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November 24, 2023

Testimonies of Two Incarnations of Joanne: A Woman Lacking Love

– From Master John

God is INCOMMENSURABLE LOVE. God created the earth out of Love. The spiritual teachings that God, in His immeasurable Love, always makes available to His creatures, He gives them so that they can study them; study them in depth, and above all put them into practice in their daily lives for their well-being and their spiritual evolution.

Only those who have understood and practised the true Love of God in their lives can untie the evil threads that bind them to their unredeemed evil deeds of their past lives. These threads are the path through which the return currents flow from the harvest of what people have sown in their lives and which will affect them in one way or another, bringing them suffering and misfortune of which they are unaware of the cause and the reason.

These threads that bind people to their bad deeds remain with them in each incarnation until they have redeemed their bad deeds in one way or another by changing their way of life for the better.

Practising the true Love of God in one's life can lead a person to redeem his karma, which also cuts the bad threads that bind him to his bad deeds, and makes him free from negative feedback.

By practising the Love of God in your life, you will attract God's FORCE, which will help you in many ways, and you will also merit His Graces and Blessings in your life. Spiritual currents will come to your aid for your well-being and spiritual evolution.

True love is God's Love, God's Love is in God's Will. It must be clean and true.

Many people claim to have love of neighbour, but it is by looking closely at the way they live with people, their attitude, their behaviour, their character, that we understand and realize that there is nothing in their way of life that shows they have love. These people even choose whom to love, rejecting some and siding with others, regardless of the love they claim to have and practise in their lives.

These people do not practise the true Love of God, which is also Justice, a Love that does not divide or separate people, but always seeks to help them and bring them together in true love.  
Look at how people live, how they behave. Look at how the rulers of this World, most of whom show a lack of love in their way of ruling, taking no account of their neighbours, and are prepared to do anything for their personal interests, or those of their people. And to achieve this, they will use any means possible. Power for power's sake and domination. They have no room for love in their lives.

They forget that this World belongs to God, Who is the Creator of all that exists and Who reigns over His Work in His immeasurable Love, which is at the same time perfect and incorruptible Justice. These people cause separation, division, wars, killing and devastation, all for the sake of power and domination over others. Not for once do they care that these other people are human beings like themselves, with the same basic needs as they have, to have peace, to live well and to evolve spiritually.

The behaviour of these people who practice injustice and make others suffer is justified by the fact that they lack love, true love of neighbour in the Immutable, Just, Perfect and Incorruptible Laws of God which govern the whole of Creation in a self-active way.

God created the World out of Love. God wants man to love his neighbour. Your neighbour is everyone, except yourself. You will reap what you sow, whether it's good or bad. When people do evil, they don't think about the consequences, but when they reap what they have done, that's when some say that God is unjust, but only that they have forgotten the evil they have sown by their thoughts, words or actions. The Teachings are there to help you discover and understand God's Love in His Laws. But they think that they are more intelligent than God, the Creator.

Learn to love everyone with a true love of God. Do not regard your neighbour as your enemy; you are not doing God's Will. Love your neighbour as yourself, do to your neighbour what you want done to you, don't do to your neighbour what you don't want done to you. Everything you do in thought, word and deed is what you sow and what you reap in your life. It's in the Law of Reciprocal Action.

Testimony 1.

JEANNE was born in France in 1740. Her father, MATHIEU, was a a man of wealth, which he inherited from his grandparents. Jeanne's mother, ODILE, was also the heiress of a wealthy French family. They had three children, BAUDOUIN, JEANNE AND FRANCOIS. It was a wealthy and happy family.

Jeanne's father prepared his children to manage his estate well after his death, so that it would remain in the family and be built up by them as he himself had done since inheriting it from his father, and he wanted it to continue to benefit future generations.

He wanted this wealth to continue so that the family could continue to thrive and prosper.

