March 29, 2024

A 10-Part Blog Series

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The First Commandment:

I am the Lord, your God! You shall have no other gods before Me!

Anyone who can read these words correctly will probably already see in them the judgement of many who do not observe this most noble of all commandments.

"You shall have no other gods!" Many a human being imagine far too little under these words. They have made it too easy for themselves! Among idol worshippers, one probably thinks first and foremost only of those people who kneel before a row of wooden figures, each of which represents a particular god, perhaps also thinks of devil worshippers and similar aberrants, whom he reflects on with pity at best, but he does not think of himself. Just take a look at yourselves and see if you might be one of them after all!

One has a child, who really is more important to him than anything else, for whom he could make any sacrifice, and over whom he forgets everything else. Another places earthly enjoyment far above everything, but would not, even with the best of intentions in the world, be willing to give up this enjoyment for anything, if such a demand were to come to him that would grant him a voluntary decision. A third again loves money, a fourth power, a fifth a woman, another earthly honour, and all again in all, in the end, only ... himself!

This is idolatry in the truest sense. This is what the first commandment warns against! Forbids it! And woe to those who do not obey it literally! This transgression is immediately avenged by the fact that such a person must always remain earthbound when he passes over into the afterlife. In reality, however, he has only bound himself to earth by his attachment to something that is on earth! He is thereby prevented from ascending further, loses the time granted him for this purpose, and runs the risk of not coming out of Fine Dense Matter in time in a resurrection from it into the luminous realm of free spirits. Then he will be carried away into the inevitable decomposition of all worlds of matter that serves to purify
it for its resurrection and its new formation. This, however, is the ethereal and spiritual death of the human soul of all personal consciousness, and thus also the destruction of its form as well as its name for eternity!

The observance of the commandment is to protect against this dreadful thing! It is the most noble commandment because it is one that remains most necessary for the human being! Unfortunately, he tends far too easily to surrender to any inclination that finally enslaves him! But what he allows to become an inclination, he makes into a golden calf, which he places in the highest place, and thus also into an idol or idolatrous god next to his God, even very often
above Him!

Unfortunately, there are only too many "inclinations" that man has created for himself and which he likes to make his own in the greatest carelessness! An inclination is a preference for something earthly, as I have already mentioned. There are, of course, many more. But he who acquires an inclination "hangs on", as the word correctly expresses it. He is thus attached to the gross matter when he enters the afterlife for his further evolution, and cannot easily detach himself from it again, is therefore inhibited, held back! One can also call it a curse that remains upon him. The process is the same, no matter how it is expressed literally.

If, however, in his existence on earth, he places God above all, not only in his imagination or only literally, but in his intuition, thus truly and genuinely in reverent love that binds him as to an inclination, he will, through the bond in the same effect, immediately strive further upwards when he comes into the afterlife; for he takes the reverence and love for God with him, it holds and carries him at last to his proximity, to Paradise, the Primordial Creation, the abode of the Pure Spirits, freed from all burdens, the bond of which leads only to God's Luminous Truth!

Therefore, pay strict attention to the observance of this commandment. In this way you will be saved from
many strokes of fate of an unfortunate kind, which you might not have enough time to redeem!


