April 26, 2024

A 10-Part Series of Teachings

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From The Grail Message

The Second Commandment:

You must not take the Name of the Eternal, Your God, in vain.

The name awakens and gathers the concept in man! Whoever defiles a name and dares to debase it, thereby devalues the concept! Be mindful of this at all times!

But of all the ten commandments, this clear commandment of the Lord is the least respected and therefore the most transgressed. A thousandfold are the kinds of these disrespects. Even if people think that many of these transgressions are quite harmless, only slight sayings, they nevertheless remain transgressions of this distinctly clear commandment! It is precisely these thousandfold, supposedly harmless transgressions that degrade the Holy Name of God, and with it the concept of God, which is always closely connected with the Name, robbing it of its holiness before men, even before children, and defiling its sacredness by making it a commonplace, by reducing it to a common idiom. People do not shy away from making themselves ridiculous in the process. I will not cite one of the many speeches; for the Name is far too high and noble for that! A person needs only to pay attention to it even for one day; he will be dismayed at the vast accumulation of transgressions of the second commandment by people of both sexes, great and small, even down to children, who are scarcely able to form a proper sentence. For as the old sang, so do the young chirp! For this reason, the distortion of God is the first thing that the young learn in the apparently harmless transgression of God's Laws.

But the effect of this is the worst of all transgressions! It has literally spread devastatingly among all mankind, not only among Christians, but also among Mohammedans, Jews and Buddhists; everywhere the same is heard to the point of weariness. What then can the name "God" mean to mankind! It is devalued, is not even respected as the smallest of coins! Much worse than a worn-out piece of garment. And this otherwise so clever human being of the earth thinks it harmless, sins in it more than a hundred times in one day! Where is the contemplation? Where is the slightest stir of feeling? You, too, are completely numbed to it; listen calmly when the holiest of all concepts is thus trampled into the dirt of everyday life! But do not be mistaken! The account of guilt in the afterlife is mercilessly taxed for every one who has sinned in it! And it is not so easy to atone for this, because it has such far-reaching bad consequences, which must be avenged down to the third and fourth generation, if there is not a person in this generation who comes to understand and puts a stop to these evil doings.

Therefore, try to fight the harmful habit in your familiar circles. But, first of all, cut your own karmic threads with all the force that is still in you, so that the debt account does not become larger than it already is. Do not believe in an easy redemption, because up to now you did not think anything wrong of it! The harm is therefore exactly the same! And the sin against the commandment remains unconditionally! You knew it perfectly well. If you did not make a real effort to realize its implications, it is your fault! Therefore, nothing can possibly be reckoned with you! Listen and act, so that you will be able to redeem much while you are still on earth.

Otherwise, the quagmire that awaits you when you enter the beyond is frightening, and obstructs your ascent.

However, it is not only the individual, but also the authorities openly showed their resistance against this commandment and also against the Word of God through many centuries, by forcibly demanding oaths from people, forcibly urging them to transgress, under threat of severe earthly punishments, if they did not comply with the demand. But the punishment in the afterlife is much more severe, and falls on all those who demanded the oath, not on those who had to take it under pressure. Christ also said again expressly, "Let your speech be yea or nay; for that which is above is of evil! “

And yet the authorities had the power to give the decisive weight to the yes or the no, by punishing it in the case of deception in court just as they punished perjury! In doing so, they were able to raise the value of the words in court to that level which they needed for a verdict. It was therefore not necessary to lead people to the transgression of the commandment of God! Now, in return, they will have their judgment in the afterlife. More severe, more rigorous, than their ever mocking interaction. There is no escape from it!

Even worse were the churches and their representatives, who subjected their fellow men to the worst tortures under invocations of God, and finally burned them again under invocations of God, if they had not already been subjected to the torture beforehand. The Roman Emperor Nero, well known to all and notorious for his cruelty, was not so bad in his tortures of Christians, not so condemnable as the Catholic Church with its immense register of sins against the Laws of God! Firstly, he did not murder and torture as much, and secondly, he did not do it under such hypocritical invocations of God, which in this way must rank among the greatest blasphemies possible to be perpetrated by a human being!

It is of no use for these same churches to condemn today that which, alas, was then all too long perpetrated by them; for they did not leave it voluntarily!

