Ask the Helpers…
The Light allows people to write to the Helpers in the Beyond. The openness to communication with the Helpers is important.

Introduction To The Helpers In the Beyond

The Spiritual Helpers are in the Beyond. They have had the Grace of the Light to be chosen and appointed to help human beings on Earth in their lives for their spiritual evolution. A reader of the Grail Message, which is the Truth, should already be aware of their existence, for the Lord speaks of them that HE will send to help us human beings in our life.

This help extends into all areas of one’s life and for any problem. Numerous are these Helpers in the Beyond, in a place called the Headquarters of the Helpers of the Light. Each Helper awaits the Grace of the Light to be appointed to help a human being who is on Earth. This work, which the Light gives them to help us, is also their mission that the Light entrusts to them with us human beings.

Like us, they were once on Earth, and after their return to the afterlife they were chosen, prepared, and trained to do this mission entrusted to them by the Light to help human beings on earth, in all areas of life for their spiritual evolution.

The Helpers are in the Beyond. When a person is in contact with Helpers, he or she is also in contact with the Light. The person may believe that he or she is communicating only with the Helper without being aware of the presence of other Helpers who are also in contact with him or her, always to help in some way. Helpers always work as a team, even if only one is in communication with the person being helped. The Light does not reveal all that it does.

In the Beyond, they are trained and prepared to help us in different ways, either discreetly by intervening in our lives, or by communicating with us through the Channel who is a person living on Earth and who the Light has found worthy of doing this mission of allowing them to exchange with us through them. Other Helpers are sent to Earth to act in a physical body.

Note: Spiritual Helpers are not Light Helpers.

About the Channel

To be in contact and communication with the Light, a human being needs to be open to the Light in his or her way of life to attract the Light. The Helpers are in contact and communicate with human beings through the Channel chosen by the Light for this mission. The Channel has to be open and pure for the Light to use her to transmit spiritual teachings and guidance to people.

For a human being, to be a Channel of Light on Earth is a Grace from God. The Channel gifts herself to the Light to be used as a bridge to communicate revelations to human beings in order to introduce them to a new knowledge, the purpose of which is to further their spiritual evolution favourably.

The Channel is therefore not a medium, in the common and known sense of the word, nor is a seer. Standing as in prayer in the waking state, the Channel hears inside herself what is given to her from Above and is content to transmit it unaltered without deviating or interpreting anything, so as to keep the purity of the message intact. A true Channel of the Light serves only God and His two Sons; she is a Called One.

How To Use Ask-the-Helpers Service

This service is in no way comparable to that of mediums or clairvoyants who have a very limited vision and at a very low level. The Helpers work in the Light of Truth. Helpers have access to the "Book of Life" where everything can be read on a human spirit, which excludes any possibility of error, and they help a person only with what is useful to him or her and not what pleases the human being.

It is a work that takes time, a lot of research in these voluminous books that are made up of billions of files each containing billions of threads that link each work of each moment of the life of a human being: to each of your thoughts, each of your words, each of your actions of each moment of your whole existence, and not only, of a single earthly life. And we only have one Channel.

Learn more about the “Book of Life” here.
To use the Ask-the-Helper service, please consider the gesture of compensation. If only you could imagine how difficult job it is for the Channel to open up and receive teachings, advice, revelations and information about your life.

The Channel has no other occupation, this is her sole mission: to transmit teachings, revelations, and other SPIRITUAL advice to human beings out of sheer love of neighbour.
Some are incarnated on Earth to be in service to the Light … they will not be destitute or poor, but they should not seek to have material fortune….There are people who have received the Grace of God to have material goods … to help the people who are in need for a certain reason and a good cause”. From Master John: Why Do I Suffer – Part 2, posted December 3, 2021

You understand that this is about your life and that “Ask-the-Helpers” is an invaluable help of God's love for human beings. Therefore, supporting the Channel should not only be a declaration of an expression of gratitude of a monetary value, but more a celebration of an awakening consciousness in recognizing the Spiritual Law of Compensation that: “It is in giving you receive”.
The offer is extended for anyone who cannot make a monetary contribution to send us an email us stating so, and only as long as one does not abuse this service.

