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September 29, 2023

Having the Grace of God to be at the service of the Light during your life on Earth…AT WHAT AGE CAN ONE BEGIN ONE’S MISSION?

– From Master John

Having the Grace of God to be at the service of the Light during your life on Earth, AT WHAT AGE CAN ONE BEGIN ONE’S MISSION?
Servants of the Light on a spiritual mission on Earth are sent here to help human beings in their spiritual evolution. A servant on a mission of Light on Earth is not here for the first time on a mission of Light. They have already been incarnated several times and in different parts of the world on a mission of Light.
Some servants sent on mission on Earth have had the grace from God to be at the service of the Light during their life on Earth where they are sent on mission. Some accomplish their mission, others fail, thinking that they will return one or more times to complete the mission.

Some of these servants who have failed in their mission on Earth, when they return to the Beyond and become aware of what they have failed to do on Earth, ask the Light for the grace to return to complete what they have not done. Many of them return to the very place where they were on mission in a previous life, to try and make up for lost time and do what they were unable to do in their mission in that past incarnation.
The process of the Light for the incarnation for human beings on Earth is that a blindfold is placed over their eyes so that they cannot see or be influenced in their present life by what happened in their past incarnation. This is what the Light want so as to allow people to live in the present, which has much to offer them in their lives for their spiritual evolution.
Human beings are here on Earth to do God's Will, just as they are in Heaven for their well-being and spiritual evolution. To do this, human beings must lead a lifestyle that conforms to God's Laws, which govern all Creation in a self-active way. By leading such a life, human beings become connected to the Light to which they open themselves, attracting the FORCE of the Light within them, which will help them in many areas of their lives, in particular to untie the many ties that bind them to their evil deeds and prevent them from evolving spiritually and for their well-being.
A human being living on Earth is not here for the first time; he or she is an old soul who has lived several lives on Earth and is returning to Earth in a new incarnation for new experiences in order to evolve spiritually.