And still today it is not much different mutually, only quieter contempt and in a different, more modern form! In this, too, only its form has changed with time, not the living core! And this core alone, which one so gladly conceals, counts before the Judgment of God, never the outer form!

And this present form, only apparently harmless, was born of the same unspeakable arrogance of spirit on the part of the representatives of all the churches, as before. And where there is not the damnable arrogance, there is an empty conceit based on the earthly power of the churches. These vices often enough result in the most adverse animosities, which are still interwoven with earthly calculations of spreading influence, if not even to the point of longing for a great political importance.

And all this with the name "God" on their lips, so that once again I would like to cry out to the Son of God: "By your actions, you have stamped my Father's houses as murder pits in your honour! Servants of the Word of God you call yourselves, but you have become servants of your own arrogance!"

Every Catholic thinks himself far better before God than a Protestant, without there being any reason for it; but every Protestant thinks himself more knowledgeable, more advanced, and therefore nearer to his God than the Catholic! And these are all those who claim to be followers of Christ, to be educated according to His Word.

Fools are both sides, who base themselves on something that does not count at all before God's Will! These all sin far more against the second commandment than the followers of the other religions, for they abuse the Name of God not only in word but in deed, in their whole way of life, even in their so-called "worship".

They give to every thinking and well observing person only a chilling example of forms without content, of empty thinking. It is precisely in their boundless conceit of wanting to make themselves and their surroundings believe that they have a place in heaven ahead of those of other faiths that they most profoundly desecrate the concept of God. The outward appearance of church customs, a baptism, and so many other things, do not do it! The inner man alone is to stand before the Judgment! Mark this, you arrogant ones, to whom it has already been proclaimed that on the Day of Judgment they will parade proudly, with flags and splendid robes, in order joyfully to get their reward. But they never reach the Spiritual Realm at the feet of the Throne of God, because they receive the reward due them before they get there. A breath of ice shall blow them away like chaff that has no value, for they lack pure humility within themselves and true love for their neighbour!

They are, by their ways, the worst abusers of the name "God”, the worst transgressors of the second commandment!

They all served Lucifer, not God! And thereby mocked all God's commandments! From the first to the last! But especially this second one, whose transgression here is the most dark defilement of the concept of God in the name!

Beware of going lightly over the commandment! Pay close attention to yourselves and your surroundings. Remember, if you faithfully obey nine commandments and do not obey one of them, you will be lost in the end. When a commandment is given by God, therein already lies the proof that it must not be taken lightly, that it must be fulfilled in absolute necessity! Otherwise it would never have been given to you.

Do not dare to pray unless you are able to resonate with your whole soul in the words, and beware of presenting thoughtless babblers to your God; for you would thereby be guilty of an abuse of God's name before Him. Consider carefully before you ask Him for anything, whether it is urgently needed! Do not become entangled in formal prayers, which at certain times have become the custom in all religious practices. This is not only abuse, but blasphemy of the Name of God! In joy or distress, a burning feeling without words is worth much more than a thousand word-prayers, even if this feeling lasts only a fraction of a moment. For such feeling is then always genuine, and not hypocrisy! Therefore, never misuse the term God. It is a sacred moment when the spirit of man wants to throw itself before the steps of the Throne of God in supplication or thanksgiving! This must never become habitual chatter! Not even by the servants of a church!

The man who manages to use the name God on all possible and impossible occasions of the day has never had the slightest idea of the concept of God! He is an animal, but not a man! For, as a human spirit, he must have the capacity to feel God's wonders within him, even if it were only once in his earthly life! But this one time alone would be enough to take away from him absolutely all desire for the reckless transgression of the second commandment! He will then eternally feel the need to pronounce the name "God" only kneeling down in the highest purity of his whole inner being!

Who does not have this is far from being worthy even of God's Word, how much less to enter God's Kingdom! How much less to enjoy His blissful nearness! For this reason it is forbidden to make an image of God the Father in the image of men. Every attempt to do so must lead to a pitiful diminution, for neither the spirit of man nor the hand of man is capable of seeing even the smallest part of reality in a visionary way and of capturing it in an earthly way. The greatest work of art in this could only mean profound degradation. One eye alone, in its ineffable brilliance, indicates all. – So sublime is the greatness, incomprehensible to you, which you sum up in the word "God," and which, in reckless presumption, you often venture to use as the most common of empty and thoughtless phrases! You will have to give an account of this action of yours!


