May 24, 2024

A 10-Part Series of Teachings

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From The Grail Message

The Third Commandment:

You must keep the Sabbath day holy!

Who takes the trouble to understand a commandment? If one looks at the children, the adults, how they carelessly treat the commandments of their God, horror could, or should, come to every seriously thinking person. The commandments are taught to children at school where they are superficially discussed. This is the human being who is when he has absorbed the wording and can give some information about it, as long as there is a danger that he will be questioned about it. When he then leaves school and enters professional life, this wording is soon forgotten, and with it the meaning. The best proof that he was not really interested in what his Lord and God was demanding of him. But he does not even demand anything with it, but in love gives to all human beings what they urgently need! After all, it was noticed from the Light how much people lost their way. So God, like an educator, faithfully showed them the path that would lead them to eternal existence in the Luminous Realm of the Spirit, thus to their happiness. Whereas non-observance must lead to one’s unhappiness and ruin! For this very reason it is not really right to speak of commandments. Rather, they are well-intentioned pieces of advice, showing the right way through this World of Matter, and which the human spirits themselves have wished to know. But even this so beautiful thought has no effect on man. He has literally become too bogged down in his own trains of thought and does not want to see or hear anything else except what he has built up for himself in the form of views that his little earthly knowledge has allowed him to construct. He does not feel how the World of Matter carries him further and further to the limit where, for the last time, either - or stands for him, as the decision that now remains decisive for his whole being, according to which he must go his chosen path to the end without being able to turn back from it again. Even if he finally comes to realization. It then becomes too late and only contributes to increasing the agony for him.

In order to help him gain knowledge in
time, despite his aberrations, God gave mankind the third commandment, the advice to keep the Sabbath holy! If this commandment had been fulfilled, every human being in the course of time would have gradually awakened the longing to strive towards the Light, and with this longing the path would finally have revealed itself which would have brought him up to the fulfilment of his wishes, which would have increasingly condensed into prayer. Then man would have stood differently today at the turning point of the World! Fully matured, ripe for the Kingdom that must now come.

you, hear and act, that the fulfilment of the commandment may prepare your way. You must keep the Sabbath day holy! You! It is clearly written in the Words that you must consecrate the day of rest, make it holy for yourself! A Sabbath day is a time of rest, that is, when you rest from the work which your path on earth imposes upon you. But by no means do you consecrate the hours of rest, the day of rest, if you only want to care for your body. Nor if you seek diversion in games, drink or dance. The hours of rest should lead you to a quiet contemplation of your thoughts and intuitions, to review your life on earth up to now, especially the past working days of the last week, and to make use of them for your future. You can always look back over six days, what lasts longer is easily forgotten. It will not fail to happen that your intuitions will slowly float higher and you become a seeker after the Truth. Once you are really a seeker, a path will be shown to you. And as you walk a new path here on earth, unknown to you until then, only examining, exploring, so you should also carefully take step by step on the new spiritual paths that open up to you, in order to always keep firm ground under your feet. You must not jump, because then the danger of falling is greater. Through such thinking and intuiting in the solemn hours of your earthly existence you will never lose anything, but only gain.

No one sanctifies an hour of worship by going to church if he does not at the same time want to think in the time of rest about what he heard there, in order to absorb it properly and live in it. The priest cannot sanctify your day if you do not do it of your own accord. Weigh again and again whether the actual meaning of God's Word is completely in harmony with your work. By this means the Sabbath day will then be sanctified by you; for it has acquired, through quiet contemplation, the content for whose purpose it was instituted. Every Sabbath day thus becomes a landmark on your path, which retroactively gives the days of your gross material activity the value which they should have for the maturing of your soul. Then they are not lived in vain and you are constantly making long-lasting progress. To rest on the Sabbath day does not mean to fritter time away. As soon as you neglect this, you miss your time which was allowed you for maturing, and after the turning point for the World, which now slowly closes its rays around you; there is only a short time left to make up for what you have neglected, provided that you use all the strength you have left for it. Sanctify, therefore, the Sabbath day! Be it in your home or, better still, in nature, which helps you to become awake in thoughts and intuition! Fulfil the commandment of the Lord. It is for your benefit!