In each new incarnation on Earth, this old soul, which is not innocent, as we say of a new-born child, is still linked to all its works produced by each of its thoughts, words and actions in all its past lives.
The soul's greatest task will be to make the necessary effort to recognize the Laws of God and to live by them, in order to cut the ties with its bad actions, which are the products of what it did wrong in its past lives and which follow it, until it gets rid of them by redeeming itself in a life in accordance with the Laws of God.
The untying of the links with the bad deeds of previous lives makes possible the spiritual evolution of the human spirit, which is thus connected to the Light.
Although it can be helpful for some people to have certain revelations about what they have done in their past lives that are affecting them in their present lives, it is not always necessary for spiritual evolution.
You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free!
Knowing the Truth, the teachings of the Light, of the Word, and putting them into practice, is what's important if you want to connect with the FORCE of the Light that will touch your spirit, activate all the spiritual abilities in your mind that will be activated, awakened, brought to their development, to their blossoming, and you will evolve spiritually.
A bad way of living, a way of life that does not conform to the Laws of God, produces bad deeds to which you are bound until they are redeemed, until they are brought to an end. These bad deeds are the source of those misfortunes in your life for which you have no explanation for. They prevent you from attracting the FORCE of Light within you, which means that your abilities, your gifts, your talents and other aptitudes and abilities that lie dormant in your spirit are not activated, and you do not evolve spiritually. 
Instead, you must concentrate on the need to understand the teachings of the Light and, above all, to apply them with true love of neighbour. In complete ignorance of what you did wrong in your previous lives, you will be able to untie certain threads and redeem certain things you did wrong in your previous lives, and which were the causes of the misfortunes you are experiencing in the present life without any explanation.
Live in the present, which contains everything you need to know about the Truth, the Will of God, the Laws of God that govern all Creation. You will know what you must do, how to lead a life in accordance with the Laws of God, which will help you to cut your ties with the evil deeds of your past lives, thus freeing you and furthering your spiritual evolution.
You will know what is good and what is evil, so that you can choose only that which is good according to the Will of God, in order to attract within yourself the FORCE of Light, which will help you in many ways in your life, for your well-being and your spiritual evolution.
Trying to find out what you have done wrong in your past lives is not always necessary or useful for untying the links from past lives that are holding back your spiritual evolution and well-being.
For those people who have a heavy and very charged past, knowing their past can lead to reactions and behaviours that do not lead them on the just and simple path of atonement for their faults, that path which consists of knowing the Laws of God, understanding them and putting them into practice in their lives, and let the self-active action of the Laws of God that govern everything take care of the rest, giving them what they should have.
You have given birth to these bad actions to which you are bound by a free choice to lead a bad life contrary to the Laws of God, and which bring you all the misfortunes in your life for which you have no explanation.
In the same way and with the same logic, you will be active in your life to lead a life in conformity with the Laws of God, to attract within yourself the FORCE of Light which will gradually help you to cut your many links with your bad actions of past lives. You will be free to evolve spiritually and for your own well-being by leading a life that conforms to God's Laws.
The effort required for this will not be easy, and there is no place for hypocrisy. God's Laws are Just, Perfect and Incorruptible. They give everyone his due. 
Each soul is guided to incarnate in a place, an environment where all the conditions are present to help it untie the links of its past lives.
A criminal who sacrificed many people in a previous life. After his death, he will be led on that path that will take him through differing places where he will live through the harshest experiences that are the consequences of all the evil he has done on Earth. From these intense and unbearable experiences, he learns life lessons that will lead him to understand his situation and to promise never to make the same mistakes again, so as not to go through the same ordeal again. You reap what you sow.
Such a person, in this case a criminal, takes with him all his bad character and the lessons he has learnt about what is good and what is bad through his harsh experiences on his journey to the Beyond. It is only when he has the Grace of God to reincarnate on Earth that he will be able to redeem all the evil that he has done, and that he will only have to redeem on Earth.
The Just, Perfect and Incorruptible Laws of God, which govern all Creation in a self-active way, will lead this person to incarnate in an environment, a circle of people with a bad criminal life, negative thoughts of criminality, and where all the circumstances are combined to help him or her to reject evil and choose only good for his or her spiritual evolution.
By living among these people who have the same faults as he had when he lived on Earth, the criminal, in this case, will have several opportunities during his life on Earth to find himself in circumstances and situations where he will have to clearly discern good and evil by reflection with the help of his abilities of the spirit, his intuition, and the teachings in his memory box from his previous lives.
He will have to make an effort not to let himself be influenced and follow what people do wrong, which he must reject and choose only the right path. Otherwise, by following evil again, he will revive and strengthen the evil he carries within him from his previous lives, which he has not yet redeemed and from which he has not yet freed himself.
All this is part of the Light's process of helping human beings to untie the links with their bad deeds of past lives, born out of a way of life that does not conform to God's Laws and which are the source of misfortune and suffering in their lives, preventing them from evolving spiritually and living a good life.
A servant who has failed in his mission by becoming a criminal, a bandit, and who has received the Grace of God to be reincarnated on Earth, the Light will send him to this circle of evildoers where he will have the opportunity to untie his past ties. He must strive to free himself from these people by condemning what they do and helping them to change their evil ways.
When this criminal succeeds in helping even one person to leave this filthy life, he is helping himself. This is the stage in the process of untying the thread that binds him to this type of evil work born of his defect, from which he has just helped someone living on Earth who had this defect to get out.
It is not easy, nor is it impossible, to untie the threads that bind you to your past bad deeds, born of your bad way of living, contrary to God's Laws in thought, word and deed, and whose bitter consequences you will suffer in your life.
Darkness and its agents do not leave alone the servants on mission on Earth and all those who choose to live according to God's Laws. The Evil One knows very well the servants who are incarnated for a mission, and he sends his agents to watch over them, to put obstacles and traps in their path, and even to attack them so that they do not recognize their mission, and even if they do recognize it, so that they do not succeed in accomplishing it.
There are many servants on mission who do not recognize themselves as such, and who act badly. But deep down, they are struggling with a burning need to do good, but unfortunately they don't manage to do good, they rather feel as if they are being pushed to do nothing but evil.
A woman who has prostituted herself in a previous life carries with her the attitude and tendency to prostitute herself in her new incarnation on Earth. This is how a young girl of a certain age can be led to adopt seductive behaviour and attitudes towards boys and men, much to the astonishment of her parents and those around her.
No one knows that this young girl was a prostitute in one or more of her previous lives.
She had the Grace of God to reincarnate in order to untie these links of prostitution, by living in an environment where she has had opportunities to live with girls who act in this way and where she would recognize this defect which she would condemn, reject, refuse, and try to help by teaching those who are stuck in it to get out of it.