Accounts of Teachings From the Lord

– From Master John


The Lord had a childhood friend, François, with whom he went to the same school. They lived in the same neighbourhood where they grew up and played together.  The Lord knew François' family. François' mother was a Christian and had lived alone after the death of her husband, François' father.
The family was left with nothing to live on. It was François' father who worked and took care of the family. So, after the death of her husband, François’ mother, who was French, decided to return to France with her three (3) children to get help from her family. They went to live in BORDEAUX, France.
It had been years since François and the Lord had seen each other. François, who lived in France, spent his holidays from time to time in Austria and Germany, where he had met his girlfriend Helena, a German woman whom he often visited during his holidays in that country.
One summer day, Francis went to Germany to visit Helena. They were walking along the banks of a river, the same one that our Lord was walking along.
As they walked along the river, François and his friend came across the Lord also walking along the same path.
Francis recognized the Lord and called HIM by his name: "Oscar Ernst!", because the Lord always wanted to be called by these two names together, and not by one and leave the other.
The Lord and Francisco were very happy to see each other. Francisco introduced Helena to the Lord. The Lord was given a vision about Helena. She was a servant of the Light on a mission on earth. She was a woman who had been a prostitute in a previous life and who had received the grace to be incarnated on earth in order to undo her past ties.
The Lord and François talked about their childhood and many other things before they parted joyfully.
The Lord had seen that something was going on between François and Helena. He had seen that Helena was cheating on François and sleeping with different men.
The Lord wanted to help François, and Helena, a servant of the Light. François loved Helena immensely. He did and sacrificed everything for her.
François wrote to the Lord regularly. Helena, who led a secret life, avoided contact with many people. The Lord wanted to start by giving teachings that could help François, his friend, to understand what was happening and what he was going through with his companion Helena.
François spent a lot of money to pay Helena's rent, and he also gave her a lot of money to live on. All because François adored Helena and didn't hesitate to give her whatever she wanted.
And to satisfy Helena's financial needs and demands, François worked even harder, while Helena went out with other men to earn money. Helena was too materialistic. She wanted to live a life of luxury even when she wasn't working. She went out with men to get as much material and financial wealth as possible.
The Lord wanted to help François, his friend, and Helena. He could not tell his friend François that his girlfriend was a prostitute. Neither could the Lord tell Helena what He knew about her, namely that she was going out with different men.
François, who adored his lover, would not believe the Lord, so much did he worship Helena. The Lord began to give him teachings that would help him to understand what was happening in his relationship with Helena.
The Lord visited François discreetly. François had dreams about Helena's life, but when he woke up, he didn't believe what he had seen in his dreams. He thought he was thinking too much about Helena, causing him to see the things he had seen in his dreams.
After each dream, François received teachings to help him understand the message he had received in each dream.
Soon after the Lord had visited Francisco discreetly and given him teachings to help him understand the messages that had been given to him by the Light to help him understand his situation with Helena, Francisco decided to make a surprise visit to Helena.
François planned to make a surprise visit to Helena in autumn, whereas he was used to making this customary trip in the summer. François rarely travelled at other times.
He took his vacation to pay Helena a surprise visit. He asked for a few days off to do so. He was motivated by the explanations in the teachings the Lord had given him, to understand the dreams he had had about Helena.
It was a Friday evening when his train arrived in Germany. François took a taxi to Helena's house. When he arrived at Helena's address, he saw that a car was parked outside her door. He asked the taxi driver to stop a little distance away. He got out of the taxi and approached Helena's front door.
François knocks on the door and a man answers. Surprised, François asks to see Helena. Not wanting to prolong the suspense, he asks the man who he is.
The man replies that he is Helena's boyfriend. Helena opens the door wide and sees François standing in front of her.
Helena is surprised to see François when she wasn't expecting him and closes the door. The man who was with Helena comes forward and opens the door. He asks François who he is and tells him that he is Helena's boyfriend, who lives in France.
The man replies that Helena told him François was her half-brother. François, disappointed by what he sees and hears, turns around and leaves. He finds a room for two nights until he could return to France.
That night, the Lord came to give him some advice. François, who had worshipped Helena, was devastated. Devastated and disappointed, he could hardly to take the blow. All he did was cry. He couldn’t live without Helena.
François had learnt and understood a lesson: you shouldn't adore someone because they might disappoint you. God never disappoints, his love for mankind is eternal.
A few days later, Helena wrote to François to ask his forgiveness. She told him about her life, how she was the only girl in her family, how her father valued wealth and material possessions, how he said that God didn't exist, that Paradise was on earth and that all you needed to live in Paradise was a lot of material possessions. She grew up in a family that tried to accumulate as much material wealth as possible, and she started prostituting herself at the age of 15 in order to have material wealth. She has no love of neighbour and seeks only to accumulate as much material wealth as possible by any means possible, even going so far as to steal money.
François wrote a letter to the Lord in which he told Him the story of Helena's life as Helena had just told it to him. The Lord replied that He had just had an experience that would teach him many things about life. He went to church with his mother, he knew the Word of God, and how could he worship a woman by sacrificing himself completely for her as he had done for Helena?
Men do not give themselves completely to God, as they do when they worship women. True love is only for God. Hélène had become like a god to François, who worshipped her. François only gave himself to the pleasures of this world with Hélène. He didn't know that Hélène was destroying his life. François even went into debt to satisfy Hélène's needs.
They separated, but François was left with debts to pay. François had suicidal thoughts because of his disappointment with Helena.
These thoughts came back to him often, and especially when it was time to pay the debts, he felt sick to his stomach. The Lord wanted to help his friend François until he realized his mistake.
After Helena's disappointment, François met another woman, ISABELLE, with whom he married and had three children: BERNARD, JOSEPH AND ANNIE.
Francis always told his children to give much more love to God and not to any particular person. He taught his children to worship God. He always asked his friend the Lord for advice.
Francis sent his son Bernard to the Lord for spiritual help.


