy! ––
*The state of nature from which one has been forever severed.

A Light Teaching and Stories Given From the Lord–

From Master John

It is useful and necessary for you to have explanations and a spiritual understanding of what is said in this Fifth Commandment in order to lead a life in conformity with God's Laws. You will avoid transgressing it in your life out of ignorance and bringing upon yourself misfortune, the cause of which you do not know.
The interpretation and understanding of this commandment must not be limited to the intellectual, physical and material sense, which only concerns your earthly reality. You are human spirits living on Earth in a physical body. These teachings also have a deeper spiritual meaning that goes far beyond your material and spiritual existence.
During your time on Earth, you have distanced yourselves from the spiritual reality of your lives, believing and building your whole society on limited physical material realities. It is this laziness of spirit, this ignorance of the spiritual life, that is the cause of all the pain in your lives.
The Light, which is Immeasurable Love, always comes to your rescue, helping you in different ways to recognize and understand the reality of the spiritual life, which is the most important, explaining everything to you, giving you answers and solutions to everything and also the true meaning of life.
For this Fifth Commandment, “You must not kill”, the Light that gave this commandment to humanity has several explanations of the concept of killing that go beyond your interpretation and your intellectual, physical and material understanding.
Some people who believe in the clarity of what is said in this sentence: You shall not kill, do not see the importance of other explanations, because for them the understanding is simple and clear that even children, who have reached sufficient maturity to understand things, know what killing is, that it is a crime and that it is not good to kill.
But you can kill in thought, word and deed. In your way of life, you can torment someone to the point of making them sick, and if they are not strong, that torment can lead to death. You have killed.
So there are behaviours and attitudes that deeply wound other people who are prey to worries and cares that will make them sick, and when these people die because of your torments that have made them ill to the point of losing their lives, you have killed them. You can kill a gift, a hope, a talent, etc...

Story 1

While in America, the Lord met an old friend named JONAS, with whom they discussed spiritual teachings.
One day, they were discussing the teachings of the Ten (10) Commandments. Jonah asked the Lord why the Fifth Commandment appeared in the list of commandments, because for him it was clear what was said in that commandment, that everyone understood it and was aware of what was said in that commandment, which said: "You must not kill".
It's simple and understood by everyone, without exception. So why explain it any further?
The Lord looked at Jonah and said to him: Jonah, you have broken this Fifth Commandment several times. Astonished, Jonah turned to the Lord and told Him that he had never killed anyone.
The Lord explained to Jonah the betrayal he had committed by revealing the secret that his friend had entrusted to him because he trusted him. Jonah's friend Peter was putting money aside in another bank because his wife Mary was spending money unnecessarily. Peter did this for the good of his family. He confided his secret to Jonah, and told him that he was doing it to save money that could be used in an emergency.
Jonas went to reveal the secret to Mary, Peter's wife. She was furious with Peter and demanded that he give her the details of this other account, which she emptied of all its contents and spent it on things that were of no use to the family.
The Lord said to Jonah: You have killed the trust that Peter placed in you by revealing his secret. He wanted to help you do the same, to save money, but you betrayed him. Peter, who no longer trusts you, has broken off contact with you, and Mary thought that Peter was deceiving her for some other reason.
Jonas, you have stirred up trouble in Peter's family. And yet Peter spared no effort for the good of his family. He knew that his wife was sensitive about money. She had no sense of thrift. To her, everything that came in had to be spent.
The Lord told Jonah that he must keep the Fifth Commandment. Jonah had tears in his eyes. He asked the Lord how he knew he had betrayed Peter, since it was true. The Lord asked him to ask Peter and the Light for forgiveness for having killed Peter's trust.
After many years together, Mary no longer trusted Peter. When she had found out from Jonah that Peter had opened a bank account and was holding the money without her knowledge, Mary no longer had any love for Peter and they separated after a few years. So Jonah killed Peter.