A Light Teaching and a Story about the Lord

– From Master John

In this third (3) commandment, as in each of the Ten Commandments, the LIGHT gives precious and important teachings to human beings to help them know how they should behave and act at every moment of their lives in order to be pleasing to God and benefit from His Graces in their lives.
It is not enough to read the commandment: "You must sanctify the Sabbath day”, to take note of it, without really understanding the depth of the teachings given to you in this commandment. You have to take the trouble to study them carefully, to go into them in depth for a proper understanding, with the ultimate aim of making them come alive in your life at every moment. You will act well, according to God's Will, which is the body of His Laws that govern Creation.  Your earthly well-being, your spiritual evolution and the salvation of your soul are at stake. Any spiritual teaching will only help you and benefit you if you understand it correctly and apply it to your life.
The Light addresses the human being who lives and wants to do God's Will. To do so, they must first understand the purpose of this commandment, which concerns human beings directly.
The Light wants human beings to understand the meaning and reason for living, and that the Grace of God is not given to human beings to do their own will, but that of the Creator.
Many people do not respect the third (3) commandment by the way they live. People who work on weekdays and not weekends, instead of thinking about devoting one day to sanctifying the Name of God, they prefer to do other things, to enjoy themselves. They think only of themselves, but not of the One who gives Life, who protects. Protection can come from something else, but you have to know that it is God Who gives Life. An hour of worship is a wonderful thing for someone who is thinking about praying for life, protection and the Grace of God.

A Story About the Lord

 The Lord had gone to visit a friend, Bernard, in a small town in Germany. The inn where He was to stay was in this little town where there was also a little Catholic church that was built in a very beautiful architectural style, with colours that attracted people's attention, and above it, bells that signalled to people that it was time to go to church, when they rang. The sound of the bells could be heard throughout the town.
On the Sunday evening, the Lord had an appointment with His Friend. He would not meet people on Sunday morning. He devoted that time to worship. If He was on the Mountain, He would go to the Temple for contemplation. But if He was off the Mountain, the Lord then sought to meditate in the church close to where He was staying. To be able to do this, He could call on the Guides for information about where He was going to visit people.
This information enabled the Lord to know the place, to know where the church was and to have some information about the priests or pastors of the church where He had to go to pray. The Lord would not go out without the necessary information about His day, what awaited Him and the work He would have to do. Sometimes He prayed that the place where He was going to visit people would be protected.
The Lord was always punctual in His appointments. He arrived in this town on Saturday evening and went to His inn. He knew that He had to worship in a church on Sunday morning, and that the appointment with His friend Bernard was for the same Sunday, but in the evening. On Saturday evening, He prayed that the place would be under God's protection, and He knew that the church would start at 10 o'clock.
On Sunday, the Lord got ready and set off for church.  On the way to church, the Lord greeted the people He met along the way. On His arrival at the church, there were only six (6) people in attendance: four (4) women, a man and a child.
Mass was going on as usual and everyone was engaged and focussed on following along. The Lord entered the church and stood a little apart from the other people present. He first prayed for the protection of everyone in the church, including the priest.
The Lord followed the priest's sermon. He knew that some of the sermon was not true. The most important thing for the Lord was to meet in a quiet place to pray. He couldn't do so in the inn because of the noise of the people walking around. He knew there could be no commotion in the church when people were concentrating on the service. 

