The very fact that there is another commandment, which goes as follows: "Do not lust after your neighbour's wife! "shows little of what this sixth commandment was intended to mean, by what earthly law defines it to be.
“You should not commit adultery" can also be, "You should not break the peace of a marriage! " Peace, naturally, means harmony. At the same time it also implies what the condition of a marriage should be in the first place; since where nothing can be broken or can be disturbed, the commandment, which does not conform to earthly conceptions and determinations but to the Will of God, has no validity.
Marriage is therefore only in actuality where harmony and peace reign. Where one always seeks only to live for the other and to give him joy. One-sidedness and this frequent seductive, deadly boredom are completely and forever excluded from the outset, as is the dangerous longing for distraction or the conceitedness of not being understood! The murder weapons of every happiness! It is precisely these evils that cannot exist in a true marriage at all, which each one truly lives for the other, because not wanting to be understood and also the longing for distraction are simply the consequences of profound egoism that seeks to live only for oneself, but not for the other.
With true love of the soul, the mutual joyful giving of oneself is something quite natural, and in this also reciprocally, a shortcoming of one party is entirely excluded. Provided, of course, that the level of education of those who are united is not too great a gap.
This is one condition required of the Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species in the great Universe, which must be fully met if happiness is to be complete.
But where there is no peace, where harmony is not to be found, the union does not deserve to be called marriage; it is then not a marriage for them, but only an earthly union, which as such has no worth before God and therefore cannot bring blessing in this sense in which it is to be expected in a true marriage.
With this sixth commandment, therefore, true marriage according to God’s Will is a strict prerequisite! Any other is unprotected. But woe to anyone who dares in any manner to cause disturbance in a true marriage! For the triumph, which here on earth is obtained from it, takes a quite different form in the Ethereal World than is expected! In horror he would want to escape from it, when he has to cross over into the region where it awaits him.
It is adultery in the broadest sense of the word, even where an attempt is made to separate two people who have true spiritual love, as very often parents do to their children when one or another earthly circumstance is not as they wish! And woe to the woman, woe to the man, whether young or old, who, out of envy or dalliance, consciously brings strife or even quarrel between such a pure loving couple! Let pure love between two humans be sacred before each other; let it inspire reverence and respect, but not lust. For it is under the protection of God’s Will!
If the feeling of such impure desire seek to arise, then the person should turn and look only with a clear eye among those humans who have not yet joined their soul in marriage.
If he seeks with earnestness and patience, then he will definitely find someone who suits him in the manner God intended, one with whom he then also becomes happy, without first incurring guilt on himself, which can never bring or grant happiness!
This great mistake of these people is that often they initially pursue a weak emotional impulse, hold it forcibly within themselves, nurse it with contrived fantasies, until it strengthens satisfactorily and torments them as well, driving them to sin. Thousands of human spirits need not have got lost, if only they would always pay attention to the beginning of this, which, if it is not produced by the calculating intellect, arising from degrading dalliance, which in turn has its origin in the corrupt customs of earthly family and, above all, social life. These are indeed often entirely marriage markets, rarely cleaner than the barefaced slave trade in the East. Therein lies a breeding ground of the germs for adultery.
Parents, beware, lest you fall into the guilt of adultery against your children out of intellectual calculation! Countless are already entangled in it. It will require far too much time to free yourself again from the entanglement. You, children, be careful not to disturb the peace between your parents, or you too will be guilty of adultery. Consider this carefully. Otherwise you make yourselves an enemy of your God, and there is no such enemy who would not ultimately have to fall to destruction in unspeakable torment, without God lifting a finger! You should never destroy the peace and harmony between two people.
Hammer this into your head, that it may always stand as a warning before the eye of your soul. —