Story 2

The Lord had met a 10-year-old, German girl called Anna. She talked to HIM about her life with her friend Rosalie, with whom they were always together. Anna had lost her mother and was living with her father. Before she died, her mother had left her a gold bracelet as a memento, which she always wore on her arm.
One day Anna lost her bracelet by accident. Rosalie saw the bracelet fall off. She picked it up, but instead of giving it to her friend Anna, she kept it with her. Anna looked everywhere for her bracelet but couldn't find it. Rosalie even helped Anna look for the bracelet even though she had it with her.
Anna cried many nights, asking her mother to show her where the bracelet was, even if it was in her dreams. Rosalie comforted her friend Anna, who lived with worry, without saying a word. She wouldn’t even eat because of her bracelet. Anna's request for prayer was heard in the Beyond by Helpers.
The next step was to find out how Anna could get back her bracelet, which was in a drawer of a wardrobe in Rosalie's bedroom. The two saw each other often and often spent a lot of time in that room.
One day, Rosalie's mother sent her to her older sister's house to get something. Rosalie used to go alone and would get something from her mother in return.
Anna, for her part, wanted to stay at home and read, but she changed her mind and decided to go and see her friend Rosalie, maybe they could do something else. When she arrived at Rosalie's, DOROTHE, Rosalie's mother, told Anna that Rosalie was gone to visit her older sister. She also added that she would not be back for a good while.
But Anna decided to wait for her. She went to Rosalie's room, as she usually did. She didn’t want to just sit there waiting for Rosalie. She went to find a book in a drawer in Rosalie's wardrobe. She didn't like what she found in that drawer. She opened the other drawer, expecting to find a good book to read; but, to her great surprise, Anna saw in that drawer the bracelet that her mother had left her and that she had been looking for for almost three months. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the bracelet; it was as if she had found her lost mother.
She heard her intuition telling her not to take the bracelet and to wait for her friend Rosalie to come home. She pretended not to have seen it, but at the same time her heart was racing. She decided to do something else and started drawing to pass the time. After a while, Rosalie came home. She was happy to find Anna waiting for her in her room. She entered happily. But Anna was busy drawing, which was strange.
Anna left the room and went to call Rosalie's mother to come into the bedroom where the three of them would gather. As she entered the room, Anna pulled out the drawer of the dresser that contained her bracelet. She lifted it up in front of everyone. Confused and ashamed, Rosalie bowed her head and looked down.
Rosalie's mother became furious with her daughter and told Anna to go home. Anna was delighted to find her bracelet, but she was deeply affected by the behaviour of Rosalie, her childhood best friend. She knew her mother, so how could she take her bracelet and hide it? Why did she do it?
After two days, Rosalie’s mother made her go and apologize to her friend Anna for taking her bracelet.
Rosalie met Anna at a place where they used to sit and get some fresh air. Rosalie began by explaining why she had taken the bracelet. She admitted that she was jealous of Anna, who had a beautiful gold bracelet. When the bracelet fell off and she picked it up, a voice told her to keep it. She herself wanted to give it back to Anna, but, as time passed, she lost her courage and couldn't do it. She thought of all the things she could do with the bracelet, but she didn't have the motivation to do them. One voice even told her to throw the bracelet into the water, but another voice told her not to hurt her best friend Anna.
Rosalie could see that Anna was a little too focused on the bracelet that reminded her of her mother, instead of living her own life. For Rosalie, taking the bracelet away from Anna was a way of helping her to be free, to think about her life and the other things in life. She had no intention of hurting her best friend. Anna cried, Rosalie cried and they hugged each other.
Anna understood why her best friend did what she did. She was jealous that Anna no longer cared about her, and only focussed on her bracelet and her dead mother. She wanted her friend to focus more on her and their relationship, and move on with her life.

Rosalie forgot, or didn't know, that by doing this she had killed the trust with her best friend. She saw only her own interests and not those of the other. They didn't break up, but Anna didn't trust Rosalie like she used to.

