October 25, 2024

A 10-Part Series of Teachings

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From The Grail Message

The Sixth Commandment:

You must not break up a marriage!

The very fact that there is another commandment, which goes as follows: "Do not lust after your neighbour's wife! "shows little of what this sixth commandment was intended to mean, by what earthly law defines it to be.
“You should not commit adultery" can also be, "You should not break the peace of a marriage! " Peace, naturally, means harmony. At the same time it also implies
what the condition of a marriage should be in the first place; since where nothing can be broken or can be disturbed, the commandment, which does not conform to earthly conceptions and determinations but to the Will of God, has no validity.
Marriage is therefore only in actuality where harmony and peace reign. Where one always seeks only to live for the other and to give him joy. One-sidedness and this frequent seductive, deadly boredom are completely and forever excluded from the outset, as is the dangerous longing for distraction or the conceitedness of not being understood! The murder weapons of every happiness! It is precisely these evils that
cannot exist in a true marriage at all, which each one truly lives for the other, because not wanting to be understood and also the longing for distraction are simply the consequences of profound egoism that seeks to live only for oneself, but not for the other.
With true love of the soul, the mutual joyful giving of oneself is something quite natural, and in this also reciprocally, a shortcoming of one party is entirely excluded. Provided, of course, that the level of education of those who are united is not too great a gap.
This is one condition required of the Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species in the great Universe, which must be fully met if happiness is to be complete.
But where there is no peace, where harmony is not to be found, the union does not deserve to be called marriage; it is then not a marriage for them, but only an earthly union, which as such has no worth before God and therefore cannot bring blessing in this sense in which it is to be expected in a true marriage.
With this sixth commandment, therefore, true marriage according to God’s Will is a strict prerequisite! Any other is unprotected. But woe to anyone who dares in any manner to cause disturbance in a
true marriage! For the triumph, which here on earth is obtained from it, takes a quite different form in the Ethereal World than is expected! In horror he would want to escape from it, when he has to cross over into the region where it awaits him.
It is adultery in the broadest sense of the word, even where an attempt is made to separate two people who have true spiritual love, as very often parents do to their children when one or another earthly circumstance is not as they wish! And woe to the woman, woe to the man, whether young or old, who, out of envy or dalliance, consciously brings strife or even quarrel between such a pure loving couple! Let pure love between two humans be sacred before each other; let it inspire reverence and respect, but not lust. For it is under the protection of God’s Will!
If the feeling of such impure desire seek to arise, then the person should turn and look only with a clear eye among
those humans who have not yet joined their soul in marriage.
If he seeks with earnestness and patience, then he will definitely find someone who suits him in the manner God intended, one with whom he then also becomes happy, without first incurring guilt on himself, which can never bring or grant happiness!
This great mistake of these people is that often they initially pursue a weak emotional impulse, hold it forcibly within themselves, nurse it with contrived fantasies, until it strengthens satisfactorily and torments them as well, driving them to sin. Thousands of human spirits need not have got lost, if only they would always pay attention to the beginning of this, which, if it is not produced by the calculating intellect, arising from degrading dalliance, which in turn has its origin in the corrupt customs of earthly family and, above all, social life. These are indeed often entirely marriage markets, rarely cleaner than the barefaced slave trade in the East. Therein lies a breeding ground of the germs for adultery.
Parents, beware, lest you fall into the guilt of adultery against your children out of intellectual calculation! Countless are already entangled in it. It will require far too much time to free yourself again from the entanglement. You, children, be careful not to disturb the peace between your parents, or you too will be guilty of adultery. Consider this carefully. Otherwise you make yourselves an enemy of your God, and there is no such enemy who would not ultimately have to fall to destruction in unspeakable torment, without God lifting a finger! You should never destroy the peace and harmony between two people.
Hammer this into your head, that it may always stand as a warning before the eye of your soul.  —

A Light Teaching and Stories –

From Master John

The teachings in the sixth (6) commandment are particularly important for people who are thinking of getting married and preparing to do so. Marriage, which is an act willed by God, finds its highest meaning only if it is contracted on a spiritual basis, in accordance with God’s Will, by those human beings, a woman and a man, who want to unite in marriage for life.

The union of two people in marriage must therefore not be considered solely on the earthly level, even if it is necessary to comply with the laws and administrative provisions laid down by the authorities of the place where you live, in order to contract a marriage.

You do read what is said in this commandment, but like everything that is spiritual, the sole aim of which is to help you in your life for your earthly well-being and your spiritual evolution, you do not understand it, because you do not read it with the necessary seriousness to understand it properly and apply it to your life.