Of Light Helpers and Spiritual Helpers

Part of a response from Master John to a question on the Lecture “Man’s Spirit Guide”, Resonances 1:46.
August 3, 2022

There is a great confusion that is fostered by many people who fail to make that necessary and important difference in life between things that are spiritual and those that are of a dark nature. The confusion is greater and more difficult for human beings to detect because darkness only copies what is Light which it hijacks in a very subtle way in the way it uses it for evil by making many believe it is spiritual. Darkness has never created anything. It is the source of all evil.

Demons are creatures of the imagination, of people's thoughts. Demons, dark entities are not creatures of God….

These demons and dark entities are found in the environment of people who are on Earth and who open themselves up to them through their lifestyle. They will always seek to strongly influence the thoughts of these people in order to manipulate them.

It is not only demons that can strongly influence and have a strong hold on people who give them an opening. There are also intelligent Entities who can go very far in their ability to influence people, they are able to establish communication with those people who give them an opening through their lifestyle and whom they will manipulate.

Their ability to influence and hold these people will make these people believe that they have a connection with the spiritual world, with the beings of Light. It is mainly these negative thinking people who attract these demons and dark entities into their lives who will manipulate them, and they believe that they are in communication with Helpers or Spiritual and Light beings in the Beyond.  And yet it is the very intelligent demons and dark entities around them that manipulate them. They have a way of reading people's minds which they can powerfully influence and manipulate.

Demons, dark entities surround people, always trying to influence their thoughts to manipulate them well, to have a strong hold on them and to make them believe in something spiritual.

To be in contact and communication with the Light, a human being needs to be open to the Light in his or her way of life to attract the Light. The Helpers are in contact and communicate with human beings through the Channel chosen by the Light for this mission. The Channel must be open and pure for the Light to use to transmit spiritual teachings and guidance to people.

The Helpers are in the Beyond. When a person is in contact with Helpers, he or she is also in contact with the Light. The person may believe that he or she is communicating only with the Helper without being aware of the presence of other Helpers who are also in contact with him or her, always to help in some way. Helpers always work as a team, even if only one is in communication with the person being helped. The Light does not reveal all that It does….

A Light Helper plays a very important role in people's lives. The Light Helper is the one who activates the natural protection of people at birth. It is the job of the Light Helper at the birth of a baby to activate the natural protection of the baby that has just been born. She is called the Light Helper because she is all covered with a flood of Light.

The Light Helper is in touch with the Spirit of a person for whom he/she also activates his/her intuition. The Light Helper is a Light envoy for the natural protection of people, a protection that encompasses and includes many things. Each person is incarnated on earth with a Light Helper. It is the human beings who, because of their dirtiness, their sins that cover their thoughts, are not receptive to the Light of their Light Helpers which they cannot feel.

The Lord had said that He had many things to tell you, but that HE could not tell you everything. He had promised to send you the Helpers, the Guides who will come to give you other teachings that will open you to other things that HE had not given.

The Lord says of these Helpers and Guides, that they will open you to those things, those details that He had not given that you do not know and that you will discover in the teachings of the Helpers and Guides. Who knew what the Lord was doing in His Life, in His Mission with all those miracles that HE was doing at every moment to help human beings? HE was surrounded by Helpers, Essentials, Guides, Ismaël, and many other servants in the Beyond.

All those around HIM knew nothing of the presence of all these Helpers HE had and the work each one was doing around Him and in His Mission.

The Lord had come to give teachings to human beings, that was His Mission on Earth. The revelations and all other forms of spiritual help to be given to human beings in their various concerns, HE had left this work to the Helpers. This work of the Helpers is to help human beings to better deepen and understand the teachings of the Lord in order to apply them in their lives. HE had given that basic fundamental spiritual knowledge which human beings need to know in their lives and with which they can explain and find an explanation for everything.