The Lord helped a man named HANS who valued money and all the pleasures it could bring him above everything else he loved in life. He loved the honour, power and pleasure that money could bring him. He was a proud, arrogant and haughty man who wanted to be loved and flattered. He wanted everyone to know who he was and what he had done for people. He expected the people he helped to thank him, to appreciate him for the gesture or service they had just received from him.
He had a lot of money and material possessions. He went to different places to make donations, just to show off and make himself known. He liked to be honoured, and for every donation he made, for every gesture of help he gave, he expected in return that people would appreciate and thank him for the good he had done for them, for the help or service they had received from him. When they didn't, he became angry. He couldn't accept or understand that the people he had just helped couldn't thank him, appreciate him, praise him or even encourage him.
Some people sometimes wanted to give back to Hans what he had given them in kind or in money, because of his attitude, his behaviour toward them and his character. They felt humiliated.
Hans did not hesitate to lose his temper and scold people if he felt they had not thanked and praised him enough for the help he had given them. He appreciated and demanded flattery and praise from the recipients of his help, who had to acknowledge his generosity and kindness towards them.
Hans' help and assistance were not all the fruit of love of neighbour, which is done without self-interest, with the sole aim of helping and for the good of the person who needs help.
This was not the case with Hans, who did everything for his own benefit, his own pleasure, expecting something in return, and when he didn't get it, he reacted, he got angry. 
The money that Hans bragged about, he had made fraudulently, because he loved pleasure, women, power and dominating people. He had a way of dominating people with his money and the help he gave them, and in return he expected them to love, appreciate, praise and worship him.
He would go to the places where the poor lived and give them money and food, and in return he expected the poor to praise him, to applaud him, to brag about what he had done for them. It made him feel great, like he had power over these people who were flattering him. That was his joy.
These poor people, who lacked everything and lived in precarious conditions, did everything he wanted and asked them to do. So he had a certain dominance over these poor people, but some of them didn't appreciate his behaviour, even though they took his money without saying anything. 
Hans would go to churches and congregations and distributed his money to the believers. And when he had to give his contribution, he wanted those in charge to ask their members or followers to stand up and applaud him. Then he would get up and walk in front of everyone so that he could be seen by all those who were applauding him. He didn't like to be discreet.
For Hans, it was fame that he sought and that people had to give him in exchange for the money and goods he gave them. He liked people's flattery when he did things for them.
One day, while in a restaurant, Hans overheard three men talking about the Grail Message, the Lord and His teaching of Truth. Hans was very interested in what they were saying, and he didn't hesitate to ask them where this man of Truth came from. One of the men gave him the address of the Mountain.
One Sunday, Hans decided to go and see the Lord on the Mountain. He concentrated more on the Lord.
On that Sunday, people came to the Mountain for the Hour of Contemplation or to meet the Lord. But to meet the Lord, one had to make an appointment and get the Lord's permission, because it was the Lord Himself who chose the people He wanted to see from the list of appointments.
Hans understood this and asked permission to come to worship service the following Sunday.
The first thing that made the strongest impression on Hans when he arrived on the Mountain and entered the Temple was the calm, the silence, the order, the beauty and the feeling of a certain peace and harmony that emanated from this well-kept place.
It was impossible for him to go into the Temple and stand in front of everyone to be seen and noticed by everyone, as he usually did when he went to churches, communities or other places where he was going to help in some way, to receive the applause and praise of those who benefited from his help.
Hans entered the temple and remained as if frozen in the chair where he was sitting. He didn’t say anything, didn't move much, just admired and contemplated everything he saw.
After contemplating, Hans wanted to meet the Lord, but that was impossible. He decided take a walk on the Mountain to discover it and get to know it. Hans' walk led him to the Mountain’s spring.
