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June 30, 2023


– From Master John
The Hall of Shame*. Many people have already heard about the Hall of Shame, which is a reality in the Beyond, but only a few have these teachings that help them to have an idea of what this Hall of Shame is.
As far as everything to do with the Beyond is concerned, we try to give you what you can understand. The Light has several ways of passing on to you these spiritual teachings that you can understand and that can help you to lead a good way of life in accordance with the Laws of God on Earth for your spiritual evolution, your well-being, and the salvation of your soul.
You also know that according to God’s Just, Perfect, and Incorruptible Laws, everyone is free and responsible for all their choices, and they will reap what they have sown.
You also know about the teachings on life after death, about the journey into the afterlife of the soul that has just left its body.
The Hall of Shame is a reality in the afterlife, a place where those servants pass through who did not fulfil their mission on Earth. They pass through this Hall of Shame to see the victims of the consequences of their refusal to carry out their mission, which was to help certain people on Earth.
Human beings receive various teachings in the Beyond where they take an oath before incarnating on Earth. This oath is to place themselves at the service of the Light during their life on Earth in order to fulfil the mission for which they were sent. But when they arrive on Earth, they do not respect the Will of God and their oath to the Light. They do not live according to the Will of God and do not follow the Path of Truth from which they have deviated by choosing a way of life contrary to the Laws of God.
Those who are sent on a mission on Earth have a clearly defined path that they must follow to fulfil their spiritual mission on Earth. This path includes, among other things, the people they are sent to help on Earth. In order to find themselves on this path, they must lead a way of life that conforms to God’s Laws. A way of life contrary to the Will of God would divert them from the path of fulfilling their mission to the path of destruction, so they would not be able to help the people they have been entrusted to help on Earth.
In the Hall of Shame, the servants of the Light who have been sent on mission on Earth are given the opportunity to see what they had failed to do in their mission while living on Earth. We are talking here about those servants who have died and are on their way to the Beyond.
This Hall of Shame is empty before a person enters it. It is when a person arrives at this Hall of Shame and the door opens that the whole process relating to that person is triggered, set in motion, and put into place.
Several cells form and appear in this Hall of Shame. Everything in the cell is always related to what that servant has to go through. He sees the people he was supposed to help on Earth, but did not. The Light gives the servant who passes through this Hall of Shame the opportunity to see what he did not do in his or her mission on Earth.
Some of the people the servant sees in the cells of the Hall of Shame are still alive on Earth. Others have died before the servant; they are not on Earth. All these people who are still alive on Earth and those who have already died and whom the servant sees in different cells are those whom this servant was to help spiritually in his or her mission on Earth, but he or she did not carry out that mission and did not help them. 
Servants of the Light on mission who have not fulfilled their mission cannot fail to pass through this Hall of Shame after their earthly death. It is an obligatory passage for them to see what they did not do in their mission on Earth.
They could only hope to accomplish their mission if they had begun by leading a life in accordance with God’s Laws, acting according to God’s Will by practising true love of neighbour in their lives. They would evolve and develop spiritually.
The practice of true neighbourly love in a mission of Light, which is always to help, takes into account every human being without exception, including the people whom a servant has the mission of helping on Earth. To do this it is not always necessary for him to know them as being people whom he has a mission to help. He could be helping them without even knowing that he is fulfilling his mission by helping these people he is helping.
But when a servant on a mission does not live according to God’s Laws because of negligence, because of a refusal to act according to God’s Will, he will not act in true love of neighbour; he will not carry out his mission and will not know how to help any other person, including those he has a mission to help, and he will abandon them without the spiritual help he should give them. The absence of this spiritual help for these people can lead to certain difficulties in their lives.
In this Hall of Shame, the people in these cells are represented by their living image, which the servant who passes through this hall and stands in front of these cells in which he sees these living images, is perceived as these people themselves. This servant will also see the kind of spiritual help that he has failed to give to each of these people who he had been commissioned to help and the consequences of the lack of this help in the lives of these people who are still living on Earth and who are suffering terribly in their lives as a result.