The Lord spoke of the Called Ones because HE wanted these servants on mission to be aware of who they are, of their spiritual responsibility, that they are servants of the Light on a mission to help human beings, and that they must always seek to be in the service of the Light in all that they do in their lives.

The Lord knew that the servants on mission have all the necessary and possible help to accomplish their mission. He did not want to speak too much about the Helpers, the Essentials, the Guides who accompany them in their mission so that they would not think and concentrate only on these various Helpers, and forget to activate their own faculties to develop spiritually in order to open themselves to the Light, to the various Helpers and to benefit from their help in the accomplishment of their mission.

The Lord knew that the Helpers would go into the details of what He was giving, details that would help people to better understand the teachings given by the Lord. These details are always in keeping with the teachings given by the Lord. The new is not the negation of the old.

The Lord has not only written what is in the books you have. There are other writings of the Lord that are still hidden from the readers. You also have the various books from Helper that can help you with further explanations of the Helpers.

A Light Helper is not a Spiritual Helper. She differs in her role, her work and her mission with people. She is also an envoy of the Light, but she does not work in the same way as other servants sent on mission.

Distinction Between a Light Helper and a Spiritual Helper

The Spiritual Helper is chosen and sent by the Light at a particular time in your life to help you. A person may be helped by different Spiritual Helpers at different times in their life depending on the spiritual level of their spiritual evolution. Spiritual Helpers are sent to assist human beings in their spiritual evolution.

A Light Helper, on the other hand, is linked to the person he/she has been charged with protecting since birth. He/she does not work with or like other Spiritual Helpers. The Grace of God can be granted to some people to have the same Light Helper in several incarnations on Earth. All is grace for that help which the Light gives to a person.

All that is spiritual around you, in your life, you will not know it, and you cannot intuitively perceive it. [Your] Light Helper respects the process of the Light. He/she is linked to you for your natural protection, he/she is linked to the activities of your life, around you in relation to your spirit. He/she is luminous. He/she connects only with that which is spiritual. The nature of the Light Helper cannot be compared or related to anything else that is not spiritual….

A Light Helper is all luminous. But with the dirt, with the various bad forms of thinking that human beings can have, they cannot perceive a Light Helper. The Light Helper is always in his or her place and is always acts to help, to protect the person he/she protects.

You must not confuse what is related to darkness with what is related to Light. They are two completely different realities, two separate worlds. Some people communicate with Intelligent entities, but they cannot communicate with Light Helpers.

Darkness cannot be linked to the Essentials that act according to the Will of God. You cannot understand certain things on the Spiritual Plane.

As a Human Being, you have a limit of understanding of all that you can grasp in terms of all that help you receive from the Light.

The darkness always rushes in to give some kind of ease to people who are connected with
the other world, in order to attract more people to there.

The Light gives Grace to people, it works in discretion. The main concern of a human being should be to seek rather to evolve, to reflect on what he/she is capable of understanding and putting into practice.

Because of the nature of a Light Helper, which is not like your own, you cannot feel or locate him or her.


The Grail Message In the Light of Truth

ALT text

Lecture 39: "Earthly Possessions"

"… In the most naive, or shall we say more correctly, most impudent way, people assume that these abilities are made available to them free of charge, because they were also given to them from the Spiritual Realm as a special gift to be exercised. It even goes so far that some people still expect a special demonstration of joy when they have “condescended” to avail themselves of help of this kind in great need. Such people must be excluded from all help, even if it were the only one that could still help them! …

But people who are gifted in this way should first learn to value their gift from God more highly themselves, so that pearls are not repeatedly thrown before swine. They need far more physical and psychic strength, as well as time, for serious help than a lawyer needs for his best defence speech, or a doctor for many visits to the sick, or a painter for the creation of a painting. It would never occur to anyone to expect a lawyer, a doctor or a painter to work for free, even though a good faculty of perception, like every other talent, is only a "gift from God", nothing else."
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