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February 23, 2024

Body Care And Spiritual Evolution.

– From Master John

God gives every human being the grace to incarnate on earth in order to redeem his or her sins for the sake of spiritual evolution and earthly well-being. To do this, the spirit needs a body to incarnate, to be born, to act and to live on earth where it rubs shoulders with other creatures with whom it coexists.

This body, in which the human spirit incarnates, is formed and develops in the womb of the woman, following a process of the Light, until it reaches a certain stage of development in which the spirit, with whom this body has a certain link, will enter it when the time comes until it is born on earth. This moment is normally in the middle of pregnancy.

The spirit cannot incarnate and live on earth without the body, which is indispensable to it and serves as an envelope in which it finds itself and through which it can act, activate and manifest itself on earth, where it must undergo the experiences necessary for its spiritual evolution.

Naturally, spirit needs a healthy body that will work well with it to function effectively on earth. Therefore, human beings must take care of their bodies, which are very important for carrying out their activities on earth. The condition of the body can exert a positive or negative influence on the work and activities of the spirit in its mission on earth for its well-being and spiritual evolution. A healthy body facilitates and promotes the activity of the spirit for its spiritual evolution.

The spirit that comes from the Beyond possesses within itself all the necessary spiritual faculties that it must awaken and activate on earth for its spiritual evolution by leading a life that conforms to the Laws of God through the body that is its instrument in which it finds itself, and through which it acts and manifests itself on earth.

These faculties of the spirit are awakened, activated only by the Force of the Light attracted by the spirit leading a life in conformity with the Laws of God. The spirit in the body is always in motion, which means that the body in which it is found is also in motion, and there is always great activity around this spirit, in this spirit, and even long before its incarnation, and throughout its sojourn on earth.

The spirit is always active and moving, even when it is still in the body of a newborn baby, which it sets in motion. The new-born’s eyes are still a kind of blindfold that does not yet allow it to see clearly in this new environment for the spirit that inhabits it.

The development and evolution of this spirit and its body follow several stages during which the body can undergo transformations according to a process that is in accordance with the Will of God and in relation to the nature of this spirit for the duration of its life in this incarnation where it is on earth.

Several transformations can be observed in this body as it develops and evolves toward physical maturity. Certain things specific to the spirit of this child can be noticed from an early age and in the different stages of its journey on earth for its development and spiritual evolution in relation of the process of the Light that gave the grace to this spirit in this body to incarnate on earth in order to redeem its faults of previous lives to evolve.

The process of incarnation is followed and respected by every spirit that incarnates on earth.

The path of development and evolution of each human spirit on earth is different from that of other human beings.

Experiences of the same things lived and done by several people are lived and done differently by each one of them. But whatever they are, if they conform to God's Laws, they will contribute to the spiritual evolution of each person.

Some children, who are not yet adults, may show signs of exceptional intelligence beyond their age.

People have different body types, which also differentiate them from each other. People from the same family may have malformations in certain parts of their body. Some may be abnormally short or tall compared to normal height and with the rest of the members of the same family.

You know the effect of the Laws of God in the life of the human being, namely that they make each person responsible for each of his thoughts, words and actions, which are his works to which the person will be bound and which will follow him in all his incarnations until he redeems them, in order to be free and begin his evolution.

Some spirits are attracted to the same family for various reasons, including an affinity within that family, which may be a flaw they have in common. However, this does not rule out other people in the same family from being attracted to something different from the rest of the family. In fact, there is another element in the evolutionary process of each person's body.

Spiritual heredity does not come into play, simply because it does not exist.

There are spirits who incarnate and are born in a body with a predisposition to being overweight, a problem they will grow up with and struggle to reduce once they are adults and aware of the consequences of being overweight for their health, their life and their well-being, which can also affect their spiritual evolution. The solution is not easy to find in this struggle to lose excess weight. It is a struggle that can be a source of constant worry and anxiety, and one that takes the joy out of life, with all its consequences for the life and well-being of those who suffer from it.

These people seek help everywhere but none of it brings them good results, which can seriously affect their lives. They have a total lack of self-confidence due to the lack of results in their quest to lose their excess weight. It can become an obsession that interferes with their mental health and activities.

There are many causes of excess weight in humans.

But whatever the cause, it is a serious problem that affects and disrupts a person's physical and mental health, their well-being and, above all, the activities of their spirit, and therefore their spiritual evolution.

Human beings must take care of their bodies so that the spirit within them can have a healthy instrument to help them carry out their spiritual activities as part of their mission on earth.