Teachings From the Light

– From Master John

The Light gives teachings in which you have these explanations and knowledge that help you to fully understand spiritual teachings, the Word of God, the Laws of God, the Will of God.
The Ten Commandments of God are known to everyone, but the vast majority recite them without really understanding what they convey. Knowing the true meaning of the precious teachings of each of the Ten Commandments given to human beings will help you to get out of the present spiritual and earthly distress, for your earthly well-being and your spiritual evolution.
It is our mission, entrusted to us by the Lord, to help you with these teachings in which you have these true explanations that are missing and that help you to understand certain things in the Word of God so that you can act well and have answers and solutions in many areas of your life.

We aren’t rewriting God's commandments, but helping you to interpret and understand them so that they can help you in your life when you apply them in their true sense. The commandments are advice, warnings from the Light.

The Light speaks directly to you, to anyone who thinks of, speaks of and acts in a way that misuses the name of the Eternal God. It points the finger at anyone who has the habit of abusing the Name of the Eternal God, especially those people who have the bad habit of quoting the precious and Holy Name of God when they have to defend themselves, to explain themselves to convince people that what they are saying is true. These people ignore the warning in the Second Commandment not to take the Name of the Eternal God in vail. But people always and easily misuse the Name of God when they use it lightly in every situation and circumstance in their lives, to defend their cause.
Some people know that they are abusing the Name of God, but they do so without considering the retribution and the consequences of this abuse in their lives. The Name of God has become a formula used to defend oneself, to convince, to be right, to put an end to a doubt, to end a discussion and to gain acceptance, to impose one's opinion, even if it's a lie.
In the Beyond, the Holy Name of God is always respected, and is never uttered at all times as it is on earth. It is not uttered directly as such. It is so SACRED for those who are in the Beyond that they cannot utter it at any time, and in any situation.
The Name of God is so SACRED in the Beyond, and the very few times that HE is mentioned is in the Teachings. The fear of the Lord must be omnipresent in Creation. The Name of God must remain holy.
The name of the Eternal God is misused in many ways. There are people who abuse the name of God in their thoughts. The servants of the Word of God, those who must help people to know the Word of God, must be the first to respect the Word of God, the Name of God by striving to have pure thoughts.
They must respect the commitment and the oath they have taken to serve the Light. But how can we understand that a servant who knows that God is Love can curse a person in the Name of God, without realizing that he is abusing God’s Name, and not respecting God's Will. Servants who do nothing but think the worst of people, their thoughts take shape, act and go so far as to destroy the people targeted in their thoughts. They cast evil spells on these people who will suffer in their lives.
Servants of God have God's Force, but instead of using it for good, they waste it by misusing God's Name, which has force, whenever they think evil of people in God's Name.
Whenever servants act badly, they misuse the Force they receive from God, they also abuse God's trust. Some people misuse God's Name in various ways, even though they know God's Word and the Second Commandment against misusing this precious Name, but they misuse it anyway. The Light condemns such servants of the Word of God.
Servants of the Word of God have a great responsibility before God because they know the Word and the teachings of God. Unfortunately, they are the ones who abuse God's name, they do not behave according to the teachings of the Word of God, they do not live a life in accordance with God’s Word.
When they are accused of having committed an error, a fault or done something wrong, they turn to the Word of God, they use and quote certain passages from the Word of God, to defend themselves and to be right, although they know very well that they are not conducting themselves well before the Light, that they are lying. By acting in this way, they abuse the Name of God, they do not respect the Will of God.
This category of servants that gets defensive by referring to passages in the Word of God, does not want to recognize what they are being accused of and what they have done wrong. They think they are perfect, superior and above others. They lack humility, a very important quality that all true servants of the Word must have, those servants who know that they are not perfect, that they can make mistakes and errors, which they must acknowledge, seek to correct, and for which they must also remember to ask forgiveness.
A true servant of the Word of God must not misuse the Name of God to defend himself, to cover up his faults and mistakes, to silence his critics and to prove himself right, to make people believe that he is right when he knows full well that he is lying.
This is especially true of servants of the Word of God who are proud, arrogant and haughty. They often and always defend themselves by swearing even in the Name of God not to commit or acknowledge the errors and faults of which they are accused.
The true servant of the Word of God must follow the example of humility of the two SONS OF GOD during their mission on earth. THEY were Perfect and Humble.
After worship at a Festival on the Mountain, some participants in the Feast do not leave the Mountain immediately, but gather in groups of two or more people to share and discuss the Word and the Festival they have just celebrated.
Two (2) friends, AUGUST and ALBERT, who have just participated in the Festival, were discussing the Festival ceremony. They were joined by three (3) women, BIRGIT, LUISE and ANGELIKA, who had also just shared and exchanged their experiences of the Festival.
The Lord, who was passing by, felt the need to participate in this sharing. He greeted them all, bowing his head and smiling slightly. They were used to meeting the Lord after the hour of worship at the Festival. They went on sharing their experiences. The Lord remained with them.