People who are still living on Earth and whose living image is in a cell in the Hall of Shame in the afterlife are unaware that their image is being viewed in a cell in the afterlife by this servant who has failed in his or her mission to help them.
The servants who pass through this Hall of Shame cannot bear to see the suffering the people they were supposed to help have to endure, and whom they not only failed to help, but also sometimes abandoned and even mistreated.
These servants will see all the many opportunities and possibilities they had on Earth to fulfil their mission, but they chose to do their own will, which diverted them from the path of fulfilling their mission on Earth. They followed the doctrine of evil by not respecting God's Will on Earth, and once in the afterlife, they are confronted with the truth of the kind of life far from God that they led on Earth and the harsh consequences that they will find difficult to bear.
The Hall of Shame is a reality that people do not know about and that we are exposing.
How many people collapse with grief when they see, outside the cells of the Hall of Shame, the members of their family, their friends, and acquaintances, with whom they have always been in contact while living on Earth. These people are suffering and writhing in pain.
These are the people whom they were supposed to help as part of their mission on Earth, but did not. The people in these cells are in situations of such extreme suffering that the servants who pass in front of these cells could not bear to continue seeing them, so hard was it for them to see these people suffering so much.
Some of the servants have collapsed in pain in front of these cells. They find it very difficult to get up again and take a long time to move from one cell to another in the Hall of Shame and then to other places.
More often than not, they are consumed with regret, especially when they have thoughts about what they could do and were capable of doing to help a person suffering in a cell, but failed to do so for reasons that are invalid.
There are other servants in the Beyond whose job it is to help these other servants who have arrived from a mission they did not carry out on Earth and are following the process of Light that takes them past the cells in the Hall of Shame. Their job in the afterlife is to help these servants who come back from a mission on Earth and pass through this Hall of Shame, with teachings, explanations, and advice to help them to understand what they are experiencing, what is happening in the cells of the Hall of Shame that they do not understand. For example, why these people are in these cells in this deplorable state of suffering.
What hurts these servants the most as they pass through this Hall of Shame is to see and recognize in these cells the people who were close to them on Earth and who are suffering terribly in a deplorable state because of them, because they did not carry out the mission that God had given them and sent them to Earth to help these people whom they see suffering in those cells.
They see these people whom they had a mission from the Light on Earth to help them in one way or another in their lives.
These servants lived a life of pride, arrogance, and domination on Earth and lacked love, true love of neighbour. They didn’t want to hear and learn from their loved ones and other people because they considered themselves superior to everyone else. They underestimated everyone, they couldn’t hear and follow the advice, reproaches, remarks, and warnings of others.
With such a character, such behaviour, they could not open up to the Light and attract into their lives the Light Force that would activate their spiritual abilities for their spiritual evolution, so that they could fulfil their mission of helping the people they have not helped in their lives on Earth.
In these cells of the Hall of Shame, these servants find all the people who are suffering from the problems for which they have received a mission from the Light to help them solve. Some of the people in these cells are bound in chains, others have their eyes poked open and are writhing in pain. They are prisoners that the servants on the mission must free. These servants were even informed and made aware of the problems of these people who needed help, and that it was the mission of the Light to help them on Earth.
But because of their arrogance, the pride that they had developed, these servants didn’t want to hear anything that was said to them about these people and the help that they needed. They had not helped these people on Earth, and when they find themselves in the Hall of Shame in front of these cells in the afterlife where these people are suffering terribly, they are unable to free them in these cells where they are like prisoners.
To help and free these people who are still on Earth, these servants must return to Earth. To do this they will need an incarnation opportunity to return to Earth. This may take some time and will depend on the Light.
Shame on you, servants on a mission of Light who are still on Earth, if you find yourselves in the Hall of Shame where you will see people you know, including members of your family, and other loved ones, crammed into cells and suffering horribly. These people are in deplorable situations because of your negligence, your refusal to place yourself at the service of the Light to evolve spiritually and help them.
You have refused to lead a way of life that conforms to God’' Just, Perfect, and Incorruptible Laws in order to evolve spiritually and fulfil your mission. You have even become agents of darkness by following another doctrine, that of evil.
