December 13, 2024

A 10-Part Series of Teachings

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From The Grail Message

The Seventh Commandment:

You must not steal

The thief is regarded as one of the most despicable of all creatures. A thief is anyone who takes something that belongs to someone else without that person’s consent!

Therein lies the explanation. In order to obey the commandment correctly, a person has nothing more to do than to always clearly distinguish what belongs to others! That’s not difficult, everyone will immediately say to themselves. And with that he has already dismissed it. Certainly, it is not difficult, indeed all ten commandments are basically not difficult to obey, if one only wants to do the right thing. But the condition still remains that one knows them correctly. And many lack
this. In order to comply, have you for once really thought about what is someone else’s property that you are not allowed to take?

This is his money, his jewellery, his clothes, perhaps also his house and farm with cattle and everything that goes with it. But this commandment does not say that it only applies to earthly material goods! There are a set of values that are even more precious! Another person’s property also includes his reputation, his public image, his thoughts, his character, even the trust that he enjoys from others, if not from everyone, at least here and there! Once we have got thus far, then many a soul’s pride will become a little more timid in the face of the commandment. For, ask yourself: Have you never tried, perhaps in good faith, to shake or completely undermine the trust that one person has in another by issuing a warning of caution? In doing so, you have quite literally stolen from the person in whom that trust was placed! Because you have taken it from him! Or you had attempted to do so.

A Light Teaching and Stories –

From Master John

(La transmission en français)

The Light in Its Love always wants to help humans in their spiritual evolution, their well-being for the salvation of their souls and for a better world. We are many servants of God whose mission is to help humans. Some servants are sent on a mission on Earth, and others do their service to help humans on earth from the Beyond where they are. We support each other in fulfilling our mission for God, with absolute respect for God’s Will in all the help we give to human beings, including all the spiritual teachings we give you.

You have at your disposal many spiritual teachings of the Light which should help you to find answers and solutions to many of your concerns, if you understand them in their true sense in accordance with the Will of God and put them into practice in your lives, for your well-being and your spiritual evolution.

Nothing could be easier or more logical to understand this, and that is why we repeat the same teachings with other explanations and details always, as part of our mission to help you understand them according to the Will of God for your own spiritual benefit.

All the teachings and messages of the Light can be understood by anyone who wants to do so and who makes the effort to understand them.

How many people understand and interpret the teachings given in each of the Ten Commandments according to the Will of God and put them into practice in their lives and live according to the Will of God?

It’s part of our mission, entrusted to us by the Light, to help you understand these very important teachings in your lives according to the Will of God for your well-being and your spiritual evolution.

The Lord had said that He had many things to teach mankind but that He could not, because mankind lacked the understanding of the fundamental spiritual teachings that He was giving them, and He has promised others, servants whom He will send on mission to help mankind gain this understanding of the teachings of the Light that they lack in order to live well for their well-being and their spiritual evolution.


Story 1.
The Lord knew HONORE, a servant who worked on the Mountain, a good man who was much appreciated for his generosity, and who helped people with various problems. He told the Lord that he did everything in his life to respect God’s Laws and live a life in accordance with God’s Will on Earth.

The Lord could confide in Honore and ask him to help with certain tasks on the Mountain. Honoré did not work.

He would go and help people who asked him for a favour or help with a job. Honore would do whatever service that was asked of him. He would even go to great lengths to help people who needed his help, but as always, and wherever he could, he always got something out of the service rendered.

Honore didn’t think of himself as one who steals from people. He was content to work well for people, to do what they asked of him to their satisfaction. He would even hand over the rest of the money he was given to make various purchases for the work he had to do. But Honoré didn’t return all the money. He kept some for himself, without telling the owner who he was giving the rest to. He didn’t even think he was stealing people’s money and property.

The Lord knew what Honoré was doing, that he was stealing other people's property and money. The Lord wanted to help him by teaching him.
The Lord sent him to supervise the work that needed to be done on the Mountain, at that place where the rainwater was stagnating and preventing people from passing through. The necessary work had to be done so that the rainwater would flow and not stagnate so that people could pass through comfortably. A sum of money had been set aside for this work. Honoré didn’t want to touch the money.

He bought the materials he needed, but instead of taking everything he had just bought to the Mountain where the work was to be done, Honore took a few sacks of cement from the lot he had bought, and left them at his home where he had some work to do on his plot that needed cement.

The work was well done and the water flowed easily without stagnating and preventing people from passing. Honore went to the Lord’s office to report on the work he had been entrusted with. Honore told the Lord about the purchases and expenses, and that the work was finished.

