The Mastermind Group

In the midst of despair, however, helpers in the service of the Grail will begin their task! The great construction begins. No one else is able to bring help to the broken....
Abdruschin, "Submission" – Resonance 1: Vol.20.
The Mastermind Teachings is essentially an invitation to quicken the rhythm of your spiritual evolution. Master John, along with the Helpers in the Beyond, see how people are suffering for lack of this spiritual knowledge which is necessary for them to live well. This lack of knowledge and also ignorance means that we often do not know how to act well in certain situations and in certain problems that come our way in our lives.

Readers of the Grail Message do have the Teachings of the Lord which should help us to act well in any situation that arises in front of us, in our lives. But often the Principals and Spiritual Helpers can see how people do not act on this knowledge when they find themselves in a situation where they have to use their knowledge to get by.

For humanity to begin to grasp and live these never-before-given teachings in their purity so as to act well, therefore, there has be a shift in our mindset, which shapes our backgrounds of interpretation. A reprogramming of our subconscious (awakening) mind*, which in our awakening convictions has so far caused distortions and resulting confusion in the experiencing of many things in our lives.

It is with the joy in seeing our present human spiritual awakening that Master John offers these teachings, to help ALL humanity lift its mindset in the splendour of its pure form, so as to know how to behave rightly in given situations. Teachings that provide answers to questions that can help us in connecting our subconscious mind to its highest knowing: intuitive intelligence. In so doing, we give opening to the Light and no longer to grope in darkness in looking downward to our conscious (reasoning) mind – the lower personal "ego" which, in never coming to the point of experiencing spiritually therefore knows nothing, never truly lives ___
* The ability to think creatively and to understand concepts depend on our awareness factor termed the subconscious mind. It is in the subconscious mind that all our mental processes take place – without consciousness. Every thought we generate immediately takes on a form that embodies the expression that gives meaning of the thought in the subconscious mind. As we conceive a thought, the subconscious mind accepts, affirms, and advances with certainty the suggestion it receives whether the reciprocation is good or bad. As the edifice of order, judgement and reciprocity, therefore, the subconscious mind is responsible for the internal programming that forms our beliefs, memories of experience, judgments and habits; in other words, it forms our mindset.
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November 15, 2024


– From Master John

The work of the Light to help you do God’s Will on earth as it is in heaven, for your well-being and your spiritual evolution, never stops. It is very useful and important for every human being to understand that it is up to them to DO God’s Will, and not up to someone else to do it for them, not even the Light! This is not possible within the framework of God’s Laws, which are Love Incommensurable, Immutable, Perfect, Just, Incorruptible, which make each person responsible for their actions in thought, word and deed, and which they will reap in their lifetime.

Our work, which is our mission received from the Light, is to help you while you are living on earth with these teachings which will enable you to recognize and understand the effects and actions of God’s Laws in Creation and in your life. In this way, you will lead a lifestyle in which every thought, word and deed conforms to these Laws for your well-being and spiritual evolution.

You live in a material world in which you need material goods to live well, evolve spiritually and fulfil your spiritual mission by using them correctly in accordance with God’s Laws. So do not underestimate or neglect the important role and positive contribution of material goods to your earthly well-being, your spiritual evolution and the fulfilment of your mission, which is to do God’s Will on earth as it is in heaven, a mission that falls to every human being incarnated on Earth. This is why God gives every human spirit the Grace to have material possessions.

Servants on mission will also need material goods which, in addition to their own earthly well-being, will help them in their mission on Earth to help in one way or another those who are deprived, in true love of neighbour.

A servant on mission must not be a beggar, he must not make a fool of himself or be the object of mockery by asking for material goods and means, money to live well and accomplish his mission.

God’s is the Whole of God.

God’s Immutable, Just, Perfect and Incorruptible Laws, which are immeasurable Love, automatically govern all Creation. God intervenes through the workings of His Laws, which make you responsible for each of your thoughts, words and actions, which will come back to you for good or for evil, depending on whether they were good or bad. And any help you hope to get from God, in any area of your life, can only be possible if you live in accordance with His Laws.

Among these Laws, that of compensation, of giving and receiving, is a law that is misunderstood, misinterpreted and abused in its practice, which can lead to people not receiving the help they expect from God.

Our mission is precisely to help you learn to lead a lifestyle in accordance with God’s Laws, which connects you to the Light and attracts His Force within you, giving you blessings, solutions and answers to the different concerns in your life.

The Law of Compensation, of giving and receiving, must be respected and applied in one way or another for every help received and every service rendered in accordance with God’s Will.

Servants sent to Earth on mission by the Light are trained, prepared and endowed with the power and force to act on Earth in God’s Name to help human beings with their various concerns.

The work of the servants on mission is in absolute conformity with God’s Laws, including that of compensation or offering for the help and service that human beings receive from the Light through them, which they explain to them and ask them to respect in order to conform to God’s Laws and hope to receive the help requested from the Light.