 Human beings must have the knowledge of the Word that gives them these teachings with explanations that enable them to find the solution and the answer to every question, every problem and every concern in their lives, in order to lead a lifestyle that conforms to God's Laws, to evolve spiritually and for their well-being.

For people who are overweight and have health problems, for which they try in vain to find a solution, this problem may be karma, the consequence of a bad way of taking care of the body, of abusing food in previous incarnations, and which they have to redeem.

Many people incarnate with a karma that makes them lead a different life from others, a karma that they have to redeem during an incarnation on earth. Being overweight not only affects the body, but also the health and well-being of the individual, with all the consequences that disrupt the proper functioning of the mind.

Hence the need for every human being to try to understand the importance of their body and to take care of it, because without the body, the human spirit cannot incarnate and act on earth.

All karma affects, disturbs and hinders all activity of the spirit for its spiritual evolution and the well-being of the person. There are, therefore, things in a person's life that have to do with karma and to which the person can find answers and solutions only if he or she is aware of the spiritual teachings that only the Holy Word can give him or her about the origin of his or her overweight problem that is making life miserable, blocking both his or her well-being and the evolution of his or her spirit.

The evolution of each human being is different from one person to the next and is linked to the karma of each person.

Thanks to the Holy Word, you can understand the origin of those things that torment you, that disturb your life, that may be karmas, and for which you have no understanding or explanation for a solution and an answer.

In the Holy Word of Light, you have these teachings for a solution and an answer to everything in accordance with the Will of God.

You know very well the highly important role of your body, a precious possession given to you by the Creator, and the need to maintain it well and take care of it. The spirit needs a healthy body to be able to carry out its activities in its mission on earth. Several factors can hinder the proper functioning of the body, making it ill, and this will also affect the proper functioning of the activities of the spirit around the body, in the body.

The lack of very useful knowledge on the part of human beings about the place and role of the body in their lives in relation to the spirit leads them to be negligent in the care and maintenance of the body.

The servant of the Light on mission must think about his body, take good care of it and look after it so that it is in good health to help him fulfil his mission. He must avoid subjecting it to unnatural demands and constraints, depriving it of deserved rest that can affect its health in the long term and make it ill, yet he thinks he is evolving spiritually by imposing deprivations on his body and abusing or neglecting everything that goes into its nourishment and maintenance.

The servant thinks he is evolving spiritually by doing this, when in fact he is destroying his body. You don't take care of the body by mistreating it, by depriving it of rest when it deserves it, of food, water and even the medicines it needs, for one reason or another, to function properly. Hence the false habit of thinking that praying for whole days without eating or drinking is spiritually edifying. No.

Don't confuse or copy, in this present life, certain things that were done in the past by trying to apply them to the realities of life today, which are not the same.

Abraham lived a long life. Abraham's spiritual evolution enabled him to do many things that today's servants cannot do. The evolution of Abraham's body is not comparable to the servants of today. Time passes and things evolve and change too. The life that people led before and after Jesus is not comparable to life today. The world has changed, there are changes and transformations everywhere, and people's lifestyles have also changed.

Abraham lived a long life always serving God. But some people reach a certain age and can no longer serve God because their health doesn’t allow them to. They don't even think about their spiritual evolution, and always give as their reason that their health doesn't allow them to do what the Light requires of them.

Abraham served the Light until a very old age. He was tired, but gave teachings and advice to those around him, his children and grandchildren. The mission of the Light only ends when the servants detach themselves from their bodies, when they can no longer live in that physical body for whatever reason.

Abraham ate a lot of fruit and caterpillars. He preferred to eat poultry. Only at ceremonies attended by large numbers of people would he eat a little lamb, but with a lot of fruit. He wasn't very sick and if he was, he cured himself with plants, herbs and water. He had an altar in every house when he moved. He would leave bottles of water there and drank from them when he needed water. He cured himself of bodily ailments with clay, which he placed on the altar.

When Abraham went to the mountain to talk to God, he took the clay and sand that were there and mixed them with holy water to heal certain pains in his body. He also healed his family and others who needed help with the clay he took from the holy place on the mountain.

The servants of that time looked after themselves. Not everything they did is written in the Bible. Mary, Jesus’ mother, was a nurse. She treated people with herbs, clay and natural products. She listened to the advice of a nurse from beyond, EMMANUELLE, who helped her to mix herbs, plants and natural products to heal people. From the time she had been visited by an Angel, Mary, the mother of Jesus, was surrounded by several Essential Beings who had helped her to find the plants, herbs and products that she mixed to heal people. At that time, medicine was not very developed, but people had spiritual knowledge that helped them to have natural medicines to heal themselves. People lived long lives because they took good care of their bodies.