Parents need to be aware of what attracts, disturbs or repels their children from an early age. A real mother should not let her little girl be carried around all the time or to have physical contact with men. The point is to prevent this physical contact with men from awakening the instinct for sensuality that lies dormant in the child and that she brings with her from her previous lives in prostitution, which she had the Grace of God to get rid of in a new incarnation on earth. Everything she has done in her past lives is in her memory box.
A heavy smoker who reincarnates on Earth in a new life, instead of undoing his association with smokers, lets himself be influenced and is again disturbed by cigarettes to which he has already been hooked from an early age.
Parents who are aware of the harmful effects of smoking worry about their child who is already smoking at an early age. What they do not know is that this child is an old soul in a young, a new body, who had a passion for cigarettes in his previous lives and who had the Grace of God to incarnate in order to get rid of this passion in order to evolve spiritually and for his own good. However, once on Earth, he lets himself be influenced, resumes and continues his bad and harmful habit of smoking, reinforcing even more his links with this defect of cigarettes.
Parents, for their part, should refrain from doing certain things in front of their children so as not to prematurely awaken in the child certain dormant things in its life by imitating what the parents do and see or hear.

Show and always be a good example to the children who incarnate in your family to help them untie the links of the past so that they can evolve spiritually and for their well-being.
Children can be attracted to your shortcomings, and in your efforts to help them evolve spiritually, they can also help you in return. Children are often inspired by teachers at school because they see them as good examples to follow. These teachers help the children at school. There are also good parents who help children evolve in life, and there are also examples of children learning spiritual teachings from an early age. You see this phenomenon of "child pastors" who preach the Word like adults.
Some servants, even when they are still young, feel pushed to say what they feel and what bubbles up inside, which is often the truth. When they find themselves with adults who are talking and they hear that what these adults are saying is not true, they sense it, and they tend to intervene to point it out to the adults and tell them the truth. But they refrain from doing so, because they know that the adults will disregard what they say and dismiss them as being when they are still too young and not knowledgeable enough to interfere in adult affairs.
The perception: Adults are always right, children know nothing at all, even if some of them are servants on a mission on Earth.
We have the example of the life of the child JESUS Who gave teachings and advice to his father Joseph when He was only seven (7) years old. MARY often forgot that Jesus was a special child. She could not believe that Jesus could say things that contradicted what adults had known for a long time.
The LORD was a child when HE began His Mission in His family. He had been praying for His father, who was snoring while taking a nap in the armchair in the living room. He snored so loudly that it disturbed everyone in the house. Something had to be done. The Lord closed His eyes in prayer, imitating the priest in church.
He was in deep concentration and attracted the FORCE which stopped and cured His father of his snoring. He was frightened when He saw that His father had stopped snoring and was calm. He ran to His mother to tell her that His father had died, without saying anything that it was the effect of His prayer to the Light that had been answered to cure His father's snoring problem, which had become like a disease. He could not expect or think that, as a result of His prayer, His father's snoring, which had had gone on for so long and disturbed everyone, could stop so suddenly, and when He saw that His father was calm, His immediate reaction was to think that His father had died.