Human beings must stop thinking that their servants are asking them to respect this law in order to enrich themselves. No, it is first and foremost for their own benefit and interest, for their well-being and spiritual evolution. These are ideas and thoughts that are not good and just.

On Earth, doctors are trained to treat, heal and save people’s lives. Despite all their medical training, there are very serious cases where they know they are powerless to save the patient’s life. They then turn to the only possibility of healing, which can only come from a miracle from God. This is one of the many benefits of the Light for human beings: to heal, to save the lives of people suffering from illnesses that man cannot cure, to console and restore the joy of living to those who are in distress, who have lost hope of living, for a better life, to help someone find the solution and the answer to an important concern, to bring a project to a successful completion.

This omnipresence of the Light in the lives of human beings to help you in your well-being and spiritual evolution is part of the never-ending work of the Light. You may not be aware of the benefits of the work of the Light in your life, but know that the Light acts according to Its Will in your life according to what is useful to you, and not according to what pleases you.

The teachings we give are to help you to acquire this knowledge, which will become useful to you in your life on Earth and in the Afterlife. We give you stories that tell you about the consequences of your earthly actions in the Afterlife, so that you understand the importance of living a life in accordance with God’s Will on Earth. You have stories that tell you about the consequences in the Afterlife of the life of a person who led a bad life on Earth and of a person who lived in accordance with God’s Will.

The knowledge imparted by the many spiritual teachings you receive should help you to understand the importance of always doing good in life with a true love of neighbour that comes from the depths of your heart.

In the Afterlife, everyone has their own home. How that house is furnished depends on how you live. A good way of life means beautiful furniture and decoration, a spacious house that’s a pleasure to live in, while a bad way of life means a small, dirty house that’s impossible to live in.

You may be a couple or a family on Earth, but each will follow its own path in the Afterlife. God wanted you to come together on Earth for one reason or another, perhaps to help you untie the threads of the past, or to accomplish a mission of Light together, or for any other reason. But before the Light, each of you is responsible for your thoughts, words and actions, which only you will reap, and each of you will find yourselves alone on the path to the Afterlife, where you alone will suffer the consequences of your actions on Earth. A wife does not accompany her husband, even if they die at the same time. People are not grouped together in the Afterlife as they are on Earth.

Every gesture and every act of kindness that you carry out towards your neighbours in true neighbourly love and that is appreciated by the Light, you produce something that will equip your home in the Afterlife. This is the fulfilment of the Divine Law of Sowing and Reaping. Everything that will be in your home in the Afterlife, the state and type of the furniture and decoration, is the product and the result of each of your acts and gestures of benevolence, beneficence or malice that you make in your way of living on Earth.

Some people have had visions of finding themselves in a very dirty, untidy house, with unbearable smells, which they couldn’t enter and stay in for long. This is a message from the Light to people who lead dirty and mean lives, without love or respect for God’s Will.

It is your duty always to do things, to perform acts and gestures that come from the depths of your heart every time you help your neighbour, and to do so out of true love for your neighbour.  But when you play the hypocrite and do things just to look good in front of people without involving your heart, you do yourself a disservice before the all-seeing Light. The Laws are at work and will give you back what you should, that is, what comes from within, from your heart. Don’t do an act or a gesture towards someone by expressing inappropriate thoughts, by murmuring, or even by wishing them failure or misfortune; there’s no love in that. You are acting badly, you are soiling and defiling your home in the Afterlife, which you are filling with bad things, with garbage, because of your failure to love.

The Light always gives you teachings in different ways to help you know and understand what’s going on in life, in your life, so that you know how to lead a life in accordance with God’s Laws on earth as in heaven, for your own well-being and spiritual evolution.

Some people receive messages and teachings in visions that they must pass on to the whole world or to certain people. Some of these people may even see themselves during a visit to the Afterlife, where they will see, in the Afterlife, what they will tell afterwards. But sometimes these people do not pass on what they have received, or those to whom they are supposed to pass on these messages or teachings do not believe them or reject them. Others accept them but continue to act badly.

These people who do good and help others through acts and gestures full of generosity and a heart full of love, these people furnish their homes in the Afterlife with the best furniture, and the best perfumes fill their homes, which are full of light everywhere. This is the result of the good things, good deeds and loving gestures of people of good will.

You must always remember and think that you are incarnated on Earth to do God’s Will as in heaven, by leading a lifestyle in accordance with God’s Laws. With the recognition and understanding of the effects of the activities of the Laws of God in life, in your life, and the conviction that they are for your well-being and your spiritual evolution, you must begin to carry out acts and gestures of help which come from a true love of neighbour and which are characteristic of those who lead a life in conformity with the Laws of God. This love of neighbour that comes from the depths of your heart and that always wants to help others in one way or another for their well-being.

You are in the material world, the person who has enough money, means and material goods, and who sees around him people who need them but fail, he must see how to help them. He will not make fun of them, as some people can and do, who, instead of understanding the pain of others and helping them, prefer to throw food in the bins so that those who are lacking it can go and seek it, thus showing their lack of love for their fellow man.

