The Judges From The Beyond
– From Master John
The Light is doing Its work to help you understand some of the things you need to know and understand in your life for your well-being, your spiritual evolution, and the salvation of your soul.
You know many things, many words, but you lack their true explanation which gives you their true meaning and significance to fully understand them and help you in life. The distortion of the notions and concepts of these widely used and useful words leads you away from the Truth and contributes to your perdition, and is the cause of all the sufferings in your life.
In the Grail Message: IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH, which is Truth, you have all this background knowledge from which you can have the true notion and concept of these distorted words and phrases. You have their true meaning and significance, which gives you the understanding you need to help you in your life.
In their estrangement from the Truth and their deep spiritual laziness, human beings are unable to find by themselves the true notions and concepts of these distorted words and phrases, which they need to have the true meaning and significance that gives them the right understanding if they want to evolve spiritually for their well-being and the salvation of their souls.
The Lord sends us on a mission to help you with teachings in which you have these explanations that give you the true meaning, the true significance, and the right understanding of these distorted spiritual words, notions, and concepts so that you bring them to life in your life to find the way back to the Truth.
By living according to the true spiritual meaning of these notions and concepts, you are connecting to the Light and attracting the Force of Light into you. This will help you in many things in your life, for a better life.
We are also revealing and disclosing to you some knowledge of what is happening on Earth that you do not know well, and what is happening in the Beyond that we think you should know, even if not completely. This work is part of the mission of the Helpers. It is to help you find the true explanations of spiritual concepts and notions that you have lost and that are dragging you from difficulty to difficulty.
Human beings who have done much evil on Earth, those who have sown evil in their lives, encounter difficulties on the path to the Beyond during their earthly death, before and after their detachment from their physical bodies.
Every human being is on Earth by the Grace of God to come and correct the errors and faults of his or her previous lives and to lead a life in accordance with God’s Laws in order to further his or her spiritual evolution and well-being. Life on Earth begins with birth and follows a cycle that ends with the death of the person on Earth.
When the cycle of Grace of a human being's life on Earth has come full circle, the spirit that has just completed its cycle on Earth leaves the earth and finds itself in the Afterlife, where another process of the Light is set in motion that it will follow in its new environment which it discovers and which is different from that of the earth that it has just left with its realities.
Each time a cycle of life on Earth comes to an end, people discover that they are still living. They return to the Beyond or, after completing the process of the journey to the Beyond, they await another Grace from God to reincarnate on Earth for a new cycle.
This is the normal process of the Light, followed and respected by all.
Many people have the Grace to incarnate on Earth in many different places.
This process of the Light is followed and respected by all, except the two SONS OF GOD Who have not followed the same path of the journey to the Beyond. The Sons of God JESUS and ABDRUSCHIN are of God.
God gives the Grace to human beings to incarnate on Earth to do God’s Will, to live in respect of God’s Laws
on Earth as in Heaven. But when a human being incarnates on Earth and does not do the Will of God, despite the many teachings and spiritual counsels given to him in the different circumstances and situations of his life, he will reap what he himself has freely chosen to do in good and in evil. Each person has been given the Grace to let go of the bonds of his past incarnations by freely choosing, out of conviction and true
love of neighbour, to put himself at God’s service in his life by choosing to act in the sense of always helping others in their various needs.
But when some people ignore and do not respect the Will of God who gave them the Grace to be incarnated to untie their bonds, to redeem their faults in order to develop spiritually, but do only their own will, they deviate and move away from the path of the Light for their own path that they trace themselves and on which they will reap and live what they have sown.
By choosing the path of the LIGHT OF TRUTH, by living according to the Laws of God, you also choose life, happiness, true peace, true
love of neighbour, your well-being, your spiritual evolution, and the salvation of your soul.
But the one who freely and voluntarily does not follow the Laws of God, commits a sin and creates for himself another path, which is not the path of the Light on which he will walk, encounter, and reap what he has freely chosen to do wrong in his life on Earth.
The path of the sinner in the Afterlife* is not an easy one, where he will experience in the most intense and harshest way the consequences of each of his actions and his way of living in contradiction with the Laws of God. It is a journey in which he encounters enormous difficulties and obstacles on his way to the Beyond**. When a person detaches from his physical body, he does not go directly to the Beyond. He or she goes through a process of enlightenment that every human being must undergo after death and detachment from the physical body.