Mathieu had been good stewards of what he had inherited from his father well and he wanted his children to be able to do the same and carry on the family legacy he would leave for them after his death. To do this, each of his children would have their own share of the inheritance, which they all would be responsible for managing as part of the overall inheritance, which was made up of many different assets.

Jeanne's father died when she was 30 years old.

Jeanne and her brothers then had to manage the inheritance left to them by their father.

She and her brothers each had to take responsibility for managing their share of the inheritance as bequeathed to them by their father, and continuing the work their father had done to enrich the family. At this age, Jeanne was already married to HUBERT, a German with whom they had two (2) sons, PAUL AND FRANCK.

At the stage, they had a good family relationship when their father was alive, and just a few years after his death. They each had a small family with children, and they had enough to live comfortably with their small family.

Jeanne had inherited a large plantation and a few clothing shops. Baudouin had inherited a furniture factory. François inherited a kitchenware factory.

They had all been trained by their fathers to take responsibility for ensuring that the family business continues to prosper and to do everything in their power to avoid bankruptcy.

Mathieu, Jeanne's father, knew that his daughter enjoyed accompanying him to the plantations. Jeanne saw, participated in, and learned from her father about the work carried out on the plantations. She also accompanied her father when he went to buy clothes for their shops.

It was by accompanying her father to the plantations and the places where he went to buy clothes for their shops that Jeanne acquired this knowledge, which was crucial when it came to dividing up the responsibilities of the inheritance so that Jeanne would take over the management of the plantations and the clothes shops.

Jeanne had met a German clothing salesman, Hubert, on one of her many trips to Germany with her father to buy clothes for their shops. Hubert became her husband. They married in Germany, but moved to France.

This happened a few years after the death of her father, Mathieu. The love between them was very strong, and they were united as their father had taught them, namely that they were of the same blood. There were no problems between them.
It was only after their mother's death that some minor problems arose, when it came to dividing their mother's fortune between them.

Odile's children, Baudouin, Jeanne and François, then had to share their mother's estate. It's not the same as after their father's death. This time, their spouses have a certain influence on their way of life. The unity and love between them was no longer what it was when their parents were alive.

They understood each other less and less, and their differences of opinion lead them to fight over the division of Odile's inheritance.

Odile could not think for a moment that her children, already rich from their father’s inheritance, her children, who loved each other very much, could be at odds over the division she wanted to make between them of the inheritance of her property, as had been the case with the division of their father’s inheritance. Besides, they were all rich.

But the darkness took advantage of this disagreement between her children, influenced by the position of their respective spouses to exacerbate the conflict between them. Each of them was so entrenched in their positions that it became impossible to find a compromise: a solution to the situation of dividing Odile's inheritance between her children. The children split up.

Baudouin wanted to sell the house, but Jeanne and François opposed his proposal to sell the family home. Despite the opposition of Jeanne and François, Baudouin organized the sale of the large house in Odile's name, without sharing the money from the sale with Jeanne, his sister, and his brother François.

Jeanne could not accept what Baudouin had just done, selling the house without their consent, and giving them nothing from the sale of the house.

In reality, Jeanne didn't need the money because she was already rich. But because of the lack of love and the conflicts between them, she had decided to claim her share of the money from the sale of Odile's house. The lack of love between them turned into hatred.

It was the stage for the hunt between Jeanne, François and Baudouin.

Jeanne went to contact a house of occultists in France to sacrifice her brother Baudouin. François, for his part, wanted to assassinate Baudouin.

Since childhood, François had had an uncontrollable temper, a flaw that would be exacerbated by the lack of love resulting from the conflict between them increased. François could not forgive his brother Baudouin for what he had just done.

Baudouin didn't feel safe wherever he was. He knew that the bandits wanted to harm him. He couldn't sleep at night because of the attacks from the darkness, he even had a serious accident, but he wasn't dead. He was so tormented by everything that was happening in his life that he started drinking alcohol, and he didn't go to work, which he delegated to his brother-in-law. He spent most of his time taking refuge in various bars and bistros where he drank alcohol.