Story 3

YVONNE was incarnated on earth in a family of intellectuals, so that her parents could help her pursue her mission that she had not completed in a previous incarnation. Her mother was a teacher and her father a doctor in a large hospital. Yvonne was a servant of the Light on a mission on earth. She grew up in a serene environment and began to read and write at a very young age. She made good progress in her studies and often heard her father telling her mother that he wanted Yvonne to go to university and become a lawyer. Meanwhile, Yvonne envied her father's work helping people in hospital. She dreamed of being a doctor.
But because her father was so imposing, Yvonne obeyed his orders. Deep down, however, she wasn't happy or satisfied with the choice her father had made for her.
Her parents decided that she should continue her studies at a university far away from the family, where Yvonne enrolled to law school. But when she arrived at the university, she was very surprised to see that her name was on the list of students enrolled in medical school.
The university was in a town far way from her family. To save them time and money, Yvonne’s parents decided that she should stay with her cousin who lived near the university, until she finished her studies. She could come home on holidays if she needed to. Her parents supported her financially by sending her money.
Yvonne had an older sister and brother who had left home and were already working. Their parents were busy working. Yvonne was making good progress in her medical studies. Her cousin knew about the change in Yvonne's enrolment from law to medicine. He respected Yvonne's wishes because she was making good progress in her studies. She was the top student at the medical school.
After two years of medical school, Yvonne decided to visit her parents. Her father was waiting for Yvonne to tell him about her law studies.
But much to their surprise, Yvonne told her parents what had happened when she went to university and ended up studying medicine.
Her father was very angry. He told Yvonne that she should change faculty because it was not yet too late, and that if she disappointed him, she should stay with her cousin instead of coming back to him. Her mother disagreed, but accepted the decision.
Back at university, Yvonne told her professor about her father's decision, and that she could not go against his wishes as he was financing her studies. She enrolled in law school. In the evenings, she went to see her professor of medicine and worked with him in the laboratory. In the mornings she went to her law classes. It was not easy, but she respected the wishes of her father, who watched her from afar before paying for her stay and her studies. Her father did not know about her evening classes with Professor Baudouin. Yvonne came back to see her parents from time to time. Her father knew that she was studying law.
After four years of study, she received her law degree. Yvonne asked her father to let her stay on a little longer to continue her studies, and he agreed. Yvonne stayed on to work with Professor Baudouin and obtained a degree in medicine in addition to her law degree.
Professor Baudouin was vice-rector of the university and it was he who awarded her her degree. She did better in medicine than in law. Yvonne did not take the pre-med courses. She didn't study medicine in class like the other students, but went straight to study with Professor Baudouin. She learnt medicine on the job, in the laboratory, and became Professor Baudouin's assistant.
After her studies, Yvonne returned home. She had a law degree and a solid medical education, which she passed with flying colours. Her father had only asked her to study law. Little did he know that his daughter had received an excellent training that would enable her to become a Doctor of Medicine.
Yvonne looked for work as a lawyer, but it wasn't easy. She was often bored at home. She used to help her mother look after the children at school.
One day, she decided to go to the hospital to visit her father.
A middle-class man had been in the hospital for four days with his sick son. The doctors at the hospital didn’t know exactly what the child was suffering from. The boy was there, lying on his bed.
Yvonne asked her father to let her go round to see the patients. Her father simply introduced her as a visitor. When Yvonne reached the boy’s room, her heart began to beat fast. She glanced quickly at the boy's chart so as not to be seen, and looked at him. She heard a voice telling her what she could do to treat him and cure him of his illness. She hurried to her father's office. She asked him about the boy's health. Her father told her that there was no hope for him, because they couldn't see what was making him suffer.
Yvonne told her father that she knew what the child was suffering from and needed to be done to save him. Her father just laughed. But Yvonne didn't want to wait for her father, she wanted to act straight away. She told her father what needed to be done and what illness the child’s illness was.
Her father was taken aback by Yvonne's description and explanation, which could only be given by someone who had studied medicine.
Yvonne looked at her father and told him that she had a degree in medicine. She had studied and worked in Professor Baudouin's laboratory, which was famous throughout the country. Her father let the tears fall from his eyes. Yvonne asked her father if she could take care of the boy and help him.
After two hours of treatment, there was an improvement, a change. Yvonne stayed at the boy's bedside until he took his food, which until then he had eaten through a tube.
Back home, the first thing her parents did was to ask Yvonne for her medical diploma. When her father read what was written on the certificate, he let the tears flow. He asked her how she had managed to combine law and medicine. She replied that it was not her wish to study law, but her father's, and that she herself had never liked what she was doing in law.
She became more involved in medicine. She worked in a large laboratory and had gained a lot of experience and knowledge after all the times had spent learning from Professor Baudouin.
Her father asked her to forgive him for making her do something she didn't want to do.
The next day, her father took Yvonne merits to the hospital to find employment for her.
Yvonne looked after this bourgeois’ son until he was discharged from hospital. Yvonne was employed at the hospital where her father worked. She was also able to help out from time to time as a lawyer. She had a mission of Light by incarnating in this family.
Yvonne had come into this incarnation to continue her mission of helping people as a doctor. Professor Baudouin was Yvonne's father in a previous life. Yvonne's father was about to make a mistake, but fortunately the Helpers and Essential Beings did their job to put things right for Yvonne's mission as a Light Helper incarnated on Earth to help with a spiritual mission.
Yvonne's father almost killed the trust she had placed in the Light before she incarnated on Earth. She had promised to come and continue the mission she had not completed in a previous life.
Listen, help and advise the children who have come into your families to find a good path, but do not force them to do your will. You must not kill them, but teach them to behave well, to lead a life in accordance with God's Laws and Commandments.