Honore waited for the Lord to congratulate him on his work, but the Lord remained calm, inclining His gaze and His head towards His table. He asked Honore if he knew the Ten Commandments of God well. Honore replied that he had kept God’s Commandments and Laws. So as not to embarrass him, the Lord asked him to read out loud the Seventh Commandment.

Honore opened the book and began to read the Seventh Commandment. He hadn’t finished when he stopped, his head bowed and tears streaming down his cheeks.

The Lord told him that what he was doing was THEFT. He wasn't keeping God's Seventh Commandment, and even though he was helping people to their satisfaction, he was abusing their trust by taking what belonged to them without their consent, and that’s THEFT. Even if no theft was reported, and the work was fine, the fact that he allowed himself to take something from someone else without the owner’s consent is theft.

Honoré confessed to the Lord that he didn’t fully understand the meaning of the word “steal”. To him, stealing meant taking all the other people’s money without doing anything, but he did his job well and took only a small part of the money or some material goods without knowing or thinking that it was stealing. He worked well and people liked him for his work.

The Lord told Honoré that he was content with people’s approval, thanks and appreciation for doing the work entrusted to him to their satisfaction. These people had no idea that he had taken something from them without their consent. It was a breach of trust for these people who believed him to be sincere. He hid in his heart what he had taken from people who thought he was sincere.

The Lord told Honoré that by acting in this way, by stealing, he was sinning, because every time he acted like this, he was taking something from others, and the Light sees what he is doing wrong without reproaching him.

Honoré told the Lord that he didn’t work and that he did it to have something for himself, to earn a little money for his needs.

The Lord told him that the person who lacks character acts in this way without taking into account the teachings that explain the nature of this way of acting and what can happen to him by abusing people’s trust.

If you have character, you act right. People thanked Honore without realizing what he had done, he who was a servant on a mission on earth to help people, he who stole people’s property. He silently abused the trust placed in him.

The Lord also added that the person who steals is not at peace inside, and that there is not a single person who steals and thinks that it is a good thing, a good deed. The thieves themselves know that they are committing a sin by stealing all that is good from others.

Honoré left the Lord’s office, his eyes red with shame. He had left the Mountain without saying where he was going, because of his lack of character as a servant on a mission to help people, but he was abusing their trust. He thought that the Lord would no longer trust him because He knew what he was doing by stealing people’s property. He decided to leave this environment of Light and live elsewhere. Honoré never stopped asking God for forgiveness for his transgression of the Seventh Commandment.
Story 2.
Marie-Hélène had come to see the Lord on the Mountain with a man called Frank, whom she presented to the Lord as her husband. She had been waiting for this moment to meet with the Lord for three months. She wanted the Lord to bless her and her new husband Frank.

It was with great joy that they entered the office of the Lord. But Marie-Hélène, who knew the Lord for His smile, noticed that HE wasn’t smiling. The Lord asked them to sit down and then to tell Him the reason for their visit, which He already knew from His Guides. Marie-Hélène said that they had come so that He could bless them, because they wanted to live together.

The Lord asked Frank what he did for a living, and he replied that he was an entrepreneur. The Lord told Frank that he was a good, helpful man who helped many people materially, which is the work of a servant on a mission. The Lord told him and revealed that his wife Joselyn was his destiny, the woman of his life, the woman with whom the Light had wanted them to be together, and that he and Joselyn were servants on a mission on Earth to help people.

Frank’s eyes were red as he listened to the Lord’s revelations about his life. Marie-Hélène was calm, furious, only glancing at Frank to see how he was reacting.

The Lord looked at Marie-Hélène and told her that she had stolen someone else’s husband, that she had transgressed God's Seventh Commandment. Frank and Joselyn were souls destined to live together and accomplish God’s mission on Earth. Marie-Hélène stole Joselyn’s husband by seducing and dominating him. Frank didn’t have time to understand what was happening to him and didn’t enjoy being separated from Joselyn and their children ROBERT, BOB AND EVELYNE. He blindly followed Marie-Hélène who seduced and dominated him.

Marie-Hélène also wanted to seduce the Lord to convince Him to bless them, which for her would be irrefutable proof that she wanted to show Frank that their union was accepted and wanted by God, because it had been blessed by a Servant of God, and that for that to happen Franck would have to divorce Joselyn to live with her.

Marie-Hélène had stolen the husband of another woman, whom she dominated and manipulated. Frank had stopped going to the Service of Light because Marie-Hélène prevented him from doing some of the things he did with Joselyn. Frank was a servant on a mission on Earth, so the Lord wanted to help him not to make a big mistake by marrying Marie-Hélène, a woman who seduces and manipulates men to get their material possessions.