One Saturday, he was drinking with friends in a bistro. As he was leaving the pub and getting into his car to go home, a speeding car hit him, killing him instantly.

Baudouin had given his wife a will in which he wrote that if he was no longer alive, his sister and brother should not to attend his funeral. This will was respected at his funeral. His wife was present only with her friends.

After Baudouin's death, Jeanne and François were no longer interested in what Baudouin had taken from their mother's estate. They got everthing from Baudouin's wife and children, who went on to live their own lives.

They didn't live near each other because François led a violent life. His friends complained about his behaviour. Baudouin's brother-in-law took over the inheritance of Odile, the mother of Jeanne, Baudouin and François, from Mathieu's family.

Jeanne and François didn't want to get involved in this affair, they were content with their own affairs, which kept them very busy, even though it was their family inheritance from their mother Odile.

One day, a friend of François showed him a document and put it on the table before him. It said that Baudouin's brother-in-law wanted to change the name of the company to that of Baudouin's wife and himself. François was furious and contacted his sister Jeanne. Her reaction was swift.

Baudouin's brother-in-law was a man open to darkness. He died in his sleep and, after the funeral, Baudouin's wife fled and went into hiding far from the rest of the family.

Either Jeanne or François should have been able to take over Baudouin's share of the family inheritance. The question was who would receive and administer this inheritance.

Jeanne's husband, Hubert, a businessman, wanted to run the company that was part of Baudouin's inheritance. François was in direct opposition to Hubert, with whom he didn’t get on.

Jeanne, desperate for love, consults her occultist friends to find out how to sacrifice François. These are people who know how to do harm. François has also joined a group of occultists. They sought out each other, but nothing happened.

A cousin of the family, BIENVENU, who looked after the business under the responsibility of Baudouin and his brother-in-law, was sacrificed by the lack of love of Jeanne and François, who shared the money from his business.

One day, François' house caught fire, but fortunately he was away on holiday with his family. Jeanne was worse than François. She no longer loved her family. She lived in hatred of her brothers.

In 1780, Jeanne, who was 40 and had inherited her father's plantations, suffered from a skin disease. She had pimples and spots all over her face that would not heal and for which there was no cure.

She tried several treatments and products, creams, but to no avail. She had black spots all over her face. She got even meaner when someone stared at her. She was so embarrassed that she stopped going to her friends' parties because she was ashamed of the spots and pimples on her face.

She was a rich woman, but she hid her face from the people she met. She had become terribly jealous of all the women she saw who were more beautiful than her was. Her heart had hardened when she saw them; she didn't love her neighbours. She had become very wicked.

One day, on a Wednesday, she went to the plantation to see how the work was progressing. There was a woman working on the plantation whom people admired and thought was beautiful. Jeanne witnessed a scene of jealousy between two men who loved this woman, JULIE.

Jeanne didn't wait long to suspend these two men for their behaviour, which was dictated by their jealousy of a woman.
Julie was working when Jeanne approached her and asked how her work was going. Julie turned to Jeanne, saw her, took a closer look at her face and asked Jeanne what had happened to her.

Jeanne asked Julie: "Am I ugly?", Julie smiled and replied: "Yes". Jeanne was furious and ordered a man who accompanied her everywhere as a bodyguard to put Julie in his car and drive her home. When they arrived at Jeanne's house, Julie was tied to a chair in the kitchen and tortured in Jeanne's presence. She screamed so loudly that the man covered her mouth with a piece of cloth that looked like a handkerchief.

Jeanne didn't want to kill Julie, but to make her as ugly as she had said she would for Jeanne on the plantation. The man tortured Julie in such a way that damaged her face.

Jeanne told Julie that she would not be able to work for the rest of her life and that she would suffer for having insulted her by saying that she was ugly. Jeanne asked the man to cut off Julie's fingers with a knife. Julie begged Jeanne in the name of God, but the man, the executioner, carried out Jeanne's order and cut off Julie's fingers. The blood flowed freely. Julie was an orphan.