By acting as false servants of the Light on Earth, know that you will find yourselves in the Hall of Shame where you will face up to all that you have neglected, shunned, rejected, and refused to do according to the Will of God in this mission for which HE has prepared you and sent you to Earth.
Nothing will be left untouched on your path to the Beyond. You are on a mission, you know it and you feel it, but you push these thoughts away, you try to stifle them by consciously living of life that is not in the service of the Light.
You’ll be ASHAMED when you stand in front of all those people you’ve left helpless, even though you have God’s Force to help you carry out your mission.
You have at your disposal many teachings that can help you to know how to lead a life in the service of the Light so that you can evolve spiritually and accomplish your mission, but few manage to think of doing something for the Light.
It is not by saying and claiming that you are readers of the Grail Message that you are serving God, that you are really serving Him.
Knowing the Holy Word of God by heart does not mean understanding it and evolving spiritually. For that you must understand and live this Holy Word every moment of your life, in thought, word, and deed. Only this way of living can help human beings evolve spiritually.
The servants who are the readers of the Grail Message, those who are in different Churches, the pastors, the priests who have not fulfilled and are not fulfilling their mission on Earth, all will pass through this Hall of Shame and before these cells in the afterlife.
Shame on you, servants who are aware of what you are doing wrong, in thought, word, and deed without thinking of changing your lives. It is inconceivable that a servant of the Light should lack true love of neighbour. You yourself do not live all that you preach and teach to your followers and to others. Some servants choose people to help on the basis of their social position, their material wealth, and their well-being.
You will see before you people whom you did not help on Earth, while they are crammed together and suffering horribly in cells in the Hall of Shame in the afterlife. All these people are blindfolded, moaning, and crying out for help, the help you were supposed to give them on Earth, but you didn’t; you abandoned them to their fate and even mistreated them.
You become aware, you understand the meaning of everything in this scene of distress you see before you with these people you know well suffering, including members of your family, locked up in these cells of the Hall of Shame in the afterlife, crying out for help, for assistance.
You are disturbed and moved by what you see in these cells; you weigh up your responsibility in all this, and you are frustrated by your inability to help these people.
You are ashamed, you regret, you are worried that everything has been put in place on Earth so that you could have helped these people whom you see suffering horribly, locked up in the cells of the Hall of Shame in the afterlife because you have failed in your mission to help them.
You feel remorse and pity for the people who are suffering because of you.
You, the servants still on Earth, have the grace to have this knowledge to pull yourselves together and begin now to act according to the Will of God to evolve spiritually and fulfil your mission.
Do not play the game of hypocrisy, for nothing can be hidden from the Light, always remember that at all times.
There are also many women servants of the Light in the Hall of Shame in front of cells with children crying out in pain and calling for help. These are the women who have shirked their responsibilities as mothers on Earth by abandoning the children in their care.
Then there are the women who have abortions and throw the children away in dustbins or other places. Abortion is also seen as abandoning children and shirking responsibility.
The servants who give their children bad advice that leads them astray from the path of Light, they will see how these children suffer in the cells of the Hall of Shame because of their mother’s bad advice. These children are chained by their own mothers.
The irresponsible male servants who pass through this Hall of Shame are devastated when they see their children suffering in these cells and asking for help. These children are very dirty, their faces are covered with dirt, sores, and blood, and their clothes are in tatters. These fathers were irresponsible, they didn’t look after their children when they lived on Earth.
Some of the graphic images of these people in the cells are horrific and painful to see, especially when they are family members who are still on Earth and you have shirked the responsibility to help them in your mission on Earth.
In the case of those who commit incest with members of their family, they will see them in the cells with a mark in the shape of a cross on their face from which blood flows; others are blind and do not know what to do or where to go.
Some of these people are still living on Earth in the flesh, but you see their living image in cells in the afterlife. These people in the cells have different marks and signs that symbolize the problem that makes them suffer and for which they have received no help. You can see on some of these people bloody wounds, holes in their eyes and other marks and signs that make them suffer terribly. They writhe in pain because of their problem.
When you see all this, you feel ASHAMED to see someone in such a state because of this act of incest. It is so hard and unbearable for some people that they end up falling to their knees and asking forgiveness from those who have committed an incestuous act during their life on Earth.

