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July 28, 2023

Called One, Envoy, Servant

– From Master John

 The Light sends many people to earth to serve God. These people are distinguished from others by the Force that accompanies them in life to do their work well in the service of God.
Among those who have had the Grace of God to incarnate on earth, some incarnate to undo the ties of their past incarnations. They are not on earth for a mission of Light.
God chooses people who are to be accompanied by the Force of Light and sent to Earth on a mission of Light to help others.
The Grace of God is given to each person who incarnates on earth, but not everyone is on earth to accomplish a mission of Light. Each person who incarnates on Earth is here for a reason that he or she can know.
Every human being living on Earth must always think, at every moment of one’s earthly life, of fulfilling the Will of God, which is the set of His Just, Perfect and Incorruptible Laws, for their well-being and spiritual evolution.
Every human being must respect God's Laws, which govern the whole of Creation, and it's not by chance that you are where you are on earth. It is your duty to seek to know the reason for your existence on earth. In everything the Light does, there is always an explanation.

Called One

JESUS, the Son of God, was sent by God to incarnate on earth in order to accomplish a Mission of Light. God, in His Love, had chosen and sent servants to help Jesus accomplish His mission of Light on Earth. Some servants were incarnated on Earth before Jesus, to prepare the ground, and others when Jesus was on earth.
Of these servants chosen and sent to incarnate on Earth to help Jesus, some failed in their mission, others made Jesus' mission very difficult. Still others, who were supposed to help Jesus in His mission, even became enemies of the True Word of Jesus. They fought against Jesus until He left the earth.
ABDRUSCHIN, the Son of Man had a Mission of Light on Earth. The servants who were to accompany Him on His Mission on Earth were chosen several years before He came to Earth.
Some had preceded Him on Earth many years before His incarnation on Earth in a Mission to prepare for the coming of the Son of Man.
All these servants had received teachings to help them in this Mission of Light, and many knew that their mission was to help the Lord in His Mission on Earth.  But once on Earth, they did not respect the Will of God and the teachings had received in the Beyond; they followed another path that was not of the Light.
The Lord Himself had warned the servants He met on Earth that their mission was to serve the Light, but how many of them listened to Him and respected their oath to serve the Light?
Some of these servants chosen to help the Lord, were at the Mountain where they met the Lord, but they did nothing to follow the advice and warnings to follow the path of the Light to accomplish their mission, instead they moved away from the Lord.
When the Lord said that the mission of the Light was not easy to accomplish, this also concerned the servants of the Light who recognized themselves as servants on a mission, but who did not respect their oath and stayed close to the Lord to help Him. They disappeared as they came.
For every great mission of Light on Earth, God always sends great servants with a great mission. These great servants are accompanied by other servants who are to help them in their mission.
The Lord had called servants who would incarnate on Earth to help Him accomplish His mission on Earth. These servants were not chosen by chance. The Light knew that they were capable of helping the Light in this Mission that the Lord had with human beings on Earth.
Some servants incarnated before the Lord to prepare for His arrival on earth; others continued to incarnate at different times while the Lord was on Earth according to the plan of the Light. Some who incarnated before the coming of the Lord reincarnated while the Lord was on Earth. The servants continue to incarnate on Earth since the Lord left the earth to accomplish their mission of helping the Lord in His Mission.
While HE was on Mission on Earth, the Lord Himself had formed servants, young people whom HE knew to be the Called Ones and who were incarnated on earth for a mission of Light.
Called Ones are chosen by the Light to serve in a mission of the Light. They take an oath to be faithful to the Light and to act as God's servant. All Called Ones of the Light have a sign engraved on their forehead at the moment of their call.
Readers of the Grail Message are aware of the existence of 144,000 Called Ones. They have been chosen in the Beyond, where they have sworn before the Light to serve only the Light once on Earth, where the Light will send them to incarnate when the time comes, to accomplish their mission on Earth.
The sign of a Called One, engraved on his forehead, links him to the Light from which the Called One receives the Force of Light that accompanies him in his mission on Earth. The sign of each Called One has a meaning that is linked to the Called One himself. The Called Ones have received in the Beyond all that is necessary to serve the Light on Earth, and they simply cannot remain idle and do nothing to help the Light in Its work on Earth.
Through this sign of the Light on the foreheads of the Called Ones, this sign that links them to the Light and to their intuition, the Force that accompanies them exerts a certain pressure on the Called Ones, in their intuition, so that they act, move, and do something good.
This is why some servants of the Light feel uncomfortable when they do something wrong. They have a certain anguish that touches them in the depths of their hearts when they do something wrong. This sign on the forehead of the Called Ones is not visible to people, to their physical eyes.