The man warned Julie not to tell anyone about what had happened to her or he will kill her. He took Julie and abandoned her along the road where no one could see her or help her. With no help, Julie died after three days of excruciating suffering, without food or water. The few people who saw her did not go near her to to help her. The executioner cut off all her fingers.

The Light did not approve of Jeanne's behaviour, for she became worse and worse, doing nothing but making people suffer. Hubert couldn't stand her behaviour and left her to return to Germany. All their children left home to start their own families.

There was an epidemic of pneumonia that broke out in the town where Jeanne lived. Jeanne caught the epidemic and died in her home, in her bed, in 1798. Her children Paul and Franck took over the management and running of the plantation and the shops.

Franck took advantage of the few moments he was allowed to work with his uncle François and his children. François died 1801, three years after his sister Jeanne.

Mathieu had taught his children Jeanne, Baudouin and François to love, but they all died without love. Jeanne had such a lack of love that she sacrificed her brother Baudouin. She hated her brother François until his death.

They had not understood the meaning of God's true love.

They fell in love while their parents were still alive, still managing their money, their property and their businesses. Their parents had taught them to have love in their lives and to manage the inheritance they were to receive, each with his or her share.

The problems that led to serious conflicts between them began at a time in their lives when, for personal reasons, they put aside and forgot the love that should reign between them as their parents had taught them, and gave priority to their personal material interests. Instead of love, it was hatred that separated them. They began to sacrifice themselves for material interests. There was no love in them or between them. It was hate and jealousy that won their hearts. And it was the darkness to which they opened themselves.

Hatred has pushed them to seek to sacrifice others for material interests. Love is spiritual. A person who has this flaw of jealousy does not have true love of neighbour. Love one another as God loves you. God is love.

Testimony 2.

After her death, Jeanne went through the process of passing into the afterlife. Her detachment from the body was not easy. On her way to the Beyond, she had passed through the Villages of Faults to learn about her faults. She experienced in an extreme way the consequences of all the harm she had caused others through her lack of love. She had a very difficult journey and arrived in the Infirmary very tired.

Once in front of the Judges in the Beyond, Jeanne struggled to stand and watch what was happening on the giant screens, including Julie's torture scene and the circumstances and conditions of her death. Jeanne collapsed to the floor, unconscious. She couldn't watch the horrible images of what she had done to Julie out of jealousy and lack of love. She went off to her punishment in the afterlife.

Jeanne had received the Grace of God to be reincarnated on earth in an African country, in 1810, in a POOR family. Her father was a farmer with a few oxen. Her mother was a housekeeper who stayed at home to look after the children. Her parents were Muslim and had seven (7) children. Three (3) girls and four (4) boys. In this new incarnation on earth, the woman who was called Jeanne in her previous incarnation was given the name AMINA, in this new incarnation on earth in a poor African family.

She was the last of the family. Her brothers and sisters didn't like her. She was not welcome in the family. She was born with two (2) fingers on her right hand and three (3) fingers on her left hand, instead of having five (5) fingers on each hand as is normally the case. She became the object of ridicule from her family and from people outside the family because of this defect in her hands.

Amina (Jeanne) couldn't leave the house because of the defect in her hands. The children in the street made fun of her. They even thought a witch. She often cried to her mother, asking why she had been born with this defect in her hands. Her mother told her that she would have to live with it all her life and that there was nothing she could do about it.

Amina could do nothing without her mother's constant support. She could do nothing because of the defect in her hands. Church was the only place where she could be at peace, where people could look at her closely without making fun of her. Amina asked the church priest to pray for her, convinced that her problem would find a solution.

Amina also liked to go out into the fields with the women of the village, her mother's friends, which enabled her to avoid stares and contact with people. She also tried to work with her hands in her own way.