In the automatism of God’s Laws, these people who act in this way without love for their neighbour will find this same food in a state of putrefaction and giving off an unbearable smell, in their home in the Afterlife, where they will not even dare to enter.

You build and furnish your home in the Afterlife with everything you do right or wrong in your life on Earth. The more you live according to God’s Will, the bigger and more beautiful your home will be. Every act and every gesture of kindness and generosity that you do to help your neighbour, in one way or another, from the depths of your heart in true love of neighbour, and the thanks of the beneficiaries that follow, have a great influence on the size of your house and on many other things in your house in the Afterlife.

You will not easily understand when you are on Earth, this knowledge of an aspect of the realities of life in the Afterlife that we are revealing to you. It is by Its Grace that the Light reveals and gives you this knowledge of things that are in the Afterlife in order to help you, to motivate you to be more aware of what awaits you in the Afterlife and of the importance of leading a life in accordance with God’s Will while you are still on Earth.

As you journey towards the Afterlife, the blindfold that covers you gradually comes off when you reach the great Gate of the Afterlife, and it is only when the great door opens and you see the light that the blindfold comes off completely. You can also see something else. But even people who visit the Afterlife cannot see everything that is there.

On the path to the Afterlife, there are the Villages of Defects. Each of these villages represents a specific flaw, through which each person suffering from that flaw must pass and experience in the worst possible way the bitter and horrible consequences of their flaw, until they reach a point of exhaustion, disgust and a burning desire to free themselves from it with the promise of never having that flaw in their life again.

Any woman who has prostituted herself on Earth will enter the village of the defect of prostitution, where she is besieged, invaded and even attacked by many men who are waiting, one after the other, to satisfy her sexually without respite until she is exhausted and feels the disgust of this defect rising within her, and she feels the burning desire to free herself from the ordeal she is going through and not to take up again this dirty life in prostitution.

Men who won’t leave a woman alone and seek them out in various places, hotels, brothels, to satisfy their sexual needs, will find themselves in one of the villages of this defect where countless women are waiting for them, all throwing themselves at them to satisfy them sexually, each waiting her turn, without giving them time to rest. This goes on for as long as necessary until the men are exhausted, disgusted and want to get out of this ordeal they never thought they’d have to endure.

These experiences of the bitter and horrible consequences of their bad way of life on Earth, which they live through in the Afterlife, make these people realize that it is wrong, a bad way of life, a flaw that is not right, and they promise themselves never to do that life again. They learned a life lesson. The realization of this evil and the burning desire to put an end to what they describe as their ordeal in this village enables them to move on to another village.

It’s horrible to talk to you and describe in detail what people go through in these Villages of Defects.  Some people go through ALL the Flaw Villages because they have several flaws.

In addition to these people with the defect of prostitution, other people with other defects go to other places where they will suffer the consequences of their defects on their journey to the Afterlife. Some people take a long time to get to the Afterlife because they weren’t good people on Earth and have to go to many places. Many end up in imperfect villages because they had bad thoughts about women on Earth.

Whatever you do wrong on Earth, you will suffer in the Afterlife, in accordance with God’s Laws, which give you a hundredfold for what you do right or wrong. This knowledge should motivate you to always do good in your life with true love that comes from the heart, and you will reap a hundredfold from every act and gesture of good in your life.

Anyone who behaves badly in life, with a total failure to love their neighbour, is not respecting God’s Will. They will reap a hundredfold for everything they have done wrong at every moment of their lives. They will find themselves in a black hole after the detachment of their body, following their earthly death, where they will have to reap in bitterness and horror all the evil they have done during their life on Earth.

There are children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who will continue to benefit and reap on Earth the blessings of their parents who are already in the Afterlife and find their homes well furnished and equipped, the fruit of their good deeds performed on Earth in true love of neighbour. God will bless such a family from generation to generation.

Darkness knows neither kindness nor love of neighbour. In everything it does, it always seeks to injure, to hurt, to cause suffering, to destroy. Since God’s Laws take account of everything and govern all Creation, darkness will reap all that it has sown.

God is immeasurable Love and gives even the agents of darkness opportunities to cease serving the darkness and place themselves at the service of the Light. To do this, they will have to make considerable efforts to learn to perform acts and gestures of love that come from the depths of their hearts towards everyone. This will enable them to attract a good vibration into their lives.

They must be aware that any bad thought does not attract a good vibration around them, even if they do a good deed, and that the Light cannot act in them. The Light sees what’s inside but not what’s outside.

You give money, goods and material means to certain people at the same time as you send them bad thoughts, attack them, bewitch them and block them so that they do not advance and succeed in life. You do good by helping them, yes; but before the Light your good deeds have no value. You attack people and say you love them, but what kind of love is that? Do good, with true love that comes from the heart, then you are pleasing to God, you attract God’s Blessing on Earth while enriching your home in the Afterlife. Good deeds do not go unrewarded.



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Suggested Reading From The GRAIL MESSAGE: Lecture 39: Earthly Possessions

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