In today's world, body care abuses are prevalent in all areas and in different ways, whether it's a question of food or body maintenance. These abuses are widespread, even encouraged and considered normal in the name of evolution, when in fact the opposite is true.

All an alcoholic thinks about is drinking. Someone who becomes an alcoholic doesn't see the damage he is doing to his body. He may not eat, but he doesn’t stop drinking.

He becomes so dependent on alcohol, which becomes his main preoccupation in life, that he can't forget or go a single day without drinking, otherwise he feels very ill and sick.

He doesn't think about anything else in his life, he doesn't care about his personal hygiene and even forgets to wash and change his clothes that can give off an odour and can bother those around him, without him really realizing it. He knows that he can damage his lungs, kidneys and other organs, but he ignores this when he drinks. The effects of alcohol on an alcoholic's body and organism are such that the brain's faculties may be seriously impaired and not function as they would in a normal body.

Alcoholics do not think about their spiritual evolution when they drink. One does not attract a good vibration by this way of life, which is not appreciated by those around him or her.

Alcoholism is a defect that destroys the body, which is in itself contrary to God's Will, and is not conducive to the evolution of the human spirit.

Take care of this precious gift, the body, in which you have had the grace of God to incarnate on earth for a new life in order to make amends for your faults and to be able to evolve spiritually.

When you take care of your body, when you respect it as a precious possession of prime importance that you have received from God, when it has a good vibration, the spirit that is in your body will be able to carry out its activities well in its mission on earth. You're calm and you can think about what's important for your life and your spiritual evolution.


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Suggested Reading From The GRAIL MESSAGE: Lecture 6: Fate
People talk about deserved and undeserved fate, reward and punishment, retribution and karma. All these are only partial names of a Law resting in Creation: the Law of Reciprocal Action! …Simple and plain, yet so aptly, the great bringer of truth, Christ Jesus, has already said it, “What a man sows, that shall he reap!”

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Narrative 18, Vol. 2 – To Heal Myself, I prayed for the Light Force to Turn Water Into Medicine
I had an appointment with a German woman to give her the teachings she needed to help her with her many problems. Suddenly I felt so ill that I could not even stand up. This appointment was very important to me as it was my Mission and the work I valued most. The help I could give to this woman through my teachings would not only be limited to her, but also to her family and acquaintances.
Get your copy today.…

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The Mastermind Group

In the midst of despair, however, helpers in the service of the Grail will begin their task! The great construction begins. No one else is able to bring help to the broken....
Abdruschin, "Submission" – Resonance 1: Vol.20.
The Mastermind Teachings is essentially an invitation to quicken the rhythm of your spiritual evolution. Master John, along with the Helpers in the Beyond, see how people are suffering for lack of this spiritual knowledge which is necessary for them to live well. This lack of knowledge and also ignorance means that we often do not know how to act well in certain situations and in certain problems that come our way in our lives.

Readers of the Grail Message do have the Teachings of the Lord which should help us to act well in any situation that arises in front of us, in our lives. But often the Principals and Spiritual Helpers can see how people do not act on this knowledge when they find themselves in a situation where they have to use their knowledge to get by.

For humanity to begin to grasp and live these never-before-given teachings in their purity so as to act well, therefore, there has be a shift in our mindset, which shapes our backgrounds of interpretation. A reprogramming of our subconscious (awakening) mind*, which in our awakening convictions has so far caused distortions and resulting confusion in the experiencing of many things in our lives.

It is with the joy in seeing our present human spiritual awakening that Master John offers these teachings, to help ALL humanity lift its mindset in the splendour of its pure form, so as to know how to behave rightly in given situations. Teachings that provide answers to questions that can help us in connecting our subconscious mind to its highest knowing: intuitive intelligence. In so doing, we give opening to the Light and no longer to grope in darkness in looking downward to our conscious (reasoning) mind – the lower personal "ego" which, in never coming to the point of experiencing spiritually therefore knows nothing, never truly lives ___
* The ability to think creatively and to understand concepts depend on our awareness factor termed the subconscious mind. It is in the subconscious mind that all our mental processes take place – without consciousness. Every thought we generate immediately takes on a form that embodies the expression that gives meaning of the thought in the subconscious mind. As we conceive a thought, the subconscious mind accepts, affirms, and advances with certainty the suggestion it receives whether the reciprocation is good or bad. As the edifice of order, judgement and reciprocity, therefore, the subconscious mind is responsible for the internal programming that forms our beliefs, memories of experience, judgments and habits; in other words, it forms our mindset.

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