You have at your disposal spiritual teachings that give you knowledge about marriage, an act wanted by God, and how to prepare it according to God’s Will for your earthly well-being and spiritual evolution. Any act instituted by God, such as marriage, always has your earthly well-being and spiritual evolution as its sole aim. Marriage must be entered into in accordance with God’s Will so that it is protected and is a source of blessing for other human beings.

Unfortunately, marriages are entered into on the basis of earthly intellectual convictions and become earthly associations that take no account of God’s Will.

In this sixth commandment, as in other teachings in the Holy Word, you will find knowledge about marriage, true marriage, according to the Will of God. Only true marriage, in which there is true love, attracts God’s Force and is also a source of blessing in the life of such a couple united according to God’s Will. With such a couple, there is true harmony, true joy in life, true peace, true happiness, true cooperation between the spouses.

In a true marriage, the two souls who feel naturally drawn to each other by a natural attraction that is not dictated by selfish interests or material motives and considerations, or hidden agendas on the part of one of them to the detriment of the other innocent person who is thinking of the other party’s true love for him or her.

For those considering marriage, it is useful and necessary to seek to understand, discern and feel the type of attraction you can have towards certain people. It may be an attraction to a destined soul or a complementary soul with whom you can form a true couple, and a true marriage.

For a real couple in a real marriage, dialogue is very important, and there’s no room for hypocrisy. There is such cooperation, such trust and such love between them that they tell each other everything and continue to grow happily in harmony. Such a couple attracts good vibration and the God-Force.

In a marriage where there is no dialogue, there are often arguments because there is a failure to understand; no one knows what the other thinks and expects of him or her. Harmony does not exist in such a marriage, where sometimes the husband dominates and always wants to impose himself and decide everything, without consideration or trust for his wife. The man sees the woman as a weakling who is not intelligent or capable of thinking of solutions to family problems. Men see themselves as responsible for everything.

It is not God’s Will that the man should dominate in marriage. There must be harmony in marriage. In this kind of marriage the couple does not respect God’s Will. There is not the harmony necessary to attract God’s Force, which protects and blesses true marriages.

Love of neighbour must reign in a true marriage where one must live for the other in respect for God’s Will and in the fear of God.

Couples in a marriage of destined or complementary souls who are attracted towards each other by affinity, must continue to work together by leading a life in accordance with God's Laws. They find that they are increasingly attracted to each other, and evolve spiritually.

Refer to Blog: Marriage Is A Union Made In The Beyond Between A Woman & A Man

Destined souls are linked by affinity from the Afterlife, where they were united before descending to Earth for a mission. It is something spiritual that is decisive and plays an important role in the meeting of souls destined for a life together on earth.

Some destined souls may meet in circumstances they did not expect, but everything is foreseen by the Light. There is no coincidence. In most cases, however, destined souls attract each other naturally, and the meeting takes place calmly.

Attraction occurs naturally without what is called love at first sight, which is an instinctive reaction of the sight and intellect, different from attraction by affinity between two souls who recognize each other by the spiritual thread that unites them.

Darkness uses its agents everywhere to destroy people and cause them to lose their way, especially those who are spiritual. These men and women agents of darkness know well what can make men and women fall, and place their traps everywhere. In these cases, people are not attracted by spiritual affinity, but in turn by a sudden impact like a thunderbolt that can break their heart, and they will go of their own accord to the person who breaks their heart.

Some people may feel a burning need to work in the field of helping people somewhere. In this way, they may also be on the path to meeting their destined soul or a complementary soul. The Light uses all the paths that bring destined souls together and they will feel the attraction between them at the very moment they meet.

Story 1

George, aged 14, accompanied a young girl, Alice, aged 10, to the school where they were both studying, because Alice's mother, who sold at the market and had to leave the house very early in the morning, couldn’t accompany her. So she left her daughter Alice with neighbours who had a 14-year-old boy, George, who was very polite and helped Alice with her homework when her widowed mother could not.

George left school when he graduated and went to university. But even when he went off to university, he always found time to take Alice to school in the mornings. Alice could go to school on her own sometimes, but she needed George to help her with her homework.

George kept in contact with Alice’s family for years and started working after finishing his studies. Alice, in the meantime, had also finished school and started to attend university. Her mother did all she could to pay for her education with the little money she earned from her modest business, but it wasn’t enough. George helped to pay for Alice’s education.