The process of passing into the Afterlife is followed and respected by all, but not all are on the same path, each having led a different life from the others during their stay on Earth; they will follow their path according to what they have sown and will reap.
THE JUDGES OF THE AFTERLIFE work for the Light that they serve, and whose task it is to receive every person, every servant who comes from the earth and passes before them into their Temple of the Afterlife. The task of the Judges of the Afterlife is to help the person who passes before them to recognize and accept that which he or she has done wrong in his or her life on Earth and which is not in accordance with the Laws of God, which every human being must fulfil
on Earth as in Heaven. These people will learn what they have done wrong and how they should conduct their lives according to God’s Laws on Earth as well as in Heaven, in order to develop and evolve spiritually for their well-being and the salvation of their soul.
The Judges of the Afterlife are not comparable to the judges of the earth. The Judges of the Afterlife are all ELDERS who live in the Beyond.* They are highly evolved spirits who wear a majestic robe embroidered with gold and pearls of great value. They have their heads covered and wear a hat embroidered with pearls of different colours. They do not judge like the judges of the earth, although they are all judges. The people who arrive in the Temple of the Afterlife, where they will be judged, are afraid of these Judges when they see them entering the Temple in their great garments, whereas these Judges come to do their work according to the Will of God. They have love for their neighbour and are in the service of God.
Some people have had the Grace to see in vision some of the footage of what happens in this Temple in the Afterlife, where people stand before the Judges of the Afterlife on their way to the Beyond.
Those people who are still on Earth, see in vision that they are in a large room, which is in fact a Temple in the Afterlife. They see giant screens on the walls of this Temple where their whole life on Earth is shown, even what they have done in secret; nothing can be hidden from the Light, but they do not see the Judges of the Afterlife.
Those who are still on Earth have the Grace of the Light to see in vision what It allows them to see in the Temple of the Beyond, to bear witness to people the living on Earth.
Those who have completed their cycle on Earth, and their journey to the Afterlife come to the Temple of the Afterlife, see the Judges and much more.
There are exceptions for some people who have a mission to go to the Afterlife to see certain things that will help people understand the way they should live. People sometimes want to live or see the reality of things before they accept them and seek to follow the teachings that are given by the Light about these things.
The Judges of the Afterlife do not remain in the Temple of the Afterlife where they are when they have to do their work of helping people who, in their journey into the Afterlife, have to pass through that Temple of the Afterlife to receive the teachings that will help them in their lives.
The Judges have their own way of communicating through thought with the people who come before them in the Temple to be judged by them.
People are not open enough to see these Judges of the Afterlife who are covered with light and stand far from the little people. When the Judges speak, their voices resound like thunder.
The Judges of the Afterlife have the difficult task of helping people who come to the Temple with the teachings they have to give them. This difficulty concerns especially those who are ignorant of the teachings of the Light.
Some people come back several times in this Temple before the Judges. These people cannot bear to look at themselves on these screens in what they had done wrong on Earth even in secret, which they see shown in the giant screens in this Temple.
For some, it is so hard and difficult to bear to continue to see themselves in what they have done wrong on Earth; they have many regrets, they are confused and ashamed that they end up fainting. The Judges cannot judge him or her in this state.
The person will be sent back to the Infirmary of the Afterlife where he or she will be treated and when he or she has regained sufficient strength, he or she will return to the Temple before the Judges to continue the session where that person left off the previous time. And if the person faints again and is too weak and unable to continue the session, he or she will return to the Infirmary to be treated as many times as necessary to be healed and to have the strength to appear before the Judges and face what he or she has done wrong on Earth, which is shown on the giant screens of the Temple, and which he or she must come to recognize, accept, and understand in order to receive the teachings of the Judges.
These teachings explain to him what he did wrong on earth, what he should not do and what he should do for his spiritual evolution. Only then can he move on to other places in the Afterlife.
That is why the Light has chosen the Judges of the Afterlife. They are Elders in the service of God. They know well the work they do to help people understand the meaning of their life on Earth and their journey into the Afterlife. They help people to understand the process of the Light that gives Grace to people who are incarnated on Earth.
