July 5, 2024

A 10-Part Series of Teachings

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From The Grail Message

The Fourth Commandment:

You must honour father and mother!

God once gave this commandment to mankind through Moses. But it has caused unspeakable struggles of the soul. How many a child, how many an adult, has struggled hard not to violate this commandment in the gravest way. How can a child honour a father who degrades himself to a drunkard, or a mother who, through her moods, unbridled temper, lack of self-control and so much more make the hours very bitter for the father and the whole house by her whims, and make it impossible for a calm mood to arise? Can there be any honour in a child honour for parents when it hears them harshly insulting, deceiving, or even beating each other? Many a marital conflict has often made the commandment a torment to the children, making it impossible for them to fulfil it. After all, it would only be hypocrisy for a child to claim to honour a mother who behaves much more kindly towards strangers than towards her own husband, the child's father. If it notices in her the tendency to superficiality, if it sees her sink in the most ridiculous vanity to the spineless slave of every fashionable folly, which so often can no longer be reconciled with the concept of serious, high motherhood, which robs all beauty and sublimity of motherly dignity ... whereupon must a child then still find voluntary reverence for the mother? What is there in the one word: "Mother! "What does it demand. A child who is not yet poisoned must unconsciously perceive within himself that a human being with a mature, serious spirit will never come to the decision to expose his or her physical body merely for the sake of fashion. How then can there be any sacredness in the mother for the child! Natural reverence for the mother sinks impulsively to the empty form of a customary duty, or, depending on the upbringing, to the self-evident social politeness, thus to hypocrisy, which lacks any stirring of the soul. It is precisely this soul-stirring that contain warm life! Which is indispensable to a child and accompanies it like a safe shield as it grows up and steps out into life, protecting it from all kinds of temptations, and remaining inwardly a strong refuge for it if, it ever encounters any doubts. Even in old age! The word “mother” or “father” should always awaken a warm, intimate feeling, from which the image, in full purity, stands worthy before the soul, warning or approving, as a guiding star in the entire existence on earth!

And what a treasure is now taken from every child if it
cannot honour its father or mother with all its soul!

But this torment of the soul, however, is again only caused by the incorrect conception of the commandment on the part of human beings. Incorrect was the previous view because it limited the meaning and made it one-sided, whereas nothing that God sends can be one-sided. But what was even more incorrect was to have distorted this commandment by supposing to improve it according to human understanding, and to have made it even more precise by adding: "Thou shalt honour
thy father and thy mother!" This made it personal. This was bound to lead to error, for the commandment in its proper form is only: “You shall honour your father and mother!"

It does not mean individual, specific persons, whose
nature cannot be determined or foreseen from the outset. Such absurdities never occur in the Divine Laws. Under no circumstances does God demand to honour something that does not necessarily deserve to be honoured!

On the contrary, this commandment comprises a
concept of fatherhood and motherhood instead of personality. It does not, therefore, address the children first, but the parents themselves, demanding of them that they honour fatherhood and motherhood! The commandment imposes an unconditional duty on parents to be fully aware of their high task at all times, and thus also to keep in mind the responsibility that lies therein.

In the beyond and in the Light, one does not live with words but in concepts.

For this reason, it may happen that when these words are reproduced, a restriction of these concepts occurs, as is visible in this case. But woe to those who do not respect this commandment, who do not make the effort to know it correctly. It is no excuse that it has been so often misinterpreted and misperceived. The consequences of not obeying the commandment were already apparent at the time of conception and the entry of the soul. Things would be quite different on this earth if people had understood and fulfilled this crucial commandment. Completely different souls could then be incarnated, for whom it would not have been possible to allow a decline in morality and ethics to such a degree as it is today! Look at the murders, look at the wild dances, look at the orgies into which everything wants to escalate today. As if it were the crowning of the triumph of sultry currents of darkness. And behold the uncomprehending equanimity with which one accepts and even promotes the decline as something right or something that has always existed.

