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January 26, 2024

Two Stories Of Georges And Benjamin

A teaching about the lack of true love of neighbour and the phenomenon of reincarnation.

– From Master John

Georges was incarnated on earth in 1874 in Germany into a wealthy family. His father was an officer in the German Army and his mother was a nurse. There were four (4) children in his family: two (2) boys, HANS and GEORGE, and two (2) girls, MARIA and MARTHA. For several decades, the family lived in an all-German environment. They didn't even mix with other Europeans where they lived. They would only say hello to each other and that was it, but they really didn't even socialize with those people they often met.
Even at events, parties and neighbourhood gatherings, did Georges' family did not mix with the others. They liked to keep to themselves. They were detached from the reality of certain things. Their friends were all German.
Hans grew up in this environment until he married and left the family home to live alone with his wife Bertha. He continued this behaviour, this upbringing and this character of valuing only Germans but not other races. He gave the same upbringing to his children, forbidding them to associate with and appreciate other races by sending them messages of hatred.
As for George, he didn't want to rush into marriage, but rather to continue and finish his studies to get a good job before starting a family. His father agreed with him. Georges decided to study medicine. The faculty of medicine was at a university a long way from where Georges lived with his parents. His parents decided that he should stay at the university to save on travel costs.
Georges arrived at the university where he found a great diversity of people. There were a lot of Germans, but also people of foreign origin and a few blacks. It was a discovery for him to see that there were other people of different colours than the Germans studying at the university.
At that stage of his training, it was difficult for Georges to stay close to people of various skin colours, even when he entered the auditorium, he chose a place to sit. He didn't even look at people of another race. But as time went on and he had to attend classes in the auditorium with the same people he didn't like, he began to get used to them and to put up with seeing them.
Every time George went home to see his parents, he told them what he had seen at university. His father told him to stand firm in his decision not to mix and not to like people of other races.
 He told him that people of different races, especially black people, were not created by God's Will. They should not exist on earth. Georges learned to be racist from his father. His mother only told him that she didn't touch strangers at work. They were strict with Georges to make him respect their decision.
At university, Georges met THOMAS, who would become his friend. Thomas had been a member of a racist group for two years while at university, where other students like himself were members of the group. They joined their group outside the university where they carried out racist activities. Georges also became a member of this group of racist Germans who did horrible things, attacking people with racist and abusive language, insulting them, degrading them and humiliating them with racist remarks. Sometimes they even resorted to violence.
Georges' parents liked this and encouraged him to be with these racists. Georges became more racist because of some of the things he did when he was alone.
Georges graduated from university and went looking for a job, returning from time to time to attend racist events. He eventually found a job in a city far from his parents, where he could also meet his racist friends.
Because of his work, Georges didn't have enough free time to go to these activities, but deep down he kept the same attitude of disliking other races that he met and saw around him.
The company Georges worked for was one of the subsidiaries of a large American company that had operations all over the world. Workers could be transferred to other companies in other countries.
Georges had gained a lot of experience after working for the company for several years. He was assigned to the company in America for three years to study what needed to be done to improve his work.
The day George arrived in America, he was surprised to see so many black people and didn't want to do anything in the presence of black people. He even refused to sit in a chair where a black person had just sat. Sometimes he would change ticket booths and only buy tickets in the one where the clerk was white. It was impossible for George to live well in America when he saw all those blacks and all those other races.
In the job he did, Georges worked more with the white Americans, with whom he could also chat. It was the only time he was happy.
He could stay locked up in his office and for a black female servant to finish cleaning and dusting the desks. George was only happy and at peace when he was in his flat in America. Once outside, his face was tight and angry at seeing all the people of other races walking past and by his side. He didn't respond to greetings from people of other races. He would leave the place where he wasn't comfortable.
Georges was happy to return to Germany after his stay in America.
After working for the company for several years, he married a German woman, GEORGINA, and they had two children, Frank and Maria. The war and the unrest of the time caused serious operational problems in these companies, which were subsidiaries of parent companies based abroad. There was no work and the workers were forced into unemployment.
George was also affected by this situation, and decided to return to the town where his family lived, although though his parents were already dead, but his brother Hans and his sisters Maria and Martha were still there.
His brother Hans had taken over the management of his father's plantation, which employed several workers, all German or Austrian, without a single foreigner or person of another race. Georges also worked on the plantation. He had suffered from a heart condition since childhood and was often ill.
Georges became ill and was hospitalized for heart surgery. At that time, medicine was not as advanced and developed as it is today. A minor error made by one of the doctors during the operation led to Georges' death at the age of 62.
After his passage and experiences in the afterlife, Georges had the Grace of God to be reincarnated on earth to make amends for his faults, in order to evolve spiritually.
Benjamin was born into a poor family in Benin. His father was a fisherman and game hunter and his mother was a housewife. The family had ten (10) children who did not attend school. The girls worked on various plantations owned by wealthy men.
The boys worked with their father to earn enough to feed the family. They sold fish or game to buy clothes and meet the family's other needs.
At the age of eleven, Benjamin began working for a French bourgeois who needed labourers to do some work around his house and for himself. He only hired workers from poor families because the wages were not very high. Benjamin was happy to have been chosen to work for a white man.
When he arrived at the home of the French bourgeoisie, he found other children of his own age and even younger, already working in the bourgeoisie's big, spacious house.
All the servants were boys in uniform. Benjamin met a white man who gave him instructions on how to work.