They began to like and to feel an attraction for each other. George had known Alice since primary school at the age of 10. It was George who first felt a stronger attraction for Alice. Alice, for her part, regarded George as an older brother.

George told his parents about his strong attraction to Alice and his affinity with her. His parents thought highly of Alice, a very respectful girl who often came to the house to help George’s mother with certain chores. She did the work as a thank you for what George had done for her. Little did she know that this was the way of destiny.

Alice’s mother could not have wished for better news than that George was willing to marry her daughter Alice. She agreed. She had feared that her daughter would fall in love with another man who did not love her and who would make her suffer as she had suffered with Alice’s father. She began by thanking God for what she considered to be a happy coincidence for her.

Alice and George married and had 4 children, OLIVER, MARY, SUZAN AND GEORGE. They were made for each other naturally, not by love at first sight. George helped Alice like a little sister.

He would even hold Alice's hand as she crossed the road. He protected Alice when she was little. It was a true love of destined souls. The Light had arranged for Alice and George to meet at an early age to get to know each other and for George to help Alice. There are many cases where destined souls are naturally made to gravitate towards each other. Some may experience many difficulties before winning the hand of their destined soul or soul mate in order to marry him or her.

Marriage must be entered into with the utmost seriousness for spiritual reasons and for a spiritual purpose. It is a union in which two people unite to live together for the rest of their lives. A true marriage should not be entered into for reasons of interest. There are many problems in a marriage of interest. There is no harmony, no true joy and no true peace because the marriage is not entered into on the basis of true love, but for a certain interest.

Some unions are not true marriages according to the Will of God. In these marriages, the man is independent and can do what he wants without the wife's opinion, while the woman finds it normal to have several men besides her husband. They are united by a contract authorizing each of them to have other intimate relationships. Those who enter into such a marriage are not respecting God’s Will. It is not a true marriage, but only a union of people in which true love, true peace and true joy are absent. They live like hypocrites. In a true marriage there can always be harmony, joy and true love.

A true marriage between two people is for life. In such a marriage founded on spiritual values, there is no room for any idea of separation, because there is true love, true harmony, true happiness, true peace, true cooperation, true understanding and true dialogue between the two, whatever happens and whatever the problems, which never fail.

For a man, his woman should be the most beautiful in the world, and for a woman, her man is the best in the world. You find in your partner everything you hope to find in the woman or man of your dreams.  You don’t have the time to look the other way and leave yourself to be influenced by extraneous ideas and thoughts that could lead you to develop impure feelings likely to shatter the harmony of your destined or complementary soul.

Always remember that darkness always fights against any true union, any marriage of two souls destined or complementary to each other, for it is the unions entered in on spiritual foundations and where harmony, peace and joy reign that darkness fights and will do everything to destroy such a union.

Dialogue, trust and understanding are very important in the marriage of a couple who love each other well and do God’s Will.

The life of such a couple should be an expression of the fulfilment of the spiritual teachings that should be at the centre of their lives. They will face together, hand in hand, all the trials of life and be vigilant against all that comes from without, where all manner of dangers of darkness and its agents may come to destroy them.

The godparents* of a marriage must not be the cause of any problems in the marriage they have agreed to sponsor. They must be aware of their responsibility, of their role as godparents, which is to be these people who are examples for the couple, who are there to help the bride and groom by giving them advice that will help them evolve in harmony and true love, and to solve other problems.

But when a sponsor allows himself to go out and have an intimate relationship, say with the wife he has sponsored and the husband catches them, the marriage is destroyed. There will be no harmony, peace and joy, and the couple will most likely divorce. The cause of the separation is the sponsor who was not there to help but was an agent of darkness to destroy the couple and their marriage. There are many known cases where the godfather has an intimate relationship with the bride. This godfather will not live in peace because he has destroyed a marriage that could have been that of destined or complementary souls who was incarnated on Earth to meet and accomplish a mission of Light together.

The godfather, who failed in his self-control, developed strong feelings for the bride at one point and went ahead with the act, doesn’t consider the serious consequences this would have on the couple, who would no longer be the same, with the risk of divorce.    

Every true marriage, every true union of two souls concluded in accordance with God’s Will, should be respected and protected by all. There are souls on Earth who are already united in the Afterlife before coming down to Earth, where everything has been planned by the Light so that they can meet and accomplish their mission together. Destined souls always have a mission to accomplish together on Earth. These are the souls for whom it is said that no one should separate what God has united.

Anyone who in any way prevents the meeting of two souls destined for each other, or creates problems for those who are already in relationship, commits a sin before God, Who has already united them in the Afterlife for a joint mission on Earth.