Where is the person who strives to recognize the Will of God correctly, who seeks to grasp the extensive greatness while soaring high, instead of stubbornly forcing this great Will over and over again into the miserable limitation of the earthly brain, which he made the temple of the intellect. He thus forces his own gaze to the ground like a slave walking in chains, instead of raising it upward with the gleam of joy to meet the ray of knowledge.

Do you not see how poorly you place yourselves in every conception of all that comes to you from the Light? Whether it be the commandments, the promises, the Message of Christ, or even the whole of Creation! You want to see nothing, recognize nothing! You do not seek to really understand anything! You do not take it as it is, but try desperately to reshape everything again and again into the lower views to which you have surrendered for millennia. Free yourselves at last from these traditions. The force to do so is at your disposal. At any moment. And without you having to make sacrifices. But with a jerk, with an act of will, it must be thrown from you! Without holding anything back any of it in an amorous glance. As soon as you try to make an intermediary connection, you will never become free from what has been up to now, but rather it will draw you back again and again tenaciously. It can only be easy for you if you separate everything old with one cut and thus step in front the new without the old burden. Only then will the gate open for you, otherwise it will remain firmly closed. And that only requires a really serious volition. It happens in a moment. Just like awakening from sleep. If you do not immediately rise from your bed, you will become tired again, and the joy of the new day's work will slacken, if it is not completely lost.

You should honour father and mother! Let this now be a holy command to you. Honour fatherhood and motherhood! Who realizes today what great dignity lies in this. And what force to ennoble humanity! People who unite here on earth should be clear about this for once, then every marriage will really be marriage, anchored in the spiritual! And all fathers and mothers will be honourable according to the Divine Laws!

For children, however, this commandment will become sacred and alive through their parents. They will not be able to do otherwise than to honour the father and mother from the soul, no matter the nature of these children. The very nature of their parents will compel them to do so. And woe then to the children who do not completely fulfil the commandment. A heavy karma would be laid upon them; for the reason for it is then also fully given. But in the reciprocal action, observance will soon become a matter of course, joy and necessity! Go therefore and observe the commandments of God more seriously than you have done so far! That means, observe and fulfil them! So that you may be happy!