This was the second time she has tried to steal another woman’s husband. She had already taken the husband of MARTHA, who had committed suicide after separating from her husband GASPARD, who had died in an accident. It was two years later that Marie-Hélène met Frank, the husband of another woman whom she wanted to steal and separate from his wife, Joselyn.

The Lord continued to ask Frank to return to his wife, Joselyn, who was his destiny. The Light encouraged them to continue to fight and to fulfil their mission to help others materially.

The Lord told Marie-Hélène to repent according to God’s Will. He also revealed to her that she had karma that needed to be redeemed, and that in some of her past lives she had been a prostitute who had separated many men from their destiny souls.

The Lord repeated to Marie-Hélène that she had sinned by trying to take Joselyn's place, by pretending to ignore and forget the revelation that Franck and Joselyn were destined souls.

Marie-Hélène couldn't bear these revelations and began to weep, asking the Lord to help her be a good woman who lived according to God’s Will.

The Lord told her to open herself to the Light and that spiritual teachings could help her to know how to lead a life in accordance with God’s Laws. He could only advise her, but the opening and the change had to come from within her.

The Lord asked Frank and Marie-Hélène not to be together in order to respect God’s Will, and that Frank return to Joselyn and the children, who were also servants of God. Marie-Hélène asked the Lord to let her stay on the Mountain for a while.

Franck returned home. Joselyn and the children were surprised to see Frank, who had just disappeared for a while. He told Joselyn everything that had happened during the meeting with the Lord. Joselyn forgave him.

The concept of theft in God's Seventh Commandment is very broad and is not limited to this explanation and understanding that is familiar to the vast majority of people and which often only concerns material possessions. Many behaviours and actions in the way you live with your neighbours are associated with the concept of theft prohibited by the Seventh Commandment.

There are many ways of stealing that you do not know about: Abusing someone's trust is theft. It is a sin against the Seventh Commandment, as is a lack of character and self-confidence.

A servant who does not respect the Seventh Commandment sins doubly, because although he is aware of the teachings on theft in the Seventh Commandment, he engages in behaviours associated with theft, when his duty and mission is to help people not to steal.

A servant must support other servants on mission instead of envying them and wanting to take their place, which is also STEALING. Servants who serve God must support each other spiritually, but not think of taking the place of others. Material envy must not separate you, stay UNITED.



Suggested Reading From The GRAIL MESSAGE: Appendix: The Ten Commandments

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The Mastermind Group

In the midst of despair, however, helpers in the service of the Grail will begin their task! The great construction begins. No one else is able to bring help to the broken....
Abdruschin, "Submission" – Resonance 1: Vol.20.
The Mastermind Teachings is essentially an invitation to quicken the rhythm of your spiritual evolution. Master John, along with the Helpers in the Beyond, see how people are suffering for lack of this spiritual knowledge which is necessary for them to live well. This lack of knowledge and also ignorance means that we often do not know how to act well in certain situations and in certain problems that come our way in our lives.

Readers of the Grail Message do have the Teachings of the Lord which should help us to act well in any situation that arises in front of us, in our lives. But often the Principals and Spiritual Helpers can see how people do not act on this knowledge when they find themselves in a situation where they have to use their knowledge to get by.

For humanity to begin to grasp and live these never-before-given teachings in their purity so as to act well, therefore, there has be a shift in our mindset, which shapes our backgrounds of interpretation. A reprogramming of our subconscious (awakening) mind*, which in our awakening convictions has so far caused distortions and resulting confusion in the experiencing of many things in our lives.

It is with the joy in seeing our present human spiritual awakening that Master John offers these teachings, to help ALL humanity lift its mindset in the splendour of its pure form, so as to know how to behave rightly in given situations. Teachings that provide answers to questions that can help us in connecting our subconscious mind to its highest knowing: intuitive intelligence. In so doing, we give opening to the Light and no longer to grope in darkness in looking downward to our conscious (reasoning) mind – the lower personal "ego" which, in never coming to the point of experiencing spiritually therefore knows nothing, never truly lives ___
* The ability to think creatively and to understand concepts depend on our awareness factor termed the subconscious mind. It is in the subconscious mind that all our mental processes take place – without consciousness. Every thought we generate immediately takes on a form that embodies the expression that gives meaning of the thought in the subconscious mind. As we conceive a thought, the subconscious mind accepts, affirms, and advances with certainty the suggestion it receives whether the reciprocation is good or bad. As the edifice of order, judgement and reciprocity, therefore, the subconscious mind is responsible for the internal programming that forms our beliefs, memories of experience, judgments and habits; in other words, it forms our mindset.

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