The Lord, for His part, took the road that led to his little house, where he went to meditate. Alone, after the Hour of Contemplation with everyone, and before He arrived there, the Lord saw a man coming from a distance. He had a vision of Hans. The Lord turned from the path He was following to the one Hans was taking to meet Him.
The Lord walked slowly until He was on the same level up the Mountain as Hans, who was busy admiring the beautiful flowers. Hans did not immediately recognize the Lord, even though he had just taken part in the Hour of Contemplation.
The Lord greeted Hans with His usual smile. Hans, who had been concentrating on the beauty of the flowers and had not expected to be greeted, reacted a little abruptly to the Lord's greeting.
The Lord asked him where he was going, and he replied that he was enjoying the splendour of this place, the Mountain.
It was only a few moments after the first communication with the Lord that Hans finally recognized Him. He asked the Lord if He was the Master of the place. The Lord replied that He was the Servant of God but not a Master, that He was not acting as a Master but as a servant to help people spiritually by teaching them.
Hans was not satisfied with the Lord's answer. He wanted to provoke the Lord by asking Him if he had any money. The Lord looked at Hans and smiled. The Lord replied that HE was a servant of the Light on a mission to help people with spiritual teachings, that HE had not come to earth for wealth, and that HIS Mission was to help people with spiritual teachings.
He tells Hans that he cannot expect and demand a certain recognition, an appreciation from the people he helps through a gesture, an act of goodwill, for his pleasure, his honour, his glory. But he must know that the true blessing can only come from God for any help given to others in true love of neighbour, without any personal interest. True blessing can only come from God. This blessing must not be confused with the feeling of honour, pleasure, dominion over people that he expects in return from the people he helps in one way or another in their lives.
Hans told the Lord that it was his money and that, as far as he was concerned, the people he had helped should boast, thank, appreciate, praise and even glorify him for his generous gesture on their behalf.
The Lord asks Hans how he earned his wealth. Hans bows his head at the Lord's question and remains silent. The Lord tells Hans that he must have love for his neighbour, that he must not help people in order to dominate them, to receive honours, and that when he helps someone with love for his neighbour, the blessing will come to him. A person who helps another should not expect or demand thanks, applause or special recognition from the recipient of his help. Some people are so emotional that they can't say thank you right away. They are moved by the unexpected help they have just received. They live out their emotions in silence. We must neither demand nor expect gratitude from these people. What counts, what is most important, is this gesture, this act of love from God who helps.
All thanks must be given above all to the Light, which is Love that has given and placed in human beings the heart where there is love, so that we can always seek to help others, and where help is needed, with true love of neighbour.
A good way to act according to God's Laws and benefit from His blessings in your life is to give thanks to the Light and the blessings will return to him (Hans).
They were walking and talking when they came to a place where there were benches to sit on. Hans felt so hot that he asked the Lord to sit down. They sat down and continued to talk.
The Lord continued to give Hans spiritual teachings about doing good deeds to help people, the poor, God's servants and the community. Good deeds, good gestures, good deeds that serve God and bring blessings into the lives of those who do these acts of help out of a genuine love to help, for their own benefit and not with the idea of receiving something in return for themselves.
The Light sees and knows everything that happens in the life of every human being. Human beings must know that the Light knows every help, every gesture and every act of generosity, love and gratitude; the Light sees everything.
The Lord gave Hans teachings that gave him the necessary explanations and knowledge to understand what he was doing and how he needed to improve it to attract God's blessings into his life, for his well-being and spiritual evolution. Everything must be done with true love of neighbour.
All Hans has to do is to think about doing everything with true neighbourly love, considering only the interests and well-being of the person being helped. Hans almost had tears in his eyes. 