A Light Teaching and a Story about the Lord

– From Master John

Honour father and mother. This commandment is better known to almost everyone, but in its distorted form. But despite this, it is still misunderstood and misinterpreted by many people, especially by parents in families who claim to be Christians and who believe in God. Parents take advantage of the distorted meaning of this commandment to gain control and power over their children, who must obey them or face curses in their lives. They do this by relying on and referring to what is said in the fourth commandment, which they do not understand or interpret correctly. The parents' word is like the gospel that every child, even an adult, must respect and obey without objection or discussion.
It is well known that in most cases, these parents brandish this fourth commandment to intimidate their children, to stifle any thought they might have of opposing their instructions, their orders, which often serve their own interests and convenience, and not for those of their children, even if the latter are free adults and responsible for their actions.
Because of this demand for obedience on the part of their parents, an obedience falsely attributed to the content of God's fourth commandment, some children have taken the wrong path into darkness. But other children, those who still have a bit of free spirit, turn against their parents when they realize that they have deceived them by interpreting the fourth commandment for their own purposes and in their own interests, with the sole aim of dominating them and preventing them from their blossoming and flourishing.
A child who has been used as a child by his witchcraft parents, followers of darkness, to harm people, has the opportunity, as he grows up, to hear and follow the preaching of other servants of God on many spiritual subjects in the Word of God. This child is confronted with other realities that make him think about things that he finds contrary to what his parents tell him. His spirit opens up and he comes to this true understanding of spiritual teachings, of what it means to live according to the Word of God, and also to the true explanation of the fourth commandment contrary to what he has learned from his parents. He understands that the demand that his parents impose on him to obey them is neither in accordance with the Word of God, nor with the true meaning of this fourth commandment, and that his parents take advantage of the false meaning given to this distorted commandment to serve their own interests. They stifle the child's free will and hinder his or her spiritual growth and development.
The child questions everything his parents have told him, including the obligation to obey them, which would be the fulfilment of the fourth commandment.
Some children, upon discovering the deception on the part of their parents, find it better to leave their company because they have led them down the wrong path of darkness to serve their own interests..
The parents, for their part, are prepared to do anything to keep their child under their authority, treating and describing him or her as a lost child. It's a battle between the darkness that doesn't want to let the child go, and the Light, to which the child entrusts his liberation from the grip of its parents.
Such a child will not honour his parents who have led him down the wrong path by threatening them with the consequences they will suffer if they did not obey them in accordance with the meaning they have falsely given to the fourth commandment in order to dominate their children.
Some parents even regard a child who behaves in this way, who wants to follow his own path, as an enemy because he has decided to change and no longer obey them blindly. This does not mean that the child is disobeying his parents. The child is doing God's Will, which he has understood, and is not blindly following his parents, whose behaviour isn’t exemplary for their children and who are leading them down the wrong path, contrary to God's Will.
We find many young girls who, on the instructions and requests of their parents, obey and follow the wrong path of prostitution in its various forms in order to earn money to give to their parents. They obey their parents' orders and go and do something wrong, sometimes against their will. And when they fall ill, they regret having acted in this way, having blindly obeyed their parents' instructions and orders. They lash out at their parents, condemning them for forcing them to make the mistakes that cause them so much suffering.
When these young girls realize that the disease they are suffering from is incurable and that they are doomed, they are so outraged and revolted that they refuse to allow their parents to be present at the last moment of their lives. This is a bitter consequence of parents misinterpreting the Fourth Commandment to suit their own aims and interests. This young girl respected her parents' wishes.
Some of these girls who have had children, leave the children born of this bad life in prostitution in the care of their parents and continue their routine in the bad life of prostitution. These children are brought up with the same upbringing that their own parents received from their grandparents, including absolute obedience to their parents.
When these children grow up and become adults, they will follow the same way of life, which will be passed down from generation to generation. They will also be forced to follow the misinterpretation of the fourth commandment to honour father and mother, according to which children must obey and honour their father and mother. This bad upbringing will be passed on to their many descendants.
Some peoples have customs that describe, establish, vote on and define the way of life that their members must live and respect in family life. Obedience to the elders is required, and no one is allowed to say otherwise or oppose their instructions and orders.
The elders have much more power over everyone than parents have over their children. Anyone who does not respect these customs must be punished, rejected or even banished from the family. The elders must be respected.

A Story About the Lord

The Lord's father was in the habit of going out drinking with his friends and, when he came home, he behaved provocatively and made trouble for everyone, starting with his mother. One day he came home from drinking with his friends and was in a disorderly state. The Lord's elder sister had some work to do. 
The father, who dominated everyone in the house, called the sister to serve him some food. The sister told him to wait until she had finished what she had to do and then she would serve him the food. The father became angry and told the Lord's elder sister that he was the father and that she should honour him first.
The Lord was seven (7) years old. He heard what his father was saying to his sister. They all went to church. The Lord knew this fourth commandment and how parents often use it when talking to their children.
It was as if something had whispered the teaching of the fourth commandment into the ear of the Lord, who slowly approached His father. He looked at him and said: "You can't use God's teachings or commandments if you don't set an example for your children yourself. All you do is drink, without thinking about what you're doing. You’re not obeying God, but you’re using God's teachings to defend yourself. You are not an example of a father by behaving in this way and you want your children to honour you. You should be ashamed to use God's Word. You need to fear God and stop behaving like this in front of your family".
Oscar Ernst's father stood up and shouted at him: "You're the one who talks to me like that. Your mother taught you to talk like that". He replied that it was the Word of God, and that his mother respected the Word of God, that she didn't behave like that and that she didn't upset everyone. She loves her children and respects them. The Lord's father sat down, bowing his head.
The Lord's sister and brothers were pleased that the Lord had reacted so courageously in rebuking their father. Their mother, who was in the kitchen, took the food to their father. He couldn't eat because he was thinking about what Oscar Ernst had just told him. He repeated the Lord's Words to their mother, who also told him the same thing and ended by saying: "Shame on you".
Oscar Ernst's father told a friend that his son had reproached him for demanding that his children honour him, their father.  His friend, who was a Christian and knew the Word of God, told him the same thing: stop the drinking, which doesn't honour you in front of your family. The father went on to tell his friends that his son Oscar Ernst was only seven (7) years old. His older brothers didn't dare reproach him, because he dominated the family.___
God is the Creator. It is HIM and HIM ALONE that we must Adore and Glorify. This is a teaching that must be a lesson for everyone and that everyone must know and respect.
Human beings are creatures, they are not perfect, they have faults that prevent them from evolving according to God's Will.
A father who dominates his family cannot expect and demand that his family adore and honour him like a god. Many parents who behave in this way in the family think it's a good thing when it's not appreciated by the Light.
People sin by using the Word of God to defend themselves from the evil they are doing. People know they are doing wrong, but to defend themselves they pretend to say things they themselves do not understand.
A child has been given the Grace of God to incarnate into a family in order to evolve spiritually while living on earth. Do not use the spirits that incarnate in your family for personal gain. The Light will condemn you before the Judges of the Afterlife, for using children for your personal gain.
Respect God's Ten Commandments, for they have been given to you by the Light to help you live well on earth and evolve spiritually. Strive to understand God's Commandments so that you act in accordance with the teachings they contain and transmit to you, and don't misuse them just because you haven't understood them properly.  And above all, don't distort them for selfish, personal ends.
All that the Light has done, is doing and will do is always PERFECT and will remain so.
People who have a poor understanding of the teachings misinterpret them and make many mistakes in their practice.
There are also people who know the teachings but do evil without thinking of the consequences. Do God's Will.
The commandments are given to you to help you evolve spiritually and for your earthly well-being. Force YOURSELF to study them carefully and, above all, to apply them to your daily life.