The Envoys of Light

God sends the Called Ones who have been chosen to help with the work of a mission of the Light. They have taken an oath before the Elders of the Beyond to be at the service of the Light. The Called Ones are Envoys of God sent everywhere in the service of the Light.
Every Called One is an Envoy of God.
There are Envoys of God in the Beyond. They are servants who go wherever they are sent to serve God. At each level of evolution in the Beyond, there are Envoys of God. They can be recognized by their sign of the Called, and by their dress, which is specific to the Envoys of God whose mission is to go everywhere to serve God.
The Called Ones are sent to Earth on a special mission. This mission is special because these servants have received a strength that gives them the power to do certain things that others cannot do. They have the Grace of God to have Gifts that enable them to act well according to the mission for which they are sent to Earth.
Those sent by God often feel that they are not of this world. They feel they are in another world where everything they experience pushes them to act differently, according to God's Will and to serve God.
This leads many of them to say that they are not where they should be. They do not feel comfortable where they are, especially when they are in places where darkness is active and where what is being done is contrary to God's Laws.
Spiritual teachings are available and accessible to everyone. But despite this, some freely choose to follow another path, that of darkness. These envoys who follow another path, that of darkness, are blocked because they carry out activities of darkness.
But an Envoy of God open to the Light and respects the Will of God cannot feel comfortable in a dark environment where dark activities are taking place. The light that shines within him makes him uncomfortable. The reality today is that very few of God's messengers serve God. A messenger of God is a person called by God.
To be an Envoy of God on a mission, you need to have the strength of God. The sign engraved on the foreheads of those called on mission to help people in many ways in their spiritual evolution and in the accomplishment of their mission.
An Envoy of God is a person chosen and prepared to go and carry out a mission that can take him anywhere, even into high-risk situations. Some Envoys go on missions that involve risks that put their own lives at risk, a mission for which they are prepared to sacrifice themselves.


The Called Ones are sent by God. They are servants of God. When the Lord was on Mission on Earth, HE presented Himself as a servant of God and appreciated that people saw Him as such. He was sent on a Mission by God, to serve God. People who recognized the Lord could not directly call Him THE SON OF MAN.
The Lord met and helped many children during His Mission on Earth. These children thought HE was GOOD. Some of them asked HIM who HE was? And HE has always answered that HE was a servant of God.
People understand that a servant of God is someone who serves God.