Read Story: Chapter 3, Story 4, “The Child Oskar Ernst”, My Life in the Vomperberg Era.
There are many child-servants on Earth who can do many things without their parents realizing what they are doing. We must not overlook some of the things that children say and can do. For example, some parents whose children become pastors can recognize in their children some of the things they did when they were young.
The Light sends servants on mission on Earth to help people in differing ways. This help can be given by word, thought or deed, and there is no fixed age at which a servant begins to think, speak and act in accordance with his or her mission.
Given that everything related to ones mission has been inside one since birth, it is normal and understandable that a servant on mission who is still a child will begin to show in his or her life signs and characteristics of a particular child unlike any other. He will do things of his own age that are part of his mission, without himself or those around him knowing that what the child is doing is part of his mission as a servant of the Light, even through he is still a child. Child servants think that what they are doing, which sometimes surprises adults, is a normal act, while adults wonder where these children of this age have gone to find this knowledge which is true but reserved for adults.
Among the "Hero" children, there are servants of the Light on a mission on Earth to help people in a specific way.
Every servant on mission on Earth has a story about something they did as a child that amazed people. These children show particular signs and have character traits that will develop through experience and help them to act as servants on a mission of Light on Earth.
A child may say that he is a servant of God, adults may not believe it, but with the experiences of children, adults will say that later, this child can become a servant or a pastor. Everything is in the memory box of this child who is an old soul in a young body for a new life as a servant of the Light on Earth.  Everything in his memory box will be activated and developed as he grows.
The free will of a servant on a mission to choose the path to follow in his life comes at a certain age at a certain time in his life.  Servants who are still young and who have chosen the path of the LIGHT OF TRUTH in their youth, their development begins at a certain age.
Parents can also be of precious help in supporting and guiding these children who are servants of the Light during their childhood. But everyone has their own path to follow for their spiritual evolution. Servants on mission are all accompanied by the Force of Light during their incarnation on Earth. When a servant leaves his mother's womb, the Light sees him or her and considers him or her to be a servant on a mission on Earth. The Light does not wait for servants to become adults before considering them as such. They are servants of the Light on a mission on Earth when they are born on Earth.
You have the accounts of the lives of the two Sons of God, at what age and how they acted and intervened in certain matters with teachings and advice that astonished adults who did not consider them simply because they were children.
Servants need time to prepare themselves for the realities of carrying out a mission of Light, of confronting and dealing with people.  It's not an easy job. The servant must prepare himself well so that he also has enough of the spiritual knowledge that people need and that he must pass on to them in his mission. That is why the Light asks the servants on mission not to rush to confront people, because the Evil One will not let them do the Will of God easily, which he fights with his agents.
During the period of preparation, the servants open themselves up to the Light, they attract the Force of the Light which will activate their spiritual abilities within them. The Power of God accompanies them, protects them and gives them this conviction in the Will of God, so that they have the necessary courage to accomplish their mission.
Many servants of the Light on a mission, without experience or knowledge, without prior preparation, end up failing in their mission because of the many obstacles, traps and dangers placed in their path by the Evil One and his agents, which they were not prepared to face and overcome.  They fall into the many traps of darkness and its agents.
The two Sons of God also needed a lot of time to prepare for their mission on Earth.
A mission of Light is not easy in this world in which you live. Don't let your intellect make you think it's easy. 
What servants on mission must always remember is to seek to know and do the Will of God. You also have the invaluable help of the Teachings to help you do the mission of the Light well, follow the advice given in the Word of THE LIGHT OF TRUTH.


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The Mastermind Group

In the midst of despair, however, helpers in the service of the Grail will begin their task! The great construction begins. No one else is able to bring help to the broken....
Abdruschin, "Submission" – Resonance 1: Vol.20.
The Mastermind Teachings is essentially an invitation to quicken the rhythm of your spiritual evolution. Master John, along with the Helpers in the Beyond, see how people are suffering for lack of this spiritual knowledge which is necessary for them to live well. This lack of knowledge and also ignorance means that we often do not know how to act well in certain situations and in certain problems that come our way in our lives.

Readers of the Grail Message do have the Teachings of the Lord which should help us to act well in any situation that arises in front of us, in our lives. But often the Principals and Spiritual Helpers can see how people do not act on this knowledge when they find themselves in a situation where they have to use their knowledge to get by.

For humanity to begin to grasp and live these never-before-given teachings in their purity so as to act well, therefore, there has be a shift in our mindset, which shapes our backgrounds of interpretation. A reprogramming of our subconscious (awakening) mind*, which in our awakening convictions has so far caused distortions and resulting confusion in the experiencing of many things in our lives.

It is with the joy in seeing our present human spiritual awakening that Master John offers these teachings, to help ALL humanity lift its mindset in the splendour of its pure form, so as to know how to behave rightly in given situations. Teachings that provide answers to questions that can help us in connecting our subconscious mind to its highest knowing: intuitive intelligence. In so doing, we give opening to the Light and no longer to grope in darkness in looking downward to our conscious (reasoning) mind – the lower personal "ego" which, in never coming to the point of experiencing spiritually therefore knows nothing, never truly lives ___
* The ability to think creatively and to understand concepts depend on our awareness factor termed the subconscious mind. It is in the subconscious mind that all our mental processes take place – without consciousness. Every thought we generate immediately takes on a form that embodies the expression that gives meaning of the thought in the subconscious mind. As we conceive a thought, the subconscious mind accepts, affirms, and advances with certainty the suggestion it receives whether the reciprocation is good or bad. As the edifice of order, judgement and reciprocity, therefore, the subconscious mind is responsible for the internal programming that forms our beliefs, memories of experience, judgments and habits; in other words, it forms our mindset.

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