Angelika asked the Lord: "Why don't You often speak the Name of God when You talk to people? The Lord, who was smiling, answered Angelika that it was out of respect for God's Will. People must seek to learn and understand spiritual teachings in order to put them into practice in their lives to conform to God's Will.
It is important that human beings always remember that they must venerate and exalt the Name of God, the Creator. His Name must not be uttered all the time, at any time, in any way, for no good reason.
The Lord looked at Angelika and said: "I serve God on earth. My Mission is to pass on the Word of God". With that, the Lord left them to go and see other people who wanted to meet Him.
People want to defend themselves for a simple problem by invoking the Name of God when they are not telling the truth. They lie in the Name of God. They do not know the consequences of this kind of behaviour before the Light. It is mainly people who are not used to telling the truth who defend themselves in the name of God to make people believe that what they are saying is true. Agents of darkness can act in the Name of God to attract more people to themselves. But in reality, there's nothing spiritual about it.
People are not doing God's Will by abusing His Name. They do not see the greatness of God. In the Beyond, people know God's Greatness and God's Holy Name is highly respected. A person who knows he is lying and defends himself in the name of God shows that he lacks the self-confidence to dare to tell the truth. Some people regret not telling the truth, because the swore to defend themselves in the Name of God, even though deep down they know it was wrong. When servants lie in the God’s Name, they know they have sinned.
Some people have got into the bad habit of saying God's Name all the time. They cannot find other appropriate names or words besides the misuse of God's Name. They cannot form a sentence without saying God's Name. They think that the Name of God is appropriate for composing sentences, expressing emotions, and exclaiming, but they abuse the Name of God. Some children start insulting the Name of God from an early age. They often learn it from adults.
Some children grow up lying in the Name of God. They make mistakes, and when parents or adults notice this, the child defends itself in the name of God. Adults need to teach children the lessons of a good upbringing. Children must learn to tell the truth. Children must learn from an early age not to take the Name of God, the Creator, in vain. He is Great.
There are people who preach by constantly quoting what God has done, what God has said. Many of these people have a confused imagination and use God's Name to make people believe what they say with quotes: God told me this, God did this to me, this is the Word of God, God revealed it to me, I was commissioned by God.
These are people who lack self-confidence, they want to attract people to them with these quotes, when deep down they know that it's not God who inspires them in what they say.
There are people, servants who receive messages from the Light. But there is a good way to give messages of Light to people, not in a proud way, to make people believe that you are special to God, and in communication with Him. By behaving that way, people do not see the Greatness of God.
A servant whose mission is to help people by laying his hands on them must have God’s Force. Not everyone can lay hands on people and pray for them. Each servant on mission is called to help people in different ways. Some have the gift of prayer, but that doesn't mean they have to lay hands on people and pray.
Prayer must have force to have an effect on people. Not just anybody will come in the Name of God and lay hands on people. The Name of God has the Force to act, but not everyone can work like that when they pray for people. Many people make a mistake when they pray over people. The demons that were on the person can throw themselves on the one praying to attack him or her, so you have to be careful when you want to pray over people. It's not by saying in the Name of God that you will have the force to pray. There is a process that the Light follows to act when you pray over people. The Light does not intervene with the Force every time you say the Name of God. The person praying must be open to the Light for the Force to work.
Children who are servants on mission on earth have force within them. They can open themselves to the Light and have the force to pray for people. They can say a prayer in God's Name that will help and heal people.
But we often neglect children who can act forcefully in God's Name. When the Lord was still very young, OSCAR ERNST, HE prayed for people. The Force in him worked for the different problems of the people. He prayed for the animals and God's Force worked to help them.
His family did not want to believe in his actions, which were not normal at his age. But the Force of God was working in him. There are children, servants on mission of the Word of God on earth who can be used by the Light to act by His Power for a good cause. Encourage these children who feel the Force welling up within them to act for the good in the Name of God.
The Ten (10) Commandments are teachings, advice and warnings from the Light to human beings to help them not to fall into error, and to evolve according to the Will of God and for their earthly well-being.
In the Beyond, there are JUDGES who are at God's service to help people who come to earth. Images of all the details of the person's life on earth are projected onto giant screens fixed to the wall of the Temple.
Every time people misuse the Name of God, they will see it all projected on these giant screens in the Temple. All the mistakes are clear and visible. Everyone will be punished according to the mistakes they have made during their life on earth.
The commandments give you teachings in the form of advice as to what you should do in accordance with God's Laws, and warnings of the consequences of not doing God's Will in your life, of not taking God's Holy Name in vain in regard to this Second Commandment.
The Holy Name of God is being misused in many ways, even by people who do not believe in God.
Servants of the Word of God, instead of concentrating only on revelations in the Name of God, explain and give to the people these teachings and spiritual advice that should help them in their daily lives for their spiritual evolution and earthly well-being.
People must come to you and be drawn to you by the soul-saving Force of the Word of God. Trust in the true Word of God.
Don't misuse God's Holy Name to attract more people to you. You will reap what you sow, for good or bad. GOD IS FORCE.

