Traditions written by the Scribes were made on the assumption that Jesus, the Son of God, and the Son of Man were one and the same person. All their reports were based on this premise from the start, and thus spread error without wanting to or knowing it.
Though not ill-intentioned, but clearly of the same limited understanding to which Jesus spoke, particularly with His Disciple Matthew, in the eager waiting for a prophetic fulfillment for some 2000 years, the Personalities of the Son of God and the Son of Man has been assumed to be one and the same (Matthew 1: 22-23). "Matthew's connecting of the prophecy of Isaiah with the birth of the Son of God shows all too clearly that in his writings he only lets his own personal opinion speak, that is, he did not remain objective".
But Isaiah announced “Imanuel”, the Son of Man (Isaiah 7:14); the angel announced “Jesus”, the Son of God! (Luke 1: 30). These are clearly two different announcements, which would demand two different fulfillments, which would in turn be brought by two different Personalities.__
Read: "Son of Man and Son of God" – The Grail MessageJesus, The Son of God, announced the Truth to His Disciples. The Spirit of Truth (Holy Spirit), Who was to come, is the Son of Man, Who would guide mankind into all Truth. That Truth, which the Son of Man was to bring, would radiate above all religions, although in each of them parts of Truth were sown, parts of Truth exist.
These parts of Truth that were already sown in each religion would allow that each human being from various religions would be able to find back the path of the Light. That is to say, by going further than was revealed in one's religion, and this by allowing to expand his or her consciousness in a greater manner, in this way one would be able to exit the limitations imposed by each religion.
This is the Mission of IMANUEL, the Son of Man: to guide humanity through
The Grail Message to the Knowledge of the Light, without being cloistered in narrow forms (
"… therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall show it unto you", verse 15).
The Mission of the Son of Man, however, is not about reducing the path to only one path, because all the paths of the religions that human beings take can help us; in fact, all these paths can serve for us as a springboard for a time, until we discover the path of the Truth standing above any religion.
From the moment we human beings use those parts of Truth that are in them and that vibrate in the Truth, it allows us to find the path of the Light in order to live in Its Laws. Such uniform course of spiritual guidance from the Light for mankind on earth also came through great leaders like Krishna, Zoroaster, Lao Tse, Buddha, Mohammed and many more besides.