The Judges of the Afterlife do not judge people to condemn them and throw them into prison as is done on Earth. They make people see first what they had done wrong on Earth, which they must first acknowledge and accept. Then they give them teachings and advice on how to live a good life according to the Laws in order to redeem what they have done for their spiritual evolution and soul salvation. Remember that they do not condemn. They work with great love in respect of the Will of God Who has chosen them to do this work in the Beyond.
The Judges of the Afterlife are all Elders. They can be recognized by the great noble garb they wear. Those present in the Temple of the Afterlife before the Judges do indeed follow and respect the process of the Light followed by every human being who has just detached from the earth and who must pass through this Temple on his or her journey to the Afterlife.
The Light had willed that people are to be aware of certain things they had done and that they would reap what they had sown, for good or evil. The Judges of the Afterlife are commissioned by the Light to help people see and understand the nature of their actions when they were living on Earth, in relation to the right way to live according to God’s Laws. Judges in the Afterlife have been given strength by God to help them do their work well with people. They have access to the Book of Life of every human being.
There are many Temples in the Beyond, all very large, each with its own function. The size of the Temple of the Judges of the Afterlife is related to the work done by the Elders in that Temple.
There are other places where these people will go after they pass before the Judges. The Judges have no business judging or condemning the people who pass before them in this Temple of the Afterlife. Wherever people pass on their way to the Afterlife, they always learn something about the life they have led on Earth.
People who come to the Temple are impressed by the grandeur of the Temple and are afraid, even though they are guided and accompanied by the servants who are there to help them.
How the Judges of the Afterlife judge people? Everything that people do in every moment of their lives in thought, word, and deed is well written in their Book of Life which everyone has in the Afterlife.
When someone is in the Temple before the Judges, his or her Book of Life is opened and the person sees before him or her all that he or she has done in his or her life on Earth, at every moment of his or her life, in thought, word, deed, and even in secret. This person who is before the Judges sees on the giant screens his or her whole life on Earth. The Judges will give him or her teachings and advice on what he or she has done wrong that is seen on the giant screens in the Temple. This is done after the person has acknowledged, accepted, and understood what he or she has done wrong.
These screens are so big and so large that the person standing in the middle of the Temple before the Judges cannot avoid them. Some people do not have the courage to see some of the things they have done in secret, forgetting that nothing is hidden from the Light which sees everything people do in thought, word, and deed that is well noted in their Book of Life.
Faced with the evidence of seeing clearly on the screens what they thought they were doing wrong in secret on Earth, these people are troubled, embarrassed, ashamed, and regret the wrong things they did on Earth. This is especially true of servants on mission who misbehave in thought, word and deed, believing that no one sees them, when they know and preach that the Light sees all. When they stand before the Judges in the Temple of the Afterlife, they will not want to see the images of what they have done wrong and secretly on Earth on the big screens.
Ashamed to see so openly exposed what they have done wrong in secret, and which a servant on a mission should not do, they faint. This is a reality that exists in the Beyond and is ignored by many.
Life does not end with the physical death of the earthly body. Indeed, after the death of the earthly body and the detachment from it, the deceased finds that he or she continues to live. He finds himself in another environment and experiences other realities in the Afterlife. He or she will go through the process of the journey to the Afterlife. On this journey you will pass through different places where you will experience in the most intense way the consequences of all the wrongs you have done on Earth. You reap what you have sown.
Many people regret not having listened to the teachings and advice of servants on mission. Some people even see in pictures those servants, pastors, parents who gave them advice on how to live their lives well.
The Light gives people Its teachings in different ways that people should and can recognize and understand. The Light can use a child to teach you lessons when you are not behaving according to the Will of God. A child can give advice at a certain time and under certain circumstances to his father who drinks a lot of alcohol and hits his mother.
When the father leaves this Earth to go to the Afterlife, he will appear before the Judges of the Afterlife. The father will see on the big screens of the Temple his frequenting of bars, and especially his beating of a woman he was assaulting. Many cannot bear to see such scenes of evidence of their very bad conduct of which they themselves do not approve. Strive to live according to God’s Will. Follow God’s Laws.
The Judges are not with Master John, they are from other Temples in the Afterlife, they are another category of Elders.