The next blog will be on “The Third Commandment”.


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Suggested Reading From The GRAIL MESSAGE: Appendix: The Ten Commandments

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The Mastermind Group

In the midst of despair, however, helpers in the service of the Grail will begin their task! The great construction begins. No one else is able to bring help to the broken....
Abdruschin, "Submission" – Resonance 1: Vol.20.
The Mastermind Teachings is essentially an invitation to quicken the rhythm of your spiritual evolution. Master John, along with the Helpers in the Beyond, see how people are suffering for lack of this spiritual knowledge which is necessary for them to live well. This lack of knowledge and also ignorance means that we often do not know how to act well in certain situations and in certain problems that come our way in our lives.

Readers of the Grail Message do have the Teachings of the Lord which should help us to act well in any situation that arises in front of us, in our lives. But often the Principals and Spiritual Helpers can see how people do not act on this knowledge when they find themselves in a situation where they have to use their knowledge to get by.

For humanity to begin to grasp and live these never-before-given teachings in their purity so as to act well, therefore, there has be a shift in our mindset, which shapes our backgrounds of interpretation. A reprogramming of our subconscious (awakening) mind*, which in our awakening convictions has so far caused distortions and resulting confusion in the experiencing of many things in our lives.

It is with the joy in seeing our present human spiritual awakening that Master John offers these teachings, to help ALL humanity lift its mindset in the splendour of its pure form, so as to know how to behave rightly in given situations. Teachings that provide answers to questions that can help us in connecting our subconscious mind to its highest knowing: intuitive intelligence. In so doing, we give opening to the Light and no longer to grope in darkness in looking downward to our conscious (reasoning) mind – the lower personal "ego" which, in never coming to the point of experiencing spiritually therefore knows nothing, never truly lives ___
* The ability to think creatively and to understand concepts depend on our awareness factor termed the subconscious mind. It is in the subconscious mind that all our mental processes take place – without consciousness. Every thought we generate immediately takes on a form that embodies the expression that gives meaning of the thought in the subconscious mind. As we conceive a thought, the subconscious mind accepts, affirms, and advances with certainty the suggestion it receives whether the reciprocation is good or bad. As the edifice of order, judgement and reciprocity, therefore, the subconscious mind is responsible for the internal programming that forms our beliefs, memories of experience, judgments and habits; in other words, it forms our mindset.

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