If you are requesting prayer for someone else, you must give the person’s name. Without a name, a request cannot be brought before the Light for intervention.
Three Grail Festivals mark the spiritual high points of the servants of the Light who of read the Grail Message, as instituted by Lord Abdruschin.
These are times when the whole of Creation prepares to celebrate in the right way these great Festivals, which are important for all of humanity. On Earth a good preparation begins at least two months before the Festival, with special attention being given to a day before the Festival (Fore-Festival) and the Day after a Festival (Post-Festival). – Master John
On May 30th is the Festival of the Holy Dove, that is, the Day of the Outpouring of Power through the Holy Spirit, otherwise known as Pentecost, which, as a Covenant between the Creator and His creature, is repeated annually for the entire Creation on May 30th.
On September 7th is the Festival of the Pure Lily. Although this Festival is primarily a celebration of the woman in her striving towards Purity, it is not only for women, but also for men and all servants on mission on Earth.
On December 29 is the Festival of the Radiant Star, also called the Festival of the Rose in that the Rose is the symbol of Love. On this day we contemplate with the deepest gratitude the Divine Love Which sent the Son of God Jesus to Earth in order to bring the great Message of Love to humanity.