The Lord told him that he couldn't help people to use them, to dominate them, to have power over them, to make them like him, and to find pleasure, honour, dominion, honour, fame –that is the wrong way to act and it's not serving God.
It's like spending money in vain. The blessing does not come from the people he gives money to, but from God. He must give out of love for his neighbour, but not for profit. Hans was surprised at this teaching. He asked the Lord what he should do to make him do good. The Lord asked him to continue to help people who lacked material means, but not to expect anything in return. The Lord asked Hans not to think about having power over people. This is not the way to receive God's blessing. If Hans seeks power and dominion over people, he is not serving the true God. God is love.
Hans changed the way he used his money. He helped the poor. He often went to the Mountain to pray. He could meet the Lord by appointment. Hans loved his money, he wanted to have power and dominate people. He wanted to manipulate people and servants of the Light. He thought he was powerful. He didn't think of God, he wanted people to worship him because he had the material means. He behaved like a god. People forget that there is a God above ALL. The first commandment teaches: I AM THE LORD, YOUR GOD! YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME. Let us worship God.


The next blog will be on “The Second Commandment”.


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Suggested Reading From The GRAIL MESSAGE: The Ten Commandments

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The Mastermind Group

In the midst of despair, however, helpers in the service of the Grail will begin their task! The great construction begins. No one else is able to bring help to the broken....
Abdruschin, "Submission" – Resonance 1: Vol.20.
The Mastermind Teachings is essentially an invitation to quicken the rhythm of your spiritual evolution. Master John, along with the Helpers in the Beyond, see how people are suffering for lack of this spiritual knowledge which is necessary for them to live well. This lack of knowledge and also ignorance means that we often do not know how to act well in certain situations and in certain problems that come our way in our lives.

Readers of the Grail Message do have the Teachings of the Lord which should help us to act well in any situation that arises in front of us, in our lives. But often the Principals and Spiritual Helpers can see how people do not act on this knowledge when they find themselves in a situation where they have to use their knowledge to get by.

For humanity to begin to grasp and live these never-before-given teachings in their purity so as to act well, therefore, there has be a shift in our mindset, which shapes our backgrounds of interpretation. A reprogramming of our subconscious (awakening) mind*, which in our awakening convictions has so far caused distortions and resulting confusion in the experiencing of many things in our lives.

It is with the joy in seeing our present human spiritual awakening that Master John offers these teachings, to help ALL humanity lift its mindset in the splendour of its pure form, so as to know how to behave rightly in given situations. Teachings that provide answers to questions that can help us in connecting our subconscious mind to its highest knowing: intuitive intelligence. In so doing, we give opening to the Light and no longer to grope in darkness in looking downward to our conscious (reasoning) mind – the lower personal "ego" which, in never coming to the point of experiencing spiritually therefore knows nothing, never truly lives ___
* The ability to think creatively and to understand concepts depend on our awareness factor termed the subconscious mind. It is in the subconscious mind that all our mental processes take place – without consciousness. Every thought we generate immediately takes on a form that embodies the expression that gives meaning of the thought in the subconscious mind. As we conceive a thought, the subconscious mind accepts, affirms, and advances with certainty the suggestion it receives whether the reciprocation is good or bad. As the edifice of order, judgement and reciprocity, therefore, the subconscious mind is responsible for the internal programming that forms our beliefs, memories of experience, judgments and habits; in other words, it forms our mindset.

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