But first you will follow the process of the Light.
These spiritual teachings and advice are given to you with the sole purpose of helping you to gain this precious knowledge about the Hall of Shame and what awaits you in the afterlife as a consequence of your life on Earth. You have teachings to guide you so that you do not make mistakes and avoid the consequences for you after death. Do not think that after death everything is over; you will reap what you have sown on earth, for good or ill. DO GOD’S WILL ON EARTH.


*Hall, used here in the sense of a "passageway in a building" covered by a roof, evolved 17th century (Middle High German). In the book entitled “The Death Process & Beyond: Testimony of John: A Called One who had not fulfilled his mission, this place was called the “Corridor of Shame”. In this blog, the editor has decided to use the term “ Hall of Shame”, which goes back to the root word in Old English (Gothic halja) "hell", from the Indo-European root root kel “to cover, conceal, save.” The word etymology is quite apt, for as Master John describes:

“This Hall of Shame is empty before a person enters it. It is when a person arrives at this Hall of Shame and the door opens that the whole process relating to that person is triggered, set in motion, and put into place.


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The Mastermind Group

In the midst of despair, however, helpers in the service of the Grail will begin their task! The great construction begins. No one else is able to bring help to the broken....
Abdruschin, "Submission" – Resonance 1: Vol.20.
The Mastermind Teachings is essentially an invitation to quicken the rhythm of your spiritual evolution. Master John, along with the Helpers in the Beyond, see how people are suffering for lack of this spiritual knowledge which is necessary for them to live well. This lack of knowledge and also ignorance means that we often do not know how to act well in certain situations and in certain problems that come our way in our lives.

Readers of the Grail Message do have the Teachings of the Lord which should help us to act well in any situation that arises in front of us, in our lives. But often the Principals and Spiritual Helpers can see how people do not act on this knowledge when they find themselves in a situation where they have to use their knowledge to get by.

For humanity to begin to grasp and live these never-before-given teachings in their purity so as to act well, therefore, there has be a shift in our mindset, which shapes our backgrounds of interpretation. A reprogramming of our subconscious (awakening) mind*, which in our awakening convictions has so far caused distortions and resulting confusion in the experiencing of many things in our lives.

It is with the joy in seeing our present human spiritual awakening that Master John offers these teachings, to help ALL humanity lift its mindset in the splendour of its pure form, so as to know how to behave rightly in given situations. Teachings that provide answers to questions that can help us in connecting our subconscious mind to its highest knowing: intuitive intelligence. In so doing, we give opening to the Light and no longer to grope in darkness in looking downward to our conscious (reasoning) mind – the lower personal "ego" which, in never coming to the point of experiencing spiritually therefore knows nothing, never truly lives ___
* The ability to think creatively and to understand concepts depend on our awareness factor termed the subconscious mind. It is in the subconscious mind that all our mental processes take place – without consciousness. Every thought we generate immediately takes on a form that embodies the expression that gives meaning of the thought in the subconscious mind. As we conceive a thought, the subconscious mind accepts, affirms, and advances with certainty the suggestion it receives whether the reciprocation is good or bad. As the edifice of order, judgement and reciprocity, therefore, the subconscious mind is responsible for the internal programming that forms our beliefs, memories of experience, judgments and habits; in other words, it forms our mindset.

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