Amina lived with people who made fun of her because of the defect in her hands. She had to put up with people making fun of her, even though it hurt and some people called her names. She also sometimes helped her mother with certain things. She adapted her hands to do certain things, but because of the defect in both her hands, she was limited in what she could do, and it was her mother and her sisters who helped her.  Because of this defect in her two hands, Amina led a difficult life in this incarnation, in this poor family in Africa.

At the age of 18, Amina had not received any marriage proposals from men, whereas her sisters were all married.

At the time in Africa, girls were married off at a very young age, around 12, when it was believed that a girl had the necessary skills, competencies and abilities to be taken in marriage. Amina was 18 and still lives with her parents.
In the village where Amina lived, there was another girl, Aicha, who had a disability, a deformity of the legs that prevented her from walking properly. People in the village who knew her made fun of her.

Aicha and Amina became friends. They hung out together and did things together.

A nun, Sister BEACTRICE, used to visit the villages regularly to teach the women about their role. When Amina was still a child, she couldn't go to the women's meetings; only her mother could. When she reached the age of 18, she was considered a woman and was able to attend the village women's meetings.

At one meeting, Amina wanted to meet Beatrice to talk about her life. One day, after the women's meeting she had attended, Amina approached Sister Beatrice and asked to speak to her. Amina expressed her desire to become a nun. Amina herself couldn't comprehensible where the idea of becoming a nun had come from.

Sister Beatrice looked at her attentively, smiling. Amina felt ashamed and lowered her head. She thought Sister Beatrice's smile had something to do with the defect in her hands.

Sister Beatrice took Amina's hand and told her that it wasn't easy to become a nun, that it was a vocation. Amina raised her head and told Sister Beatrice that she knew it was difficult, but that she wanted to become a person who served God in her life. She couldn't see what she was doing by staying with her parents, who were always cursing her for not having a normal life. She knew that God alone loved her and she wanted to serve Him in her life. Amina has tears in her eyes as she said this.

Sister Beatrice told Amina that she would meet the Sister Superior to discuss her request. Amina was delighted with this answer.

After three (3) weeks of waiting, Sister Béatrice arrived in the village on a Thursday for the women's meeting. Amina was there, waiting to meet Sister Béatrice to find out the answer to her request to become a nun.

At the end of the meeting, Sister Beatrice asked to see Amina. Amina was impatient and nervous as she waited to hear what Sister would say to her request.

Sister Beatrice was all smiles when she saw Amina and before she spoke to her. She took Amina in her arms and told her that her request had been accepted by the Mother Superior, but on the condition that her parents agreed to her going to the Sisters' convent to learn how to become a nun. Amina agreed and was very happy.

They immediately went to meet Amina's parents, who were very happy to welcome a white nun into their home. Sister Beatrice told Amina's parents about the whole process, which had started with her meeting Amina who had expressed her desire to become a nun, a request she had submitted to the Sister Superior who, after examining it, had accepted it, on condition that you, Amina's parents, gave your agreement so that Amina could begin this formation. 

Amina's mother, with tears in her eyes, told Béatrice that she had often dreamed that Amina would become a nun, but how to tell Amina's father and Amina, and how would they react. She thanked God that Amina was going to a place where people would respect her, instead of staying in the village and being mocked and insulted all the time. They were all happy that Amina was leaving her family and the village for the convent.

Amina happily packed her bags without informing the villagers, who didn’t appreciate her. She left with Sister Béatrice for the nuns' convent.

Amina was well received at the nuns' convent, despite the looks some of them gave her, but it wasn't like the Village. She found two (2) other black girls who were training to be nuns. They became friends. There was work to be done in the convent. Amina used her hands to do the work adapted to her disability. She was happy to be among nuns who respected her as she was. She has learnt to love her neighbour and to pray.

After two (2) years' training at the sisters' convent, Amina became a nun. She was able to accompany the white nuns as they travelled from village to village, teaching the women important things they needed to know.