Not every union, not every marriage between two souls, is for the purpose of procreation. Souls will be incarnated on Earth for various reasons, but whatever the reason, it is a spiritual mission. So there are couples whose mission does not allow them to have children. They have not failed in their mission and must not become the object of ridicule from others, who must not think that a childless couple is worthless, and will disturb the harmony, the happiness, the love of this couple.

The blessing is with all those who respect and help a couple of souls who love each other with a true love of God. Don’t just see and seek out what you think and believe to be wrong in a married couple, what they are doing wrong, but seek to help them evolve in the right direction, spiritually. Don’t be the cause of divorce or disharmony between people who love each other with true love and according to God’s Will. You are sinning by acting out of jealousy and envy towards people who love each other well, and who are in harmonious marriages. There are people who bewitch couples, to attack and push them to act badly and commit sins.

Darkness and its agents always seek to destroy any true marriage of destined or complementary souls who live in true love. They are often people who fail to love their neighbour, who seek only to stir up trouble and disorder where there is true love of neighbour, true joy, true peace and true harmony. They do not consider the spiritual consequences of their actions.

People who believe in customs and traditions and bow to their demands bind themselves to these customs and traditions, which they follow blindly without understanding them, and accept, nevertheless, that parents decide which woman or man to marry. These people will suffer in silence from the consequences of this choice, which is not their own and sometimes even goes against them, and from the demands of customs and traditions that they do not understand. Are the demands of customs and traditions in line with God's Will?

Parents who interfere and even decide which woman or man their child should marry are acting against God’s Will. They have their own reasons for refusing a marriage between two souls, one of whom is their child with another, who may even be destined or complementary souls, to accept another marriage, between their child and another soul, for reasons known only to them, for their own benefit, their interest, and not for their child, or for the couple to become.

*Godparents are supposed to guide the new couple throughout their married life, give them advice whenever needed, be supportive, just like biological parents would. Godparents must be married to one another in order to be godparents. Before the wedding, the future godparents will help the couple with the preparations, will give advice when asked. For example, in some cultures it is usually the godmother who helps the bride choose her wedding dress, unveils the bride and places a kerchief on her head, to mark the new wife status; however, traditions differ in other parts of the world.

Story 2

MOSES was born in Africa. He grew up in a family that respected customs and traditions, and was the only son in his family. He married AMINA and they had 10 children, 7 boys and 3 girls. His first son, Jack, worked on a white colonial plantation. He didn’t often return to the village to see the family.

Moses’ second son OSCAR, aged 20, found a woman to be his wife named BEATRICE, whom he introduced to his father Moses for marriage. Moses flatly refused, in accordance with the custom that did not allow a younger brother to marry before the older one. His older brother Jack was not yet married, so Oscar had to wait until Jack got married, according to custom, and then he could marry.

Oscar was sad and angry, because he had found a good woman he wanted to marry, but couldn’t because of the customs. Time passed and, more than three years later, Beatrice’s father gave away his young daughter into marriage. In those days, girls got married very young, at 17, 18, 19. Oscar wanted to marry Beatrice at the age of 17, but her father Moses, according to custom, refused because his elder brother, the first, was not yet married.

Beatrice was the destined soul of Oscar, who could not marry her because of custom. Beatrice’s father married her off to another polygamist, but she was not happy with this man, who was violent and beat his wives. Beatrice was unhappy in her marriage. She became pregnant, but died during childbirth.

Oscar couldn’t bear the news of Beatrice’s death. The shock of Beatrice’s death was so great that Oscar threw himself into the lake, where his body was never found.

Moses had a difficult journey into the Afterlife after his death, with the burden he carried of having broken up a marriage between two destined souls, just to comply with custom. It was an act of failing to love his neighbour.

When Moses arrived in the Afterlife, in front of the Judges, he couldn’t bear to watch the images on the screens showing how his son Oscar had killed himself by throwing himself into the lake. He saw how Oscar had struggled to his death, a horrible death caused by his refusal to leave Oscar to be united with Beatrice as his wife in life.

Moses asked for grace to be incarnated on Earth in order to redeem his sins. He was incarnated on Earth in a family in Europe. He went to university and felt a certain attraction towards a girl, Theresa, with whom they became friends.
After six months of friendship, he decided to introduce Theresa to his parents, who are preparing the house and the food to welcome Theresa, their son’s friend.