Many of God's servants are on a mission of Light on Earth. Some of these servants are Called Ones who were chosen in the Beyond before incarnating on Earth, where the Light sends them when the time comes to serve God on a mission.
People may have other names, other titles, other designations by which they want to be known in relation to what they are doing and believe to be in the service of God.
All these names, titles and identities can be summed up in a single word: “SERVANT".
Being a servant of God is a NOBLE title. It is a title that commands respect and is treated with consideration. And this is in contrast to those who are called criminal, thief or liar, who are avoided at all costs.
The Knights, the Apostles, the Disciples and the Called are envoys and servants of God. They are chosen to serve God.
Not everyone knows what a disciple is, but when we use the term "servant of God", we understand that we are talking about something spiritual.
Anyone who is a servant of God or who claims to be one must not misuse this designation, for there are also agents of darkness who pass themselves off as servants of God when they are not serving God. There are many servants of God on Earth who are on a mission of Light.
Not everyone who claims to be a servant of God has been chosen by the Light and sent to Earth on a mission to serve God.
The Lord also chose servants when He was on Mission on Earth. These servants are those human beings who, convinced by the spiritual teachings of the Word, decided of their own accord to place themselves at the service of the Light in true love.
These are the people whom the Lord had chosen and called to Earth to serve the Light. These people had also received from the Lord the necessary strength to help them in their work in the service of God.
Other people become servants of God on Earth through their commitment to God's service. They give themselves to God with such love that they become His servants. They do the work of the Called Ones which give them strength, and they can say that they are servants on a mission of Light. Servants can be found everywhere.
People should not concentrate on becoming a disciple. It is not the result of an intellectual effort, but naturally, logically and normally the result of a spiritual evolution, which is in the way of living one's life in accordance with the Laws of God.
Do not take pleasure in presenting yourself and being called everywhere as a Called One, an Envoy, a Disciple of God when people do not see in you, in all your behaviour, in your way of being and living with others, what can convince them that you are what you claim to be.
A child can understand what it means to be a servant on a mission, but when a father who claims to be a servant of God is not exemplary towards his family, it is an abuse of the name of the Light. The Called One have sworn an oath in the Beyond before the Elders, but those who behave like agents of darkness, who like to do activities of darkness while pretending to be servants of God, you are abusing the trust that God has placed in you.
The Called Ones of God are sent on a mission of Light. Servants must be aware of their mission, which they can and must accomplish only when they are in the service of God. To do this, they need to develop more HUMILITY in themselves instead of the pride that can destroy their work.
Remember at all times the oath you took before the Elders in the Beyond to serve God. Do good.
Practice goodwill and love of neighbour. Human beings are on Earth to do God's Will. It is given to each of us to be at the service of the Light.
Set a good example to those around you and you will be seen as a servant of the Light in the service of God.


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The Mastermind Group

In the midst of despair, however, helpers in the service of the Grail will begin their task! The great construction begins. No one else is able to bring help to the broken....
Abdruschin, "Submission" – Resonance 1: Vol.20.
The Mastermind Teachings is essentially an invitation to quicken the rhythm of your spiritual evolution. Master John, along with the Helpers in the Beyond, see how people are suffering for lack of this spiritual knowledge which is necessary for them to live well. This lack of knowledge and also ignorance means that we often do not know how to act well in certain situations and in certain problems that come our way in our lives.

Readers of the Grail Message do have the Teachings of the Lord which should help us to act well in any situation that arises in front of us, in our lives. But often the Principals and Spiritual Helpers can see how people do not act on this knowledge when they find themselves in a situation where they have to use their knowledge to get by.

For humanity to begin to grasp and live these never-before-given teachings in their purity so as to act well, therefore, there has be a shift in our mindset, which shapes our backgrounds of interpretation. A reprogramming of our subconscious (awakening) mind*, which in our awakening convictions has so far caused distortions and resulting confusion in the experiencing of many things in our lives.

It is with the joy in seeing our present human spiritual awakening that Master John offers these teachings, to help ALL humanity lift its mindset in the splendour of its pure form, so as to know how to behave rightly in given situations. Teachings that provide answers to questions that can help us in connecting our subconscious mind to its highest knowing: intuitive intelligence. In so doing, we give opening to the Light and no longer to grope in darkness in looking downward to our conscious (reasoning) mind – the lower personal "ego" which, in never coming to the point of experiencing spiritually therefore knows nothing, never truly lives ___
* The ability to think creatively and to understand concepts depend on our awareness factor termed the subconscious mind. It is in the subconscious mind that all our mental processes take place – without consciousness. Every thought we generate immediately takes on a form that embodies the expression that gives meaning of the thought in the subconscious mind. As we conceive a thought, the subconscious mind accepts, affirms, and advances with certainty the suggestion it receives whether the reciprocation is good or bad. As the edifice of order, judgement and reciprocity, therefore, the subconscious mind is responsible for the internal programming that forms our beliefs, memories of experience, judgments and habits; in other words, it forms our mindset.

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