Amina often travelled with her sister Béatrice, who was fond of her. Amina left her village for two years without returning. She only stayed at the nuns' convent. The first trip Amina made with Sister Beatrice was to her own village. She was nervous.

They arrived in the village around 2am one morning. The women were waiting for Sister Béatrice, but much to their surprise, she was accompanied by Amina, who was wearing a nun's habit. All the women were astonished to see Amina dressed like that. There were whispers and murmurs among them.

Amina heard what they said to each other and reported it to Sister Béatrice, who took advantage of the opportunity to teach the women of the village about love of neighbour.

Sister Béatrice told them that this was not the same Amina they knew, and that they were dealing with an Amina who was a servant of the Light who had given her life to God. She wanted to serve God by giving her whole life to helping people, especially women.

When Béatrice took the floor, some of the women were brought to tears. Amina's mother had also come to the meeting. With no other choice, she waited until the end of the meeting to embrace her daughter. The women of the village had a certain respect for the white nuns.

It was only after Beatrice had taught the women present that the women's meeting was able to begin. Amina acted as interpreter during the meeting. She was able to give even more explanations and details in their own language. The women had the courage to ask Amina questions in their own language and she was able to answer them without going through Sister Beatrice. The women were able to understand the teachings better in their mother tongue.

The women in the village didn't see Amina's faults, they liked her. They learned to love people, but not to reject them because of their faults. Amina, who used to be mocked by the villagers, has become a religious sister whom everyone respects.

At the end of the women's meeting, Amina's mother went to embrace her daughter Amina, who had become a different person from the girl she knew, she had become a religious sister standing there in front of her. Amina had changed during her stay at the sisters' convent. She behaved differently, with a different attitude to people and women in particular, compared to the women in the village where she came from.

While Amina was back in the village with Sister Beatrice, taking part in the usual meeting with the women of the village, she had not yet met her father, who had gone hunting with the men of the village. Her mother told the whole family how lucky they were to have Amina as a nun. They were all proud of Amina.

Amina and Sister Béatrice returned home after the meeting. Amina was a little sad to leave her mother, who had reached a certain age. The next women's meeting would take place in a month's time.

But before Amina and Sister Beatrice returned home, Amina's father, who had already returned from the hunt, was waiting to see her at the end, after the women's meeting. He had heard a lot of good things about her.

Indeed, at the end of the meeting, Amina went to see her father, who was very surprised to see the transformation in his daughter, who had changed completely. He couldn't see her faults, but the way she walked, talked and dressed had changed for Amina. Her father's first thought was to marry Amina off.

Amina's father wanted his daughter back, whom she thought would marry a rich man. As he began to to Sister Beatrice about getting his daughter back, Amina stood up and addressed her father in a firm, raised tone.

She revealed that her father had considered selling her because of the humiliation she brought to the family, that he had even tried to kill her several times because of her defect. He called Amina a witch.

Amina told her father that she had given her life to God and that she did not belong to him. Her father couldn't bear this truth, which considered humiliating, so he got up and disappeared into his room. This confrontation with her father meant that Amina would not return to her village with Sister Beatrice when she did. They would go and teach women in other villages.

Amina only returned to her village when her mother died. She attended her mother's funeral.

She was now able to go off on her own to teach women in other villages. Amina had found her vocation as a religious sister. She had learned love, she taught people to love God, she was able to solve certain problems that arose between people by teaching them to love their neighbour. She had learned the differing languages spoken in the different villages she visited as part of her work. She also acquired the necessary skills to work as a counsellor, assisting the midwives by giving them advise on how to help pregnant women.

In this present life, in this Testimony 2, Amina, who was called Jeanne in the incarnation in Testimony 1, had become a religious sister and was working as such to help other women. She had trained many girls from the village who had become religious sisters.

She concentrated more on teaching God's love in all her life and in all her work.  Sometimes she would become tearful without knowing why, but the Light knew what Amina had done in her past incarnations as Jeanne. In that past life she (Jeanne) had no love, a defect that had become like a burden that she carried and felt so deeply within her. She wondered about the cause of what was affecting her and shaking her so badly to the point of tears. It was a phenomenon she had experienced many times when she was teaching or speaking to people about the importance of God's love in life.

