The birth of a child is a grace from God. That life, therefore, is important to everyone, why then should one deny another soul the opportunity to live, ask Master John. This booklet takes the reader through the joy of birth as well as adoption and infertility to the merciless and excruciating violence against the unborn by means of abortion, as the foetus fights in vain for its survival. An eye opening read, indeed, to learn that even rape, as abhorrent as it is before the Laws of God, do give opportunity to some souls who manage to succeed in their lives, and to others who are servants of the Light to carry out their mission. On the matter of sexual violence: the depth of this teaching will sure be a guide and support for one who lived it to come to that place where one no longer whines about such an experience, but instead seek the deeper meaning for what happened or is happening in ones life. You will come to appreciate why this Principal in the Beyond is called Master John.