It was 1pm, the time of the appointment. Moses’ parents open the door to let Moses and Theresa in. Theresa entered and greeted Moses’ father, but when she offered her hand to Moses’ mother, she refuses to greet her and went into the kitchen clutching her face. Moses joined her in the kitchen after a few minutes. She didn’t wait long to ask Moses to go out and be with this girl who she didn’t think was right for her son.

Moses tries to explain to his mother who Theresa was, but she would not listen and told him never to set foot in her house with that girl again.

Moses wanted to insist, but his mother chased him out of the kitchen. Moses asked Theresa to leave. This was a great disappointment for Moses, who cried all night because of his mother’s action.

He was forced to separate from Theresa because of pressure from his mother to do so.

Moses did not marry again for the rest of his life. He had a child with a German woman, without marrying her. The scene he had experienced with his mother remained engraved in his spirit, and when he saw it again in his dreams, he couldn’t sleep, he cried, wondering why his mother had acted in such a way, when he didn’t know that he too had acted in the same way in a previous life.

Theresa was one of Moses' three daughters when he lived in Africa in a past incarnation. Theresa’s name was JUDITH. Moses loved his daughter JUDITH very much. Moses had reaped what he had sown in a previous life in Africa.

Moses’ brother Jack, who insisted to Oscar on the importance of respecting customs, died in a tragic accident. He was working for a white wood company in Africa.

Due to a lack of cooperation between the people working on the machines, Jack found himself trapped in a machine and was cut to pieces. Jack didn’t get married like his father Moses thought he would.

Oscar committed suicide in this past incarnation because he was so disappointed by his father Moses’ refusal to let him marry Beatrice.

Jack played a part that wasn’t right. He could have opposed his father Moses, but he supported him in his position to respect the custom that his younger brother could not marry until he, his older brother Jack, married.

Jack was partly responsible for Oscar’s death by suicide. He blindly supported his father’s decision that led to Oscar’s suicide instead of trying to break the habit of blindly following customs and other decisions that were not good for his brother Oscar and the family.

The family must take a view of itself that is favourable, taking into account the well-being of each individual and conforming to God’s Will in true love of neighbour. No one should impose demands on others that prevent destined or complementary souls from marrying or that break the peace and harmony that reign in a true union of destined and complementary souls.



Suggested Reading From The GRAIL MESSAGE: Appendix: The Ten Commandments

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The Mastermind Group

In the midst of despair, however, helpers in the service of the Grail will begin their task! The great construction begins. No one else is able to bring help to the broken....
Abdruschin, "Submission" – Resonance 1: Vol.20.
The Mastermind Teachings is essentially an invitation to quicken the rhythm of your spiritual evolution. Master John, along with the Helpers in the Beyond, see how people are suffering for lack of this spiritual knowledge which is necessary for them to live well. This lack of knowledge and also ignorance means that we often do not know how to act well in certain situations and in certain problems that come our way in our lives.

Readers of the Grail Message do have the Teachings of the Lord which should help us to act well in any situation that arises in front of us, in our lives. But often the Principals and Spiritual Helpers can see how people do not act on this knowledge when they find themselves in a situation where they have to use their knowledge to get by.

For humanity to begin to grasp and live these never-before-given teachings in their purity so as to act well, therefore, there has be a shift in our mindset, which shapes our backgrounds of interpretation. A reprogramming of our subconscious (awakening) mind*, which in our awakening convictions has so far caused distortions and resulting confusion in the experiencing of many things in our lives.

It is with the joy in seeing our present human spiritual awakening that Master John offers these teachings, to help ALL humanity lift its mindset in the splendour of its pure form, so as to know how to behave rightly in given situations. Teachings that provide answers to questions that can help us in connecting our subconscious mind to its highest knowing: intuitive intelligence. In so doing, we give opening to the Light and no longer to grope in darkness in looking downward to our conscious (reasoning) mind – the lower personal "ego" which, in never coming to the point of experiencing spiritually therefore knows nothing, never truly lives ___
* The ability to think creatively and to understand concepts depend on our awareness factor termed the subconscious mind. It is in the subconscious mind that all our mental processes take place – without consciousness. Every thought we generate immediately takes on a form that embodies the expression that gives meaning of the thought in the subconscious mind. As we conceive a thought, the subconscious mind accepts, affirms, and advances with certainty the suggestion it receives whether the reciprocation is good or bad. As the edifice of order, judgement and reciprocity, therefore, the subconscious mind is responsible for the internal programming that forms our beliefs, memories of experience, judgments and habits; in other words, it forms our mindset.

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