Stay tuned for the Message from the Light for the Festival of the Pure Lily scheduled for September 1, 2024..


Suggested Reading From The GRAIL MESSAGE: Appendix: The Ten Commandments

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The Mastermind Group

In the midst of despair, however, helpers in the service of the Grail will begin their task! The great construction begins. No one else is able to bring help to the broken....
Abdruschin, "Submission" – Resonance 1: Vol.20.
The Mastermind Teachings is essentially an invitation to quicken the rhythm of your spiritual evolution. Master John, along with the Helpers in the Beyond, see how people are suffering for lack of this spiritual knowledge which is necessary for them to live well. This lack of knowledge and also ignorance means that we often do not know how to act well in certain situations and in certain problems that come our way in our lives.

Readers of the Grail Message do have the Teachings of the Lord which should help us to act well in any situation that arises in front of us, in our lives. But often the Principals and Spiritual Helpers can see how people do not act on this knowledge when they find themselves in a situation where they have to use their knowledge to get by.

For humanity to begin to grasp and live these never-before-given teachings in their purity so as to act well, therefore, there has be a shift in our mindset, which shapes our backgrounds of interpretation. A reprogramming of our subconscious (awakening) mind*, which in our awakening convictions has so far caused distortions and resulting confusion in the experiencing of many things in our lives.

It is with the joy in seeing our present human spiritual awakening that Master John offers these teachings, to help ALL humanity lift its mindset in the splendour of its pure form, so as to know how to behave rightly in given situations. Teachings that provide answers to questions that can help us in connecting our subconscious mind to its highest knowing: intuitive intelligence. In so doing, we give opening to the Light and no longer to grope in darkness in looking downward to our conscious (reasoning) mind – the lower personal "ego" which, in never coming to the point of experiencing spiritually therefore knows nothing, never truly lives ___
* The ability to think creatively and to understand concepts depend on our awareness factor termed the subconscious mind. It is in the subconscious mind that all our mental processes take place – without consciousness. Every thought we generate immediately takes on a form that embodies the expression that gives meaning of the thought in the subconscious mind. As we conceive a thought, the subconscious mind accepts, affirms, and advances with certainty the suggestion it receives whether the reciprocation is good or bad. As the edifice of order, judgement and reciprocity, therefore, the subconscious mind is responsible for the internal programming that forms our beliefs, memories of experience, judgments and habits; in other words, it forms our mindset.

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