After a few days' work, Benjamin realized that it was difficult for him, that he couldn't do certain things. But before he left his family for this white man, his parents, who couldn't read, had signed a contract without knowing what it said. In that contract, it was written that these children would stay with their employer ten (10) years without returning to their family during those 10 years, which is the duration of the contract for this work. Some parents who could read refused to give their children to the Frenchman, but those who could not read signed without knowing or understanding the content of the contract and what could happen if they gave their children to the Frenchman for 10 years.
Benjamin asks to go back to his parents because he doesn't feel up to the job, which he found hard and difficult. The Frenchman told him that it's a quite a journey and that he won't be able to return to his parents for another 10 years.
Benjamin went through the ordeal of working in this residence.
The children work like animals, without rest, with less sleep and more work. Benjamin had already lost weight in the first month, before he got used to the hard work for a child his age. All the supervisors at the residence were white. The children were even beaten if they didn't do their work properly.
One day, when Benjamin was late for work, the Frenchman went to where Benjamin was sleeping and yelled at him: "Nigger, wake up for work! "Nigger, wake up for work! Benjamin didn't understand or know the meaning of the word "Nigger". He went to ask the other children who had been there for a long time and they told him that it was a negative term for black people. Benjamin was saddened and very touched to learn this. He saw that the white people kept to themselves and lived a good life compared to them, who slept and ate in animal-like conditions. He wondered why they acted this way, mistreating other human beings of blood and flesh like themselves. He wondered and did not understand why there were people in the world who hated other people because they were of a different race, with a different colour of skin from their own.
One day, a supervisor, the mean one, told the children that they should be treated this way because they were of an inferior race. The supervisor said hurtful things to Benjamin, who cried even at nights and wanted to go home to his parents, but he couldn't because of the contract his parents had signed, which obligated him to stay and work for the white man for 10 years without returning to his parents.
Benjamin thought of and wondered what could convince these racist people to change and start loving black people, who are human beings like themselves, to change their bad way of seeing, considering and treating black people, whom they consider to be an inferior race. At the same time, he wondered what gave them this unhealthy, racist idea of not loving black people and other races, of mistreating other races, and whether it's normal not to love your neighbour.
Benjamin worked for this Frenchman for 10 years, respecting the terms of the contract. He worked in the same degrading conditions, much like slavery. He arrived at the age of 11 and left at the age of 21, having become a man.
When he returned to his parents' village, he found only his mother, his father had already died. Some of his brothers and sisters were already married. His mother had contracted leprosy and lived isolated in the house to prevent others from becoming infected.
Benjamin didn't want to talk about his ten years of suffering in that French residence. But he has learnt a lot about life: There are people who hate others because of their race. These are the people who lack love for their fellow man. He experienced and suffered this racial hatred himself in the bourgeois French residence where he worked, being mistreated and insulted as a nigger, an inferior race.
Back in his parents' village, he set up a carpentry workshop using traditional tools. He went into the forest to cut down trees, which his younger brothers worked and sold. This was how he earned his living.
Their mother died of leprosy, the disease she had suffered from for a long time.
The village chief demanded that the house where his mother lived and had isolated herself be burn down to prevent contamination in the village. Benjamin lived in the big house with his two (2) brothers and they agreed to burn the house.
After their mother's funeral, they moved into a new house. Benjamin married one of the daughters of the chief of the village of Sahara. He always told his wife that nothing is greater than the love of God. He had a son named MATHIEU, after the son of the Frenchman who had been good to them. He taught his son to love everyone without exception, that there is no inferior race and that everyone must be respected.
Benjamin shared his possessions with those who needed his help. He lived in love and harmony with people. He told his brothers that he wanted to correct the bad behaviour of the racist whites who had come to Benin and Africa to mistreat the blacks. His brothers told him that they had to get God to bring justice to these racists who do not respect God's Will.
Benjamin was Georges who was reincarnated in Africa, in Benin, as a black man.
Benjamin was called Georges, a racist white German, in a previous incarnation in Germany. 
After this incarnation in Germany, he had the Grace of the Light to be reincarnated on earth, this time in Africa, in Benin, as a black man named Benjamin.
During his life on earth in Germany, Georges (Benjamin) and his family had the fault of being racists, of lacking love of neighbour. They were racists, they disliked and hated other races. His family, himself and their friends said that black people were inferior beings who had not been created by God's Will.
God's Love, in the action of His Just, Perfect and Incorruptible Laws, acted on this spirit called Georges, a racist white German, so that he was later reincarnated in Benin, Africa, in the form of a black man called Benjamin.
God's Love gave him the grace to be reincarnated on earth in an environment where the conditions were right for him to become aware of his racist sin, a serious sin of lack of love, and its devastating negative consequences in the life of a human being. For this, he needed a concrete experience.   
When he was reincarnated in Benin, Africa, as Benjamin, a black man, he was subjected in his life to racist acts by racist white Frenchmen who worked in the residence of this French bourgeois where he himself worked with other black people in harsh and difficult conditions reserved only for black people considered inferior.
He had to endure all kinds of insults and humiliating, degrading remarks that affected him and made his heart ache, simply because he was of a different race from the French bourgeois for whom he worked in conditions akin to slavery.
There is one exception to the French bourgeoise: his son Mathieu.  He is the only white man who loves Benjamin and has become his friend.
In this reincarnation of Georges in Benin, Africa, like Benjamin, Mathieu, the white son of the French bourgeoisie, is the reincarnation of Georges' friend Thomas, who met him at university and introduced him to the group of racists.
He became French, son of the French bourgeoise.
It was he, Mathieu, who saved Benjamin from many things that could have led to his death, as was the case with several other children who died without their parents' knowledge. Mathieu saved Benjamin from many dangers.
Georges was reincarnated as Benjamin in Benin. Thomas was reincarnated in France as Mathieu, the son of the French bourgeois.
These two stories teach many valuable lessons about the process of incarnation and, above all, the need to cultivate true love of neighbour in your life for your own well-being and spiritual evolution.
God is Love, and His ways are unfathomable.  You must cultivate and have a true love of neighbour for everyone without exception, because you know anything about the relationships in past incarnations that you can have with the people around you, your parents, your family, your friends, or some of those people that you meet in certain circumstances and towards whom you can feel a certain feeling that you cannot explain to yourself.
Cultivate a true love of neighbour in your life.