She would be so deeply moved by what she was saying about love that she would start shedding tears without knowing the cause or the reason.

Amina died in her sleep on a Sunday night, after having said her evening prayers.  She was not ill. She was 77 years old. The Light had wanted to call her back to prepare her for another mission on earth. She had not suffered to detach herself from her body, as was the case when she was Jeanne, who had spent a week detaching herself from her body before beginning her journey into the afterlife. Amina, in spite of her shortcomings, had done the Will of God, and she had understood that the Love of God is the most important thing in a person’s life. When she died, she saw herself detached from her physical body, and that she had no defects.

Jeanne, Amina, is currently incarnated in NIGERIA under the name of BRIGHTEN. She is incarnated in a rich family. Her father is a politician who has a strong flaw marked by a lack of love for God. He lets people suffer for his personal interests.

Jeanne (Amina) has a mission with her two (2) brothers who are also servants of the Light. Their mission is to lead a life according to the Light in true love of neighbour and to work so that God's love wins the hearts of men. Their mission is not easy with a father, a man who does not help people but makes them suffer because of a lack of true love of neighbour.

Don't think that after death everything is over. The Light always gives Its Grace to human beings to reincarnate on earth where the Laws of God, which take everything into account and organize everything, will place everyone in circumstances and conditions that will help them to live true love of neighbour and cut off the bad threads of the past.  

Servants are sent by the Light to help spiritually where help is needed. The cycle of an incarnation must be completed at the end of a person's earthly journey, before the process leading to another new cycle of another incarnation can begin.


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The Mastermind Group

In the midst of despair, however, helpers in the service of the Grail will begin their task! The great construction begins. No one else is able to bring help to the broken....
Abdruschin, "Submission" – Resonance 1: Vol.20.
The Mastermind Teachings is essentially an invitation to quicken the rhythm of your spiritual evolution. Master John, along with the Helpers in the Beyond, see how people are suffering for lack of this spiritual knowledge which is necessary for them to live well. This lack of knowledge and also ignorance means that we often do not know how to act well in certain situations and in certain problems that come our way in our lives.

Readers of the Grail Message do have the Teachings of the Lord which should help us to act well in any situation that arises in front of us, in our lives. But often the Principals and Spiritual Helpers can see how people do not act on this knowledge when they find themselves in a situation where they have to use their knowledge to get by.

For humanity to begin to grasp and live these never-before-given teachings in their purity so as to act well, therefore, there has be a shift in our mindset, which shapes our backgrounds of interpretation. A reprogramming of our subconscious (awakening) mind*, which in our awakening convictions has so far caused distortions and resulting confusion in the experiencing of many things in our lives.

It is with the joy in seeing our present human spiritual awakening that Master John offers these teachings, to help ALL humanity lift its mindset in the splendour of its pure form, so as to know how to behave rightly in given situations. Teachings that provide answers to questions that can help us in connecting our subconscious mind to its highest knowing: intuitive intelligence. In so doing, we give opening to the Light and no longer to grope in darkness in looking downward to our conscious (reasoning) mind – the lower personal "ego" which, in never coming to the point of experiencing spiritually therefore knows nothing, never truly lives ___
* The ability to think creatively and to understand concepts depend on our awareness factor termed the subconscious mind. It is in the subconscious mind that all our mental processes take place – without consciousness. Every thought we generate immediately takes on a form that embodies the expression that gives meaning of the thought in the subconscious mind. As we conceive a thought, the subconscious mind accepts, affirms, and advances with certainty the suggestion it receives whether the reciprocation is good or bad. As the edifice of order, judgement and reciprocity, therefore, the subconscious mind is responsible for the internal programming that forms our beliefs, memories of experience, judgments and habits; in other words, it forms our mindset.

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