 The next blog will be on “The Fifth Commandment”.


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Suggested Reading From The GRAIL MESSAGE: Appendix: The Ten Commandments

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The Mastermind Group

In the midst of despair, however, helpers in the service of the Grail will begin their task! The great construction begins. No one else is able to bring help to the broken....
Abdruschin, "Submission" – Resonance 1: Vol.20.
The Mastermind Teachings is essentially an invitation to quicken the rhythm of your spiritual evolution. Master John, along with the Helpers in the Beyond, see how people are suffering for lack of this spiritual knowledge which is necessary for them to live well. This lack of knowledge and also ignorance means that we often do not know how to act well in certain situations and in certain problems that come our way in our lives.

Readers of the Grail Message do have the Teachings of the Lord which should help us to act well in any situation that arises in front of us, in our lives. But often the Principals and Spiritual Helpers can see how people do not act on this knowledge when they find themselves in a situation where they have to use their knowledge to get by.

For humanity to begin to grasp and live these never-before-given teachings in their purity so as to act well, therefore, there has be a shift in our mindset, which shapes our backgrounds of interpretation. A reprogramming of our subconscious (awakening) mind*, which in our awakening convictions has so far caused distortions and resulting confusion in the experiencing of many things in our lives.

It is with the joy in seeing our present human spiritual awakening that Master John offers these teachings, to help ALL humanity lift its mindset in the splendour of its pure form, so as to know how to behave rightly in given situations. Teachings that provide answers to questions that can help us in connecting our subconscious mind to its highest knowing: intuitive intelligence. In so doing, we give opening to the Light and no longer to grope in darkness in looking downward to our conscious (reasoning) mind – the lower personal "ego" which, in never coming to the point of experiencing spiritually therefore knows nothing, never truly lives ___
* The ability to think creatively and to understand concepts depend on our awareness factor termed the subconscious mind. It is in the subconscious mind that all our mental processes take place – without consciousness. Every thought we generate immediately takes on a form that embodies the expression that gives meaning of the thought in the subconscious mind. As we conceive a thought, the subconscious mind accepts, affirms, and advances with certainty the suggestion it receives whether the reciprocation is good or bad. As the edifice of order, judgement and reciprocity, therefore, the subconscious mind is responsible for the internal programming that forms our beliefs, memories of experience, judgments and habits; in other words, it forms our mindset.

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