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Suggested Reading From The GRAIL MESSAGE: Lecture 6: Fate

People talk about deserved and undeserved fate, reward and punishment, retribution and karma. All these are only partial names of a Law resting in Creation: the Law of Reciprocal Action! …Simple and plain, yet so aptly, the great bringer of truth, Christ Jesus, has already said it, “What a man sows, that shall he reap!”

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The Mastermind Group

In the midst of despair, however, helpers in the service of the Grail will begin their task! The great construction begins. No one else is able to bring help to the broken....
Abdruschin, "Submission" – Resonance 1: Vol.20.
The Mastermind Teachings is essentially an invitation to quicken the rhythm of your spiritual evolution. Master John, along with the Helpers in the Beyond, see how people are suffering for lack of this spiritual knowledge which is necessary for them to live well. This lack of knowledge and also ignorance means that we often do not know how to act well in certain situations and in certain problems that come our way in our lives.

Readers of the Grail Message do have the Teachings of the Lord which should help us to act well in any situation that arises in front of us, in our lives. But often the Principals and Spiritual Helpers can see how people do not act on this knowledge when they find themselves in a situation where they have to use their knowledge to get by.

For humanity to begin to grasp and live these never-before-given teachings in their purity so as to act well, therefore, there has be a shift in our mindset, which shapes our backgrounds of interpretation. A reprogramming of our subconscious (awakening) mind*, which in our awakening convictions has so far caused distortions and resulting confusion in the experiencing of many things in our lives.

It is with the joy in seeing our present human spiritual awakening that Master John offers these teachings, to help ALL humanity lift its mindset in the splendour of its pure form, so as to know how to behave rightly in given situations. Teachings that provide answers to questions that can help us in connecting our subconscious mind to its highest knowing: intuitive intelligence. In so doing, we give opening to the Light and no longer to grope in darkness in looking downward to our conscious (reasoning) mind – the lower personal "ego" which, in never coming to the point of experiencing spiritually therefore knows nothing, never truly lives ___
* The ability to think creatively and to understand concepts depend on our awareness factor termed the subconscious mind. It is in the subconscious mind that all our mental processes take place – without consciousness. Every thought we generate immediately takes on a form that embodies the expression that gives meaning of the thought in the subconscious mind. As we conceive a thought, the subconscious mind accepts, affirms, and advances with certainty the suggestion it receives whether the reciprocation is good or bad. As the edifice of order, judgement and reciprocity, therefore, the subconscious mind is responsible for the internal programming that forms our beliefs, memories of experience, judgments and habits; in other words, it forms our mindset.

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