The Lord always prepared something to give at each church as compensation. What He noticed was that only one woman had given something. He stayed there until the end of the service.
At the end of Mass, it was always customary for the priest to greet the people who had just attended.
The priest went out before the attendees, through the back door, which was not far from the exit door. The Lord was waiting for the other attendees to leave before Him.
The priest was happy to see Him and smiled in greeting. To his great surprise, he recognized the Lord and called Him by name: "Oscar Ernst". Oscar Ernst". The Lord did not recognize him immediately. The priest HUBERT reminded the Lord that they had gone to the same school. He told the Lord that he recognized Him easily because He was the pupil whom the headmaster always chose to represent the student body of the school at meetings of a kind of community that brought together some pupils from various schools. The Lord was known to all the students of the school during that school year.
He told the Lord briefly about his journey to become a Catholic priest. He was not originally from this town, but had been appointed to work as a priest in this church.  Priest Hubert took advantage of this moment with the Lord to tell Him about the difficulties he was encountering in his work as a priest in this church, in this town. He told the Lord that only a few people came to church, and that he tried to welcome them and teach them the Word of God. It was a situation that made him a little sad to see this low attendance in church.
The Lord tried to teach him the third (3) commandment. They shared their experiences. The Lord left Hubert, promising to pray that people would be willing to come to church.
Mass had lasted only 1hr30. The Lord had time to return to the inn and prepare to meet Bernard. He was touched and saddened by what Hubert, the priest, had just told Him about the very low attendance at church. He thought about praying for the Grace of God to act and motivate more people to come to church to pray. He wondered how people could live their lives without thinking about the Day of Sanctification of the Name of God, yet when He arrived at the railway station in that town on Saturday evening, He saw many people enjoying themselves outside. The Lord wondered how all these people didn't think about going to church.
The priest was a servant of the Light on mission in the churches. He was bringing the light of the Word to the town, but the people were doing and wanting something else. He prayed in God's Name for the Grace to open the people of that town to the Light. When He finished praying and was about to get up, He saw in a vision the church of the priest Hubert filled with people. He knew that the Grace of God was upon that town. Hubert had asked the Lord for His address so that he could write to Him from time to time.
The Lord went to His Sunday evening meeting.
The Lord returned home after spending three (3) days in the town. Three (3) months after His meeting with the priest Hubert, He received a letter from him. The priest was very happy to tell the Lord about something that had happened in church.
He said that he was about to close the church in the evening when he saw a strong light in the place where the Lord was sitting in the church. In fact, the Light had made a bridge of light to the place in the church where the Lord was sitting. A beam of light seemed to be coming from a burning lamp on the ceiling of the church. 
The priest, who had approached to see where the light was coming from, could not see the source of the light. But as he stood there, there was a certain coolness and a slight breeze. He thought it was something that had only happened that day, when the Lord was in the church, but the light continued to shine permanently in that part of the church.
The people who worked in the church began to notice this light and told other people about it. The word spread and curious people began to come and see and experience this light and feel this freshness in this part of the church.
As a result, some people started to come to church every Sunday with their families.
People received strength in that church. Other places where people went on Sundays were emptied of people who preferred to go with their families to church to worship. Even people who didn't believe in God came to church. As people filled the church, the bridge of Light at that point in the church grew to give light to all who entered the church.
The church was full of congregants and there weren't even enough chairs for everyone. The priest, Hubert, told the Lord that he had not forgotten to exhort the people not to forget to sacred God on the day of rest, Sunday. People came from other towns.
He ended his letter by thanking God and asking Him to pray that the light would always remain in his church. The Light had done Its work in giving Grace to this church.
During the Nazi occupation, the priest was arrested and the church requisitioned. The priest was accused of gathering people who were against the Nazi regime. These charges were fabricated for the sole purpose of occupying the church building, which was destroyed by foreign bombing raids soon after the Nazi occupation. The the bridge of Light still stands where it once did in the church, although the church no longer existed after it was destroyed by enemy bombing.
A large timber factory has been built there. The owner is well aware of the coolness of the place, but has no explanation.
The Lord wanted to give people an example to follow in their lives. The reader should think about the Sunday worship hour and its importance in his or her life.
The teachings of the Grail Message and the Ten Commandments should help you to understand and know what is important to you in your life. For example, the day, place and hour of God's sanctification should be important in your life. You know what happens and what you get during the hour of worship on a Sunday or Festival day. Make the time and place of worship a time and place for sanctifying God's Name.

TO FOLLOW: In a few days, a Message of Light from Ismaėl for the Festival Of the Holy Dove – 2024. Please stay tuned.

 The next blog will be on “The Fourth Commandment”.


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Suggested Reading From The GRAIL MESSAGE: Appendix: The Ten Commandments

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The Mastermind Group

In the midst of despair, however, helpers in the service of the Grail will begin their task! The great construction begins. No one else is able to bring help to the broken....
Abdruschin, "Submission" – Resonance 1: Vol.20.
The Mastermind Teachings is essentially an invitation to quicken the rhythm of your spiritual evolution. Master John, along with the Helpers in the Beyond, see how people are suffering for lack of this spiritual knowledge which is necessary for them to live well. This lack of knowledge and also ignorance means that we often do not know how to act well in certain situations and in certain problems that come our way in our lives.

Readers of the Grail Message do have the Teachings of the Lord which should help us to act well in any situation that arises in front of us, in our lives. But often the Principals and Spiritual Helpers can see how people do not act on this knowledge when they find themselves in a situation where they have to use their knowledge to get by.

For humanity to begin to grasp and live these never-before-given teachings in their purity so as to act well, therefore, there has be a shift in our mindset, which shapes our backgrounds of interpretation. A reprogramming of our subconscious (awakening) mind*, which in our awakening convictions has so far caused distortions and resulting confusion in the experiencing of many things in our lives.

It is with the joy in seeing our present human spiritual awakening that Master John offers these teachings, to help ALL humanity lift its mindset in the splendour of its pure form, so as to know how to behave rightly in given situations. Teachings that provide answers to questions that can help us in connecting our subconscious mind to its highest knowing: intuitive intelligence. In so doing, we give opening to the Light and no longer to grope in darkness in looking downward to our conscious (reasoning) mind – the lower personal "ego" which, in never coming to the point of experiencing spiritually therefore knows nothing, never truly lives ___
* The ability to think creatively and to understand concepts depend on our awareness factor termed the subconscious mind. It is in the subconscious mind that all our mental processes take place – without consciousness. Every thought we generate immediately takes on a form that embodies the expression that gives meaning of the thought in the subconscious mind. As we conceive a thought, the subconscious mind accepts, affirms, and advances with certainty the suggestion it receives whether the reciprocation is good or bad. As the edifice of order, judgement and reciprocity, therefore, the subconscious mind is responsible for the internal programming that forms our beliefs, memories of experience, judgments and